Author Topic: Having your character be a member of your family is IC, and inevitable.  (Read 12899 times)

Jens Namtrah

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Well, it is understandable that your character is a part of family, and it is logical that a person from respected family would get elected/appointed without much effort.

However, try to look at this from the other side. I am relatively new player and when I just came, I saw (and participated myself) a lot of elections where member of young unknown family would be very vocal and trying to run a nice campaign, but the title would go to a character from old family, who barely wrote a message. It is quite meh from the new players point (why the !@#$ should I ever try campaigning, if old player will get the title anyways).

Oh, look! There's that old "cliques aren't a problem with player retention" issue rearing its ugly head again. Seems to pop up in the least likely of places.