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Irdalni, Babar Elixir and Rajabuah

Started by Jaden, November 02, 2013, 02:53:55 AM

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A few days before

"M'lord, there have been reports of Babar threatening the safety of locals. There have been reports of a group of Babars attacking an outpost of 40 men and managing to kill around half of them." Captain Aldebrand reported

"How dare they rise up against me, how many were they in the attack?" Johan questioned.

Captain Aldebrand replied "M'lord, reports have varied between 10-12 Babar men armed with basic weapons."

"How did 40 heavily armed men managed to lose to 10 natives armed with nothing but sticks and stone? Captain, you have some explaining to do." Johan was questioned Aldebrand again.

"M'lord, it appears that they were intoxicated with some kind of elixir that made them feel no pain and fear no death, each Babar men were fighting off 5 men by themselves and their eyes were red with blood." Captain replied.

Johan was intrigued by the idea of the elixir that would have major benefits for the armies of Aren, he thought to himself 'If indeed this elixir is as said, Aren will possess the strongest army in the world'

"Bring me the elixir maker, take as many men as needed" Johan ordered his captain.

This morning

"M'lord, we managed to raid the Babar village and brought back the head shaman who is responsible for the production of the elixir, we also managed to bring back some of the elixir" Aldebrand reported to Johan.

"If you fear for your village, give me the elixir that is the secret of the strength of the Babar" Johan threatened the shaman.

The elderly Babar shaman was defiant at first but was eventually broken by Johan threat and agreed to make the elixir for the army of Aren.

Johan had a taste of the elixir that was brought back to the castle. He had a sudden rush in his veins after taking some of the elixir and he felt like he was 30 years younger. He was challenging and defeating his guards who were much younger than him, singlehandedly. However he was a changed man, and was filled with emotions that he had never felt before. The elixir had brought out a side in Johan that was never seen.

"Guards! Send word to Khan Malice and tell his highness that we have found a new weapon of war."
The Khan was closeted in his quarters examining the Babar Elixir that he had received from the Lawgiver that morning. The letter that accompanied it had claimed that it would give the drinker the strength of 10 men and bring on a kind of blood rage. Malice had occasionally seen soldiers in battle experience such things but he'd always thought it had come from the rush of bloodshed. He'd never dreamed it was something that a man could bring on at will. Raising the vial to his eyes, Malice peered closely at the murky liquid inside. Whatever it contained didn't look at all healthy, but the herald had sworn that when the Lawgiver himself had sampled the elixir, he had been as a man possessed.

Malice debated inwardly whether he ought to sample the elixir himself. For all he knew his heart might stop or it would poison him. Then again, was he not in the peak condition of his life? It wasn't so long ago that he'd defeated a ruler of Lukon in a death duel without so much as breaking a sweat, even if his opponent had somehow managed to survive his killing blow. That settled it in Malice' mind. Throwing all caution to the wind he stood up, unfastened the stopper on the vial and then drank it all down in one go. The effect was almost instantaneous. He felt better than he had ever felt in his life. He felt like a god.

Without so much as a pause, Malice began bellowing for a scribe. 'Send a letter to the Lawgiver! We must procure more of this elixir!'
After receiving the letter from the Khan, Johan realized that the lone Babar shaman would not be enough to produce the amount needed for the entire army of Aren. His captain spent a few days interrogating the Babar shaman intending to find out the secrets behind the elixir. The repeated threats against the shaman finally broke him and he talked.

All of the ingredients were common except for the last one, an exotic fruit that is only found in the deep jungles of Irdalni. It is known to the Babar as the King of Fruits, "Rajabuah" is covered with thorns and it taste of rotten onions. Nonetheless, the fruit was believed by the locals to cure many illnesses and is a vital ingredient in the elixir.

Determined to get his hands on some Rajabuah and cultivate it in the gardens of Irdalni manor, he gathered his men and led an expedition to the jungles of Irdalni. The jungles of Irdalni are widely known to be one of the most dangerous places in the colonies. There roam wild beasts that could swallow a grown man whole, and there are even rumours of cannibals in the jungle. The various poisonous animals and the disorienting nature of the jungle have also taken many lives in the past. However Johan was determined to lead his expedition, and brought along the shaman to ensure that he did not try to escape when Johan was absent from the manor. Ever the cautious man, Johan brought along a few elixirs just in case any dangers came up.

The scorching jungle heat was taking its toll on Johan's men and they quickly tire in the heavy armour that they were wearing. Seeing that fatigue has set in the guards, the shaman escaped from his guards. Johan in a fit of rage, ordered all his men to pursue the shaman leaving him alone in the makeshift camp that they were resting at. It was at this time that Johan realized the sheer power that the elixir possessed.

2 wild carnivores suddenly appear in the camp. They were waiting in the shadows for a chance to strike and this was it. Johan was now fighting for his life, even though he have faced many enemies in the battlefield, he have never faced such fierce beasts alone. Johan grabbed the elixir and quickly downed the awful tasting potion. The elixir begins to take effect and Johan without a care charged straight towards the beasts and stabbed one of the animals with his sword. The animal clawed back in its final moments leaving a mark in Johan's chest, Johan felt no pain due to the powers of the elixir. The other beast in the presence of such a fearsome aura ran towards the jungle leaving behind his dead friend.

Johan's party soon returns with the captured shaman who was now in chains. They were shocked that a man of Johan's age was able to take down the wild beast. The shaman led the party to the Rajabuah and Johan laid his eyes on the King of Fruits, a fruit that he have never seen before and the key to the future of Aren.
PM me for the Dota 2 guild.
"Darka would like to thank CE and co for their generous offerings, the Holy Volcano will be filled up for days with all these offerings!"-Jaret Jaron's last words


"My Lord, the report that you have commanded me to prepare has already been completed" Jabari's chief servant, Monty said to the young Baron as he hand over a parchment containing information collected about the population of Irdalni.
The parchment read:

Doru is located at the western coast of Irdalni where the warm currents are extremely conducive for fishing. Fishing is the main economy of the Doruans.The local Doruans are extremely skillful spear fisherman and establishes numerous fishing villages along the coast. Their skill with the spear is unparallelled.  Unlike the other people of Irdalni, the Doruans are a friendly people though it is better not to provoke them for they carry their grudges across the generations.

Araeba contains the northern borders and the northern jungles of Irdalni. It has faced numerous invasions from the North in the past, and due to this, the people here have a hardy and resourceful nature. The Areabs are a nomadic people who wander the northern badlands and the jungles.  The Araebs though hostile to outsiders, are a loyal people and take their oaths extremely seriously. To protect Irdalni from invasion, the Baron's manor has been built in Araeba to protect their northern border. This is also where the famed garden of Irdalni is found which employ a lot of the local Araebs.

Aren, the namesake of the realm which bore its name is located in the prosperous southeast and eastern region of Irdalni. Its economy is based mainly on fishing and also trading with Alowca the goods gathered from the various parts of Irdalni. It is also the home to House Osha. Aren's demographic include many Alowcans who have immigrated from the city. Its mixed nature has also seen ethnic tension flared up in the recent past. But the local Areneses have always put aside their differences when facing a foreign invasion

The famous jungle of Ehrlitan is located in the southern jungles of Irdalni and borders the region of Warmanoras. Its main activity is hunting and gathering. It is home to the fearsome Babar who have been said to be cannibalistic. There have been many attempts to pacify the Babar but to no avail as many of them just flee to Warmanoras when faced with superior forces. The previous Baron of Irdalni, Johan saw their military potential and recruited them into the army though many Babar still live a wild life in the jungles of Ehrlitan. Ehrlitan is the home of the Rajabuah and the Babar Elixir.
PM me for the Dota 2 guild.
"Darka would like to thank CE and co for their generous offerings, the Holy Volcano will be filled up for days with all these offerings!"-Jaret Jaron's last words


Roleplay from Jabari Jaron
Message sent to everyone in your realm (9 recipients)
Jabari had commissioned a study of the very early history of Aren and Greater Alowca. He was very much surprised at what his scribes and historians found from the ancient scroll.
Western Warmonaras was once the richest settlements in the island, it was a great chiefdom which was colonised by natives from Irdalni. It control accessed of the boats to the lagoon. They were innovators of ancient weapons; and weapons of Warmonaras were infamous and widely sought after. Their weaponsmiths and armoursmith were the best in the island, a tradition continued by the weapons manufacturing industry in Alowca which is the biggest in the island. Their riches had come from raiding and looting on the small boats and settlements that littered the coastline. They also fermented conflicts between the tribes of Irdalni and sold weapons to both sides of the conflict, profiting from the war there. However, their rivals were envious of their riches and the Chiefs surrounding Oritolon, Grentzen and Irdalni came together in an alliance to end the reign of the pirates. Both sides suffered great losses but Warmonaras was not able to hold back the onslaught of enemies on both land and sea. Their settlement was burned and the inhabitants were slaughtered like cattle. The survivors headed East and were some of the member who founded the city of Alowca. Warmonaras never again managed to regain its former glory and soon settlers seeking a peaceful life settled there, not knowing the bloody history of the region.
PM me for the Dota 2 guild.
"Darka would like to thank CE and co for their generous offerings, the Holy Volcano will be filled up for days with all these offerings!"-Jaret Jaron's last words