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Started by Sacha, June 27, 2014, 10:38:05 PM

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So I bought the game too... any tips?
Ardet nec consumitur.


Haven't played in a while thanks to Chivalry but these tips should be valid.

-Don't go near zombies unless you have an axe. Try to avoid them if possible, use stealth if you can to kill them. If they do attack, just keep moving and swing at their heads. Don't use guns unless you're getting crowded, you'll only attract more zombies (and players).
-Stay hidden and alert. It's best to take the time to carefully scout your surroundings before proceeding. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they don't see you.
-If you see people, observe them, don't just run up and say hi. That'll get you shot. Be on the lookout for bandit uniforms (clown masks, stuff like that). Never trust anyone, and if you do run with strangers, try to keep them in a position where they can't surprise you. Even after helping you for an hour they can turn on you.
-Stay hydrated and energized. You'll heal faster and be able to take more damage.
-Learn to navigate.
-Learn which buildings spawn the loot you need, so you don't have to scavenge every single house.
-Don't hoard. In the beginning you'll tend to pick up anything that looks useful, but a lot of it is junk. Food, water, ammunition. Determine your survival style and scavenge accordingly. You don't have to take every handgun you find.
-Always have a sharp object on you to open cans with. Unless you have a can opener, you need blades to open them. Screwdrivers and kitchen knives spill the least food.


Oh, and don't get attached to your gear. You will get killed and lose it all at some point.


Running circles around zombies while swinging at them is the safest way to take them down, I've found.
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


So... they've added a vehicle, the V3S truck, in the experimental branch. Vroom vroom mother!@#$ers!