Author Topic: Skill Advancement  (Read 13650 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Skill Advancement
« Reply #15: October 19, 2014, 11:21:46 PM »
I can not possibly imagine that a group of soldiers in the heat of battle, fighting for their lives using things like metal weapons and armor (that make quite a racket when banged together) are likely to even hear the commands hollered by a nobleman standing THIRTY feet to their rear and think it even less likely that they would much care.

Herman stumbled as one of the Evilites bashed their sword against his shield again. Somehow, Herman thought he has heard Sir Noisy yelling something about "left". Move left? Face left? Herman did not spend much time thinking about it either. Herman had more immediate problems. The damned Evilite before him was skilled, strong and determined. It would take all Herman had to not die in the next few moments. Unless Herman heard the unambiguous horn blasts that signified retreat, Sir Noisy could worry about "left" all he wanted while the rest of us just tried to stay alive.