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Started by Sacha, June 27, 2014, 10:38:05 PM

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Does anyone here play DayZ? I recently bougt the standalone version, and I must say it's very interesting, and definitely the most realistic post-apocalyptic online game to date. Still quite buggy, with zombies sometimes clipping through walls and stuff like that, but I don't mind at all.

Even though I haven't made it longer than 2 hours before dying and even failed to obtain even a working gun, I get sucked into the game, creeping through bushes and houses desperate to find useful things, freezing every time I see movement or hear odd noises, feeling victorious over finding something as mundane as a pair of hiking boots, ... this is The Walking Dead minus all the tedious drama. Other survivors tend to be more dangerous than zombies, and you can literally get shot through the neck from 200 yards out out of nowhere just because you walked into someone's line of sight. The few times I've spotted other people I made very sure to run and hide. I like that being dead means just that. No revives, no getting your loot back, and death lurks around every corner. Definitely the most tense game I've played since F.E.A.R. just came out.


The game sounds interesting, I'll probably give it a try soon. :)

EDIT: Did it by any chance surface on Steam some time earlier this year? The name sounds familiar.
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


Yeah, it is originally a mod for a game called Arma, which was so popular they decided to make it a standalone game. Right now it's still in alpha stage, so quite buggy sometimes like zombies running through walls and closed doors, but still worth the money. And buy the alpha for cheaper now, you get the full game in the end.


Nobody? That makes me a saaaaaad panda.


I actually just got it, haven't gotten into it yet though.
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


Heh... Stabbity vs Chernarus. Should be interesting.


Just bought it. Going to install it tomorrow and give it a whirl. Steam user (I'm not sure what to do actually) is Rochefort.
Returning player, player of the Haerthorne family, marketing team member, and prospective fixer-upper-er of the wiki.


Steam id is mizr659.
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.



So I played for about two hours today. Died three times. Twice on hardcore, once on regular. On my first go I got onto a hardcore server, and immediately ran into someone, and to my surprise, despite them having an axe, they did not brutally murder me. So we teamed up and went on a rolling, looting stuff. We looted a police station and my partner got a .22. We ran into another guy (hereinafter referred to as Blackie) and teamed with him as well, and moved onto another town after looting the first one dry. We found another a police station, this one had two guns in it. Some sort of repeater and a shotgun. I got the .22, my first partner got the repeater and Blackie got the shotgun. It wasn't long after this until things went down hill. I didn't have a magazine for the .22 so I had to manually chamber rounds (pain in the ass), and we continued looting. We went into a multiple story building, and that is when Blackie turned. He fired at me, and I ran downstairs yelling for my partner, and I got shot at the bottom of the stairs, breaking a bone. I proceeded to crawl as far as I could, warning my partner, and then fired a single shot at Blackie. I don't know if I hit or not, because he fired too, and it killed me. I don't know how things turned out for my dear friend, but I hope Blackie rots in the deepest pits of Hell.

I tried to return, but bled to death before I got there.

So I changed servers, and went on casual, and got rolling pretty well. I'm ended up looting an over/under hunting rifle and 12 rounds for it. I spray painted it green to make it a bit more camouflaged, and am also rocking a grey hoodie, a black motorcycle helmet, blue cargo pants, a pair of wellies, some work gloves and a spray painted black fire axe. I got into a desperate sniper battle with a group of dudes who were in an apartment building across from the one I was looting. I managed to kill a guy, but couldn't get down to see if he had anything worthwhile because his buddy was running up with a shotgun, so I fled upstairs and we shot back and forth for a bit, until they gave up and left. It was pretty intense. 
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


Do you have any idea where you're at? All the town markers are in Russian though :P I'm currently at the huge airfield in the north-west, fully geared.


Good god.

So the first thing to happen me. Go into the first house I see, start looking around getting to grips with the way things are. I make sure to close doors behind me because who knows what might happen, y'know? I want to have some kind of warning against whatever gets thrown at me at least. That's when it happens. I'm on the top floor and suddenly I get hit. Something hit me. I turn around and there's a person there with a bike helmet on and a crowbar in their hands. Apparently they bled out after that because they fell on the ground and I repeatedly punched them in the head hoping they would go away.

Realising they were dead I took their bike helmet and crowbar and puffy jacket before hightailing it out of there. I never did found out what they were running from.

Cue an hour and a bit of wandering around, no idea where I am, looking for loot. Find an axe, some better clothes, and a gun I have no ammunition for. See my first zombie too, but they're just standing there so I go the long way round.

Now it's gotten hot again. Sacha, I'm looking for better stuff and found an airfield in the NE I thought would be a good place to go. After discovering the wide open [unmapped] zone to the north I realised I was meant to go south. All fine until I passed through one town. Four zombies had to be killed to get through it. Bad news to start with I thought. It was on leaving that things got weird. I was periodically attacked by zombies charging at me from the direction of the town I had left. I quit the game for the night when a zombie glitched through a window and starting attacking me while I was drinking a pepsi.
Returning player, player of the Haerthorne family, marketing team member, and prospective fixer-upper-er of the wiki.


Airfields are good places for weapons and military gear, but because of that they are also some of the most dangerous places to be. I don't normally shoot on sight, but on airfields and on military bases, it's kill or be killed. The NE airfield is generally the least popular of the three (the others being NW Airfield, the big one, and the SW Airfield, which is deceptively small yet even more dangerous than the NWAF due to its proximity to Chernogorsk/Chapaevsk.

What I'd reccommend for you is to find medium towns, with police stations, hospitals and/or fire stations. Factories, barns, sheds and warehouses are also good for looting equipment. Piano houses are also good places. Wooden houses only spawn low grade loot, mostly useless clothing items and some food and drink, but more often they're just empty. Big cities like Chernogorsk, Elektrozavodsk, Berezino and Novodmitrovsk have every building except military, but see a lot of traffic, and bandits roam theses places like vermin looking for a kill.

Finally, unless you have an axe (splitting or firefighter's) or a working gun, do not engage zombies. Avoid them when possible, and if they spot you, just run like a bitch until they fall behind, and then run some more because these !@#$ers are tenacious. I had two of them chase me for well over 2 miles once, and whenever I thought I was safe and looked behind, I saw them coming from the distance, until finally I had enough of that !@#$ and I killed them with the brand new axe I had just picked up.

Edit: Anyone with brain cells to pair can navigate Chernarus like a breeze with this map. Real survivors use in-game maps though. And find a compass.


That was fun. Also I forgot to give you back your scope, Sacha. I also found an AK fully geared.
Returning player, player of the Haerthorne family, marketing team member, and prospective fixer-upper-er of the wiki.


AKM or AK-101? If it's the latter, you are the luckiest bastard on the planet, and some poor schmuck is crying himself to sleep for losing one of the best and rarest guns. Also I have about 5 or 6 AK-101 magazines.


Quote from: Sacha on August 12, 2014, 07:40:36 PM
AKM or AK-101? If it's the latter, you are the luckiest bastard on the planet, and some poor schmuck is crying himself to sleep for losing one of the best and rarest guns. Also I have about 5 or 6 AK-101 magazines.
I think the latter.
Returning player, player of the Haerthorne family, marketing team member, and prospective fixer-upper-er of the wiki.