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Non-Region Lords can build buildings.

Started by Thehatter, May 15, 2014, 06:13:33 PM

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Summery: Non-Region lords can build guild and temples in a region.

Details: Gives non landed nobles the chance to build temples and guilds in the region with the lords permission. Have their be an option that the non-Lord can place the 400 gold and a letter to the lord and he can decide if he wants the building in his region. If he agrees then the building is build if not then he keeps 100 of the gold and the rest is sent back to the noble that requested it be built.

Benefit: Say if a priest converted a lord to their religion, the lord will not have to track half way across the island if their is no temple close by.

Exploits: probably many but I will let others think of them.


Quote from: Motosuwa on May 15, 2014, 06:13:33 PM
Benefit: Say if a priest converted a lord to their religion, the lord will not have to track half way across the island if their is no temple close by.

Actually, you just have to meet the priest in person to convert.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Well then....

Seems like I would make a bad priest, lol.


Building buildings is a perk of lordship. Want to build a guild house or temple? Become a lord. And no, that's not always easy. Nor should it be.

Alternatively, find some other way to get it done. Invite the lord into your guild, and let him build the guild house. Or let him start the guild for you.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on May 15, 2014, 09:36:32 PM
Building buildings is a perk of lordship. Want to build a guild house or temple? Become a lord. And no, that's not always easy. Nor should it be.

Alternatively, find some other way to get it done. Invite the lord into your guild, and let him build the guild house. Or let him start the guild for you.

I don't think this radically changes that. At the end of the day, the Lord still makes the choice and could stand to gain 100 gold even if he ignores the request. Plus, the lord always has the option to tear it down again with no prior notice.

If it was just "pay a premium, get a building", then yeah, I'd agree with you.


Essentially, what this request does is allow the lord to build a guildhouse or temple without being part of the guild or religion.

The ability of a lord to build a temple to a religion of which he is not a member has been routinely rejected in the past. I don't really see this changing. Send an elder priest to give him a private sermon to convert, then he can build the temple.

As far as guilds go, just invite the lord into the guild and then have him build the guildhouse. (Or have him build it, promote you to leadership, then leave.) Yes, he may have to travel to join your guild. But your job is to make membership in the guild, or its presence in his region, worth something to him.

I don't really see any particular need for code changes to get this done.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on May 15, 2014, 09:36:32 PM
Building buildings is a perk of lordship. Want to build a guild house or temple? Become a lord. And no, that's not always easy. Nor should it be.

Alternatively, find some other way to get it done. Invite the lord into your guild, and let him build the guild house. Or let him start the guild for you.

I'd like to see knights be able to build secret society buildings. Anything public (like guilds and religions) make sense as 'the domain of the lord', but a secret haven that a knight can build and maintain would make them feel invested in the region.
Eoric the Dim (Perdan), Enoch the Bright (Asylon), Emeric the Dark (Obsidian Islands)

Orobos, The Insatiable Snake (Sandalak)


Quote from: Indirik on May 16, 2014, 11:16:58 PM
Essentially, what this request does is allow the lord to build a guildhouse or temple without being part of the guild or religion.

The ability of a lord to build a temple to a religion of which he is not a member has been routinely rejected in the past. I don't really see this changing. Send an elder priest to give him a private sermon to convert, then he can build the temple.

As far as guilds go, just invite the lord into the guild and then have him build the guildhouse. (Or have him build it, promote you to leadership, then leave.) Yes, he may have to travel to join your guild. But your job is to make membership in the guild, or its presence in his region, worth something to him.

I don't really see any particular need for code changes to get this done.

Do we know why that's been rejected in the past? It doesn't seem particularly harmful or anything. Especially because, as you say, there are ways around it that require low levels of permanence.

In my eyes, I'm not advocating for making it easier or getting around that block; I'm looking at the possibility of another knight/lord interaction that gives the lord power and a chance to impose his will with a potentially tough angle.


It would certainly make sense that a knight could create a secret society.  Perhaps the restriction should be partial, Lords build public buildings while a knight can build a private members club of some description.


Quote from: Eirikr on May 21, 2014, 05:20:55 AM
Do we know why that's been rejected in the past? It doesn't seem particularly harmful or anything. Especially because, as you say, there are ways around it that require low levels of permanence.
Some forum or wiki searching may reveal some discussion on it. I don't remember, off-hand.

QuoteIn my eyes, I'm not advocating for making it easier or getting around that block; I'm looking at the possibility of another knight/lord interaction that gives the lord power and a chance to impose his will with a potentially tough angle.
I don't really see how the system proposed allows or requires any more interaction that the knight simply asking his lord to do it. In fact, it allows the process to be completed with significantly *less* interaction. All the knight has to do is click a button, and the lord clicks a button. No interaction required. If interaction is your goal, then you don't want a mechanic to do it. You want the knight to have to write his lord a letter, and the lord to write a letter back to the knight.

I'm not really seeing any benefits to this proposed mechanic, other than allowing guildhouses to be built by non-member lords. And I'm not really seeing that as being all that desirable.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I disagree, a knight may be on the fringes of his realm, building a secret society guild house could be the foundations of a rebel movement where the rebels actually know who each other are and can plan to overthrow or be otherwise and interestingly nefarious.  I really think it could add something to the knight game and may combat a little of the old boys network that seems to permeate some of the realms.


Anything that enhances the knight game experience is worth looking at.