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The Death of Loghain Mac Tir

Started by Mac Tir, June 30, 2014, 07:26:54 PM

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Mac Tir

Loghain hacked and slashed, his sword crimson with blood, his armour dented and battered. Throughout the battle he had been pierced by arrow and spear, and he was beginning to realize that he was not much longer for this world. He realized that for all their efforts, they would not drive the enemy back. His good friend Donovan had fallen earlier in the fray, and he had lost sight of him, presumably injured sufficiently that he had been forced to leave the battle.

A surge of adrenaline went through Loghain as he watched the banner of Gabanus smash into his daughter's unit. A battle cry erupted from his lips as he saw the enemy capture Anora. Whatever the result of this battle, they would not have his daughter. He and his men hacked and slashed their way through the seemingly endless mass of enemy soldiers, but it was like fighting against a raging current. As he watched his daughter bound in chains and dragged from the battlefield, he felt a sharp sting, and everything faded to black.....

OOC: Not the greatest, but it's what I've come up with on the fly. Sucks though, character was getting fun to play, and I had had a really bad feeling about the battle right before turn change.


Your family member Loghain killer Roleplay.

Roleplay from Leondegrance Of Astora   (5 hours, 14 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Westmoor (65 recipients)
As the siege tower finally reached the tall walls of the city under siege, Leondegrance ordered his men into a frenzied jump over the walls. Guards of Astora poured in like the raging river, slicing and smashing everything in their path. Leondegrance was assigned to take and hold the northern tower of the city and his only desire was to complete the task set before him. He rushed forward with his men only to be stopped by what seemed to be a high commander of Fallangard forces, who stood alone on the tower, proud and alone after his men were slaughtered or thrown down from the walls. Leondegrance did not know him nor did he care. He ordered his men to stay behind as he carefully approached his opponent. The gust wind started to blow as the two men faced each other atop the tower. Leondegrance's cerulean cape started to squirm as he started to swing his longsword towards his opponent. Attack after attack, parry after parry, the Fallangardian was no match for the Astoran sword that was swung royally by this young knight of Oligarch. Eventually, the Fallangardian defense broke, his shield fell down and cold steel pierced this man's chest. But as Leondegrance was pulling the sword out from the dead opponent it appeared that he was not so dead after all. He pulled Leondegrance's knee which caused him to lose balance and the two of them fell down from atop the tall tower and into the water that surrounded the city. After several minutes only one man came out and it was Leondegrance. Battered and torn, he started to walk towards the retread soldiers and allies who have greeted him with the ecstatic shouts of victory and praise.
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)

Mac Tir

Ya that came out after I already posted mine here. Not sure which one I like better, or which one gets preference as canon.


Quote from: Mac Tir on July 01, 2014, 05:10:37 AM
Ya that came out after I already posted mine here. Not sure which one I like better, or which one gets preference as canon.
Maybe you can combine both, whichever one you prefer. I feel both Roleplays are quite good, though no preference for which one too :-\
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)

Mac Tir

I was thinking about combining them, or doing a perspective at least. Was also wanting to write from Anora's perspective. Will have to wait a bit as she's been captured.

It sucks. I realize the whole wait period before I can do anything with loghain is so I can cool off about it, but at the same time I also want to jump right back into it.

Mac Tir

For any interested parties, I was planning on roleplaying Loghain's funeral tomorrow (it's about 2330 where I'm at). Here is the initial RP I was going to start off with:

The Funeral of Loghain Mac Tir:

Anora awoke to the chirping of birds in a bed of Supran Cotton.
She only vaguely remembered her arrival at her father's estate the night before.

Her estate. For it was her father's no more. Cut down by an Astoran sword wielded
against the peoples of Westmoor for whom her father had led a valiant defense.
But all had been in vain. Despite everything their city had fallen, and her father
along with it. Anora herself had been captured by enemy soldiers, and only been
released so that she might properly grieve.

She crossed the room to her fa- her wardrobe. Many of the things in it were still
her father's, several matching sets of pants and tunics, meant for daily wear,
and a more formal outfit intended for similarily formal events. All of these were
emblazoned with the Mac Tir crest, a golden dragon rampant upon a sable field.

At least she had some of her own clothes brought here, or she would have looked
rather foolish in her father's garments, being decidely more petite than him.

Skimming through the clothes hastily brought here by her servants, Anora picked
out the gown she would wear for the ceremony and the feast afterwards before
dressing herself in a simple gown of sheer Mashhadian silk.

After she was dressed Anora went out to the field where the ceremony would take
place. It was near the forest, but far enough away that no wayward spark could
chance setting it ablaze. The ring of stones had been established, and a sturdy
pyre had been built within. It was good that there had been little rainfall in
the past few days, the wood would be dry and catch easily.

Pleased with the preparations here, Anora turned and rode back to her estate.
She needed to ensure that everything else would be ready for when the guests

Mac Tir

RP from an attendee:

Roleplay from Donovan Montague   (5 hours, 42 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (23 recipients)
Donovan loathed funerals. The misery of an eternal farewell was always a bitter pain to bear, and he could only imagine the suffering of the MacTir Family at the loss of such a great man. His journey had left him worn and dirty, but Anora had been an astounding host upon his arrival by giving the footsore Marshal access to her estate's bath house. He was joined by his brother before long, Victor looking almost as weary, and as they soaked in the warmth of the baths, the two men talked of death and war. Victor firmly believed their role in this war had ended with Westmoor City's loss. Donovan disagreed. The two argued, at times so loudly it drew the house servants in a fearful panic, believing someone was moments from a physical fight.

Eventually, Victor left in a huff, leaving Donovan to sit and cool off. The time alone allowed him to review his position, where his personal code came into play, and whether or not he might possibly be wrong. When he left the bath to get dressed for the funeral, his mind was in knots, trying to untangle itself. He prepared for the event like a shade, no real thought or care to his movements, completely lost in thought. He had ordered ahead that funeral clothes be brought to Winkamus for himself and Victor. Donovan pulled on a white cotton shirt, lacing it up near the throat. Over it went a black doublet with long sleeves, hemmed and threaded with charcoal grey. His trousers were blackened cotton, stiff but comfortable and tucked into his polished marching boots. He wore his swordbelt, his Jyuuchi Fuyu and Terumi blades having been sharpened and polished by the estate's blacksmith, the scabbards also treated with similar care. With a sigh, he swept his crimson cloak over his shoulders and pinned it in place with a burnished emblem: a gold disk with a steel bridge painstakingly etched with cobblestones, and wreathed in ruby and amber flames. The only color he would permit on a day of morning, as a show of honor to the men he had fought and bled with...and those who had never returned.

He didn't really remember walking down to where the rest of the guests were gathering. Victor was present already, his clothing muted dark blues and grays. They avoided each other for most of the proceedings. Donovan approached Anora and gave his condolences to her and a young man he did not recognize. After that, there was the ceremony. He paid attention, sitting upright and pushing his thoughts aside for a time.

When the moment came for the guests to step forward and speak their final words to the deceased, Donovan waited patiently in line while again reviewing his quandary. He didn't reach a conclusion until it was his turn to stand before Loghain MacTir, Marshal of Panther Claw army. It was fortunate that the fatal blow was so easily hidden, and whoever had dressed the body had placed the man in a relaxed, quite repose. There was still a sterness in his face that Donovan remembered in life, but he also looked...content. Donovan bowed his head, and spoke words so softly that only the dead man would've heard.

"Loghain...though I was only your Vice Marshal for a short time, I considered it a great honor. You did everything you could to fight an implacable enemy. Your Sacrifice has reminded me of something important: That my duty is to Fallangard First, Her allies Second, and my own needs Third. I know now this war is over for us. Iskra and Victor are both right. Your daughter is right as well. I only wish we could have reached this conclusion before Perdan's idiocy and their savage agenda had cost you your life. Redeemer forgive the sins and burdens you bore in life, and may Hood personally meet you at his gate, and reunite you with all you loved who passed before you. Rest now, Marshal. Fallangard is in good hands."

He moved on then, and found his brother to apologize for his pig headedness...over a pint or two of good Fallangard Ale.

Mac Tir


Roleplay from Iskra Rousseau   (19 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (23 recipients)
Iskra was half dead with exhaustion. Sweat poured down his face and his breathing was quick and shallow. He was walking with a significant limp, one made steadily worse from his long march through Nascot. The poor beast he had once called Ivan died on the border with Bescannon and Nascot; tail in one region, lifeless eyes staring at the sky of the other. Ivan had done more than his duty to his master and realm; suffering from a sword gash and two arrows, compounded by a rampant infection it was a miracle that the horse even made it three steps past the walls of Westmoor City, let alone all the way to Nascot.

The High Marshal saw a signpost in the distance, just a little bit too far away to read comfortably. He trudged several dozen paces more and saw that it read, 'Welcome to Scio: Home of the Hill Folk'. Pausing there, using the post to bear most of his bulk, he rested and reflected on the previous few days. It had been a hard fought battle, but one that was lost before it began. He had been wounded twice, neither time seriously, but enough to keep him cooped up in a stuffy healing tent for a couple of days. His left leg would have throbbed if it had not gone numb from his long walk home. Blood soaked through the bandages that covered a deep axe wound. Iskra, unable to stand any longer slowly lowered himself to the ground and began to change his dressing. Using his one good eye, he gingerly removed the covering, applied oils, ointment and menthol leaves, finally recovering the laceration with a fresh cloth.

Glancing to his left by chance he saw a decrepit old sundial. Perhaps, it once belonged to a wealthier serf or a very poor merchant. That didn't concern him any, all that mattered was that the stone timepiece was still functional and told him the time was just after Eleven in the morning. With a grunt of pain and weariness, Iskra used the sign to hoist himself up. By his calculations it would be another full day's march to Winkamus. He hoped that against all odds he would not miss the funeral of Marshal MacTir. He would never forgive himself if he did. Loghain was an excellent leader and a trusted friend. Grieving, and sapped of all strength physical or mental, he trudged onward by sheer willpower.

************************************************************************************** *********************************************************

Iskra awoke slowly to the feeling of a warm cloth being placed on his forehead. He opened his eyes to see his younger brother Valic standing over him looking rather refreshed, well fed and well dressed.

"Well are you going to get off your sorry ass and go pay your respects, or are you simply going to lie there and stare at me like a fool" taunted the younger Rousseau

At that, the elder brother got up quickly and dressed hastily; wolfing down a quick meal of biscuits, fresh fruit and milk. The entire time he was being pelted by bits of parchment, thrown with surprising accuracy by his most cherished brother.

"Will you cease that nonsense at once! We are hear to show respect for a fallen Hero of Fallangard and a dear friend of mine. Stop being so childish and irreverent.", the he growled.

"A dear friend? I am not even sure that I had met our former Marshal more than thrice. However, I will desist if it means so much to you.", replied Valic upon receiving an icy glare from Iskra.

The two then proceeded to the out of the guest quarters and and towards the gathering in the main hall. Upon arriving Valic sat as close to the door in the rear as possible. While Iskra sat in the very first row seated between Victor and Donovan. When his time to speak came, he chose his words carefully and did not waste a single one.

"Count of Winkamus, Marshal of the Panther Claw Army Loghain MacTir was an unparallelled leader and a dear friend of mine.  He shall forever be remembered for his bravery, honesty and integrity. He led our forces better than any before him, and will be a rival to all who come after him. Rest in peace my friend. Your name will not die out for centuries to come."

Mac Tir


The ceremony was done, the guests had said their farewells, and honourable words
spoken for an honourable man. Now as the flames crackled and consumed the remains
of her father Anora was left in quiet reflection.

As the sun went down over the trees a chill breeze came down from the north, as
if to carry her father's spirit to his homeland of Tota, now buried under the ice.

Anora was surprised at how well the ceremony went. Tensions had been high ever
since the army's return, with many nobles undecided as to the role that
Fallangard was to play in continuing the war. Despite having chosen a side,
Anora had resolved to ensure that peace was kept during the ceremony and feast.
These were her guests, and she was responsible for their safety. As it was the
worst she had had to put up with was a rather heated argument between the
Montague brothers during their time in the bath house. Understandable given the
sibling rivalry.

She turned to look at her younger brother standing beside her. Despite just
coming of age, Cailan had taken his father's passing stoically. The two of them
knew that revenge would come in time, but that right now the needs of their
country grossly outweighed the personal need to exact vengeance.

Together they turned to rejoin the guests in the banquet hall. Over in the corner
Anora could see the Montague brothers talking together in a conciliatory manner.
The remains of several tankards of Fallangardian Ale lay sprawled across their
table, their past grievance in the bath house clearly forgotten.

As she looked upon the brothers, and Donovan particularly in a resplendant crimson
cloak, she came to a decision. "Brother, go and see to our guests, and do make a
speech introducing yourself to the realm."

Turning away, she put on her most demure smile, and approached the table where
the brothers sat. "Marshal Donovan, would you care to dance?"

Mac Tir

And Final one:

Roleplay from Donovan Montague   (17 hours, 41 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (23 recipients)
Donovan and Victor left Winkamus together the morning after the funeral. His head still pounding from the hangover resultant of he and Victor's drinking contest, he'd drawn his hood up to shield his eyes from the sun, and seemed to be slouched in his seat. "Ugh..." He grumbled, glancing at Victor, who looked pale and a little haggard, but otherwise seemed his usual composed self. "I'm getting too old for this, I think." Muttered the marshal. At that, Victor grinned and glanced at him. "You didn't seem so old when you were out there dancing with Anora..." He teased. Donovan blinked and stared at him for a moment.
