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Respect your enemy

Started by BarticaBoat, June 11, 2014, 05:25:34 AM

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Roleplay from Kartet ka Habb   
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message to everyone in Meneriel
Soldiers of Kartet ka Habb have been seen committing random acts of violence.
The locals now fear Talerium a lot more than before. These locals now like Talerium a lot less.

The men of the Might of The Word led by Kartet, Warlord of Talerium have been patrolling the countryside of Meneriel for a few days now. Though the peasants outnumber the soldiers roughly 20 to 1 the savagery of the Taleri combined with the growing lawlessness leaves a chill in the air. As he and his retinue saunter through a small village the doors are shut and peasants nervously peek from the windows. There is a small statue of sorts in the middle of the village and as the Taleri approach an elderly man jumps out arms outstretched. He cries out attempting to block the path.

"What is this?" Kartet snarls, staying his men with an outstretched hand.

"S-stop! In the name of Saint Montague I demand you turn back! Do not deface this shrine!" the old priest stammers, though to his credit standing his ground quite firmly.

Kartet smirks, thinking for a moment. His contemplation is cut off by a rock whizzing by him and striking a scribe quite firmly in the side of the head, knocking him from the horse. He grimaces as he looks over and sees a young man calling out "Eat camel !@#$ Taleri scum!" before ducking behind one of the homes.

His men erupt into howls of anger, begging their lord to let them loose like a pack of dogs. He dismounts his horse and grabs the old man by his collar shoving him into the small shrine. Placing his sword upon the old man's neck Kartet turns back, "Beat any man older than 12, cut the hair off the women, string up the children by their ankles, and bring me the one who threw the stone!" His men once more erupt into a cacophony of noise, sounding horns as they disperse and begin kicking down doors. The screams of the men being beat, the cries of women as they are dragged by their hair, and the wailing of children tied upside down begins to drown out even the loudest of the horns.

"W-why..." stammers the old man, gulping against the blade "Why us?"

"Because these lands will become Taleri," Kartet sneers, "Your clan and clansmen may live as you have, but they will bow to the Taleri Republic. And trust me, I would have rather done this peacefully, but you can only be called so many insults involving camels before you realize there is a far easier way." He turns back to survey the work of his men.

"What vile damned gods do you follow that allow you to do this? How can such dishonour exist in the face of the Warrior Saints?" The priest spits with a little more venom. Kartet shakes his head.

"You don't understand..." Kartet nods up towards the shrine, "Your Saints are our gods by a different name. Our gods are your saints. I mean, you are not totally correct but your faith comes decently close to the truth of The Word." The priest is aghast, but before he can reply Taleri soldiers carrying a badly beaten young man come forward throwing him to the ground in front of the Warlord. Kartet tosses the priest to the ground and pulls the young man by his hair to his feet. Turning him towards the shrine Kartet pulls his hair harder.  "Are you religious?" he growls. The young man nods briefly attempting to maintain his composure.  Kartet smiles, "Then become an acolyte to Saint Montague" and in a swift motion cuts off the young man's nose, drives the sword through his cheeks, and slashes open his mouth leaving a wide bloody grin. The boy cries out, tears streaming.  Kartet tosses him roughly in front of the shrine.

The priest trembles in anger. Kartet turns back to his men, thoroughly satisfied with brutalizing the village. He announces loudly "Let us pay homage to this shrine. Their saints are our Guiding Spirits, aspects of the Creator. We shall honour their Saint Montague as we honour Xanio the True." His men bow their heads and begin murmuring their own prayers; Kartet opts to fall to his knees, hands outstretched towards the shrine, chanting slowly. The villagers watch in awe as the Taleri pray fervently. As each of the Taleri soldiers finishes his prayer, he tosses a copper or silver coin towards the shrine. Kartet finally finishes, a time after his men, and stands up. He pulls out three gold coins, raises them high still murmuring his prayer, and places them in front of the shrine. He bows again at the shrine and turns back. Mounting his horse, he rides up and spits on the still squirming young man, "Filth." He waves his men forward and they ride out towards the next village.