Author Topic: How to help Dwilight.  (Read 32409 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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How to help Dwilight.
« Topic Start: November 27, 2014, 05:44:07 AM »
Yes, even I, an arrogant prick, can realize when things are getting toxic because of stubbornness on my part. This thread is so that we have a place that isn't mucked down in an argument that has gone on for far too long. Anyways, here we go.

What problems are still there?

The player density issue has only really been solved for Luria. On average the number of characters, and thus players, per region is still about the same, being about 1.49 before the monster invasion and around 1.5 afterwards. Also, areas that were already low in population have started to completely collapse (looking at Morek and Astrum here). They don't have enough nobles for the regions that they have.

and what are the new problems that came with the changes?

Currently I would say that on Dwilight the issue now is that the map has become very linear in shape, meaning any politics are going to be stratified along those lines. It will be very hard for any realm to have a political relationship that isn't of an Alliance A vs Alliance B or Alliance A vs Nation B nature. That doesn't mean it's impossible, but it will be a lot harder for wars between 3rd parties to happen without involving the rest of the continent.

What we can do is improve the current situation to a)Keep the players that have stuck around and b)attract new/old players to the game

A) I would suggest, and I know how everyone has been saying that changing the maps will cause a lot of heartache and will be difficult to do; but I would suggest sinking the part of the island in the very north where Thulsoma used to be. Morek and Astrum are the only realms that have regions there, and Astrum went down to where Corsanctum used to be. Morek and Astrum both have too many regions for the number of nobles they have anyway, so they won't be as affected as, say, Fissoa would be if we cut off that island. Now I know what you're thinking, this sounds like I'm advocating just cutting off another part of the island, which is what got us in this mess in the first place. Not so fast. I would suggest then preceding to have the seas recede in two areas. The inlet between the Corsanctum peninsula and Aegir, as well as the sea surrounded by Desert of Silhouettes, the D'haran main island, and Garuck Udor. I would suggest the regions be fertile plains areas, as they would make the adjacent cities much easier to sustain as independent powers.

This would hopefully provide some balance to the map, as well as making war less of an undertaking.