Author Topic: A different view about the surrender terms  (Read 8255 times)


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If you're going to come to the forums and toss around wild accusations, Bofeng, at least do us the courtesy of not misrepresenting the truth, leaving out inconvenient facts or just blatantly lying.

Your ruler surrendered with terms she obviously felt she could agree to. Immediately two of your lords defected or seceded (co-incidentally the two who would be required to give up territory under the treaty - I'm sure greed and selfishness played no role in their actions at all) and the rest of you rebelled with the stated purpose of repudiating the terms made. The ruler you rebelled against defected with her territory and without a word you then declared war on Zonasa. And you're apparently shocked that the Empire responded to defend her? I didn't notice you declaring war on Kindara or Sun'Sera, even though they took territory from you as well. In fact, 75% of the regions you have lost this war were taken by your allies or your own nobles. But apparently that's somehow our fault.

Yourself. This entire little rant is apparently about not wanting to give up Ansopen, yet you leave out the fact that we specifically told you, twice, that we were willing to negotiate on Ansopen. You ignore that and, again, that's apparently our fault. And we said you could have Taop back, a region taken from you by your ally. So these terms could actually have seen Cathay larger than it currently is. But no, we're the horrible unreasonable ones just trying to break poor little innocent Cathay.

I feel that bears repeating. If you had been willing to negotiate properly, Cathay could have ended up with more territory than it has now. But you'd rather piss and moan and complain about how poorly you've been treated. You've only yourselves to blame for that. So please work harder, Bofeng and the Marshals of Cathay.

I am not tossing wild accusations, but instead you, Velax, said the leadership in Cathay are idiots. In my eyes, your altitude is the biggest problem in FEI. If you keep treating people in such a manner, you can't expect to win the nobility of your opponents.

No. We never say it's your fault. Don't give yourself so many credits.. Losing the several regions is just the right price to get rid of the puppet Stephanie. And we all blame the former leadership to bring such chaos to Cathay. And we are so glad we managed to remove them.

Oh, no. We are the evil ones, as you try to paint us as. We even stole unique weapons from your majesty. Didn't you just broadcast our evil deeds including starting the war?

Regarding the negotiations, I said we only had difficulty on those three issues. Others were fine. But you were only able to discuss on the third point. Your letters were treated very seriously in Cathay, but at the end the council didn't believe you wanted to show us your mercy.

I am not moaning, but just have to defend our positions. You, Velax, have already conquered most part of the FEI, and we just want some voice out on the forum.