Author Topic: Spying (was: Re: An Open Letter to the BM Community)  (Read 16037 times)


  • Guest
When I said spying is bad for the game I meant all spying, be it IC, OOC or what ever. Sure, it might create fun for one individual as he giggles every time he shares something important. But that individuals fun comes at the expense of everyone else in the realm. They will all get less information, they will be included in fewer discussion, they will have a less open realm. They will have less fun playing the game as a result.

It doesn't even have to mean spying is frequent. Just that it happened some time and caused problems. Peoples minds remember the bad things very well.

That's why I've turned down several potential spies when I've been ruler. And I hope that's what more people would do. Just turn them down.

Or one could argue that it gets more involved as the information now reaches audiences outside of your realm as well. It depends on what the recipients do with it.

Something people against spying in general seem to imagine is a Snidely Whiplash type, maliciously sabotaging the realm for their own gratification. I don't disagree this happens, but I would hesitate that it represents all spying. I'd argue that it's fun to discover a spy or provide him with misinformation and see what happens... Or when you get that information and share it to your realm, who proceed to make fun of the enemy while the enemy spy brings it back and plans change again.