Author Topic: RPs of Hadron, Og, and Urtagoth from Morek Empire  (Read 15184 times)


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RPs of Hadron, Og, and Urtagoth from Morek Empire
« Topic Start: November 30, 2014, 12:50:07 AM »
Roleplay from Urtagoth Lapallanch   (4 days, 3 hours ago)
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"So this is the empire dedicated to the Blood stars?"

Urtagoth who traveled from a faraway land to serve in Dwilight asked his soldiers.

"Yes, Sir. We are in Muspelheim, once the proud capital of Morek Empire. I heard Morek has moved its capital back to Nifelhold, the capital of old Morek."

"I see. Who is the lord of Muspelheim? I need to see if he is worthy of my service."

"Sir, there is no lord of Muspelheim. I am not sure who was the last lord but the city has no lord thus no knights serve the lord."

"A city without a lord?! I must talk to the duke then. Can't let the city fall to anarchism and chaos!"

"There is no duke either, Sir. You will have to Grandmistress Eviera herself."

"Would she even talk to a lowly knight such as myself?"

"Well you need to talk to somebody."

"Indeed. To the capital then! Oh and send a letter to Good Hadron. Maybe he is interested in joining me in my journey to the capital"

Roleplay from Og Hagakure   (4 days, 2 hours ago)
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Og a seven foot tool thug more beast than human set foot off the boat at Muspel.

"Og found nice new home for thugs. Og go smash some skulls and get shiny coins for brothels"

He was an enormous wretch of a man with a large dented nose. A large mole with hair growing out of his left cheek stood to attention like a lieutenant in stark contrast to his bulky frame. With him came the worst kind of scum, thieves and pirates from the high seas quick to set out and make a quick gain by "trading" steel for gold.

Og had set his eyes on one of the large estates at Muspel and now his men set about breaking into the locked gates.

"Og, it seems nobody lives here at present!" said his first mate. "Time to set up camp in this fine new estate!"

"Go to the cellar and bring Og all the snacks you can find!" barked Og

Roleplay from Hadron Indirik   (4 days ago)
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Sitting in his estate in the city of Aegir, Hadron reviewed the few recent letters that had arrived for him. Several had recently arrived, some personal, and some of a more general nature. The letter from Urtagoth was especially interesting. He summoned a scribe and began dictating a reply:
Sir Cragtooth,

I would be honored to join on your journey. Since my path to the capital runs through Muspel, I shall meet you there.

I must apologize, however, if I do not travel as swiftly as yourself. For some reason my family sent me an infantry squad, rather than the cavalry that I requested. Rest assured that I shall be sending a rather hotly worded letter home expressing my displeasure with this decision.

Once I arrive in the capital, I shall send this poor excuse for a village militia home and hire a proper cavalry squad. After that has been taken care of, perhaps we can go looking for some of these dead monsters you mentioned. Surely if they are dead then they cannot present as much of a difficulty as you imply? Nevertheless, we shall soon find out.

Having answered that letter, Hadron set it aside, then reviewed the remainder of the letters in the short stack. One from Ordermarshal Helm, and another from Duchess Katrina. It looks like he had several more letters to send tonight. He summoned a servant, and then sent him off in search of a few more bottles of wine. Dictating all of these letters was going to be thirsty work.

Roleplay from Urtagoth Lapallanch   (4 days ago)
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"Sir, a noble from the Hagakure family has joined the empire today as well. That makes three new nobles for the empire."

"Three new knights on the same day. That can only be one thing! The stars must have blessed three of us! Three knights serving the three stars! Now I must seek three ladies as well!"

"I am confused to why you must seek three ladies but Sir Hadron has sent you a letter. Well at least I think he is mentioning you."
Sir Cragtooth,

I would be honored to join on your journey. Since my path to the capital runs through Muspel, I shall meet you there.

I must apologize, however, if I do not travel as swiftly as yourself. For some reason my family sent me an infantry squad, rather than the cavalry that I requested. Rest assured that I shall be sending a rather hotly worded letter home expressing my displeasure with this decision.

Once I arrive in the capital, I shall send this poor excuse for a village militia home and hire a proper cavalry squad. After that has been taken care of, perhaps we can go looking for some of these dead monsters you mentioned. Surely if they are dead then they cannot present as much of a difficulty as you imply? Nevertheless, we shall soon find out.

"I don't remember seeing Sir Cragtooth among the list of Morekians. But I do like the name. Cragtooth! This crag creature must be a frightening creature!"

"Uh, Sir. Crags are big rats that feed off of dead people. They sometimes invade rural villages here in Dwilight."

"Are they at least frightening?"

"Well they are 2 ft tall so yes. 2 ft tall rats are quite scary, Sir."

"Well good. At least I know good Hadron wants me to be as frightening as those creatures. Anyway, send a letter to our newest knight. What is his name again?"

"Og of the Hagakure family, Sir."

"Tell good Og to join me and Hadron in Muspel! We will ride together to Nifelhold!"

Roleplay from Urtagoth Lapallanch   (3 days, 14 hours ago)
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"So what happened to Good Hadron and Og? I do not see anyone here in Muspel."

"I am not sure, Sir. They might have gone without you. You should have marched faster like I said."

"Well I thought with all of us being on horses would make us go ahead of Hadron and Og. I didn't realize they would march faster on foot! Curse these fat horses!"

"I am not sure why you think our horses are fat, Sir but we better march faster. We have a mountain to climb and if you are correct, our fat horses will not help us catch Sir Hadron and Sir Og."

"To the mountain then. I will beat them to Nifelhold. Just watch!"

Roleplay from Hadron Indirik   (3 days, 4 hours ago)
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Hadron rode through the gates of Muspel just as the sun was setting over the western plains of Nidhogg's Mark. The town was bustling and thriving, busy even at this late hour. Over the buildings, he could see the mighty walls and tall towers of Muspelheim in the distance.

A quick search of the city turned up no sign of Urtagoth or Og. A quick inquiry at the local government offices was fruitless. It seems that news of his arrival in Morek had not yet circulated very far, and the officials refused to speak to him, fearing he might be a "Lurian spy" or some other such nonsense. Bah! He, Hadron, a spy? He restrained himself from chopping off the man's head, and went back to the inn he had reserved for the night.

He sent his men out to search for any signs of Urtagoth or Og. By the descriptions he had heard, this Og was a giant of a man, and throughly disreputable in appearance. Surely his men would quickly turn up word of any noble of that description.

However, his men returned after several hours with disappointing news.

"Sir Hadron, we have learned that a noble matching the description of this Sir Og was seen departing Muspel this morning. He took the road toward the mountains."

"Well, that is a bit disappointing. But no matter, we weren't really expecting to meet him anyway. What of Sir Cragtooth?"

"Sir, we have not been able to find anyone who goes by the name Cragtooth. There is no word at all. The locals here say they've never heard of him."

"Bah! They must be mistaken. Sir Cragtooth's letter said he would meet me here in Muspel. Surely he wouldn't have agreed to meet me here, and then left without waiting for me. Unless..."

Hadron tapped his chin for a minute, then suddenly stood up.

"That's it! The two of them took off for the mountains in search of these undead monsters that Sir Cragtooth has been rambling about. They want to get there first, and steal all the glory for themselve! Quickly man, roust the men and prepare to march!"

"But, Sir Hadron, we just got here, and the men..."

"Yes, we did just get here, and now we're just leaving! Tell the men to drop all of their useless junk, and get moving! We march hard for the mountains. I want to be there by first light."

"First light?! But, it's 40 leagues to the mountains!"

"Then we better stop talking, and get marching, right? We're not getting any closing to Nifelheim by standing here yammering."

"Nifelheim, Sir Hadron? I thought we were heading to the capital"

"Right. Nifelheim."

"Sir Hadron, the capital is in Nifelhold."

"What? It's not pronounced that way. It's pronounced Nifel-HEIM."

"Sir Hadron, Nifel-HEIM is a city to the northwest of here. Nifel-HOLD is a stronghold to the northeast. The capital is in Nifel-HOLD."


"Shall we start for Nifel-HOLD then, Sir?"

" ... whatever. Just get the men marching. We have to reach the mountains before Sir Cragtooth kills all of the undead monsters."

After the poor guard left, Hadron picked up the wine glass and drained it.

He shook his head. "Foot soldiers!" he muttered under his breath.

Then he picked up the bottle, and drained that, too.

Roleplay from Urtagoth Lapallanch   (3 days, 3 hours ago)
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As the sun began to set, Urtagoth the 'Cragtooth' and his men arrived at Mt. Black Nastrond.

"Sir, we will have to camp before we enter the mountain. It is a suicide to climb a mountain of that size at night."

"No need to be afraid. The blood stars are watching over us! And I'v heard crusaders of old once took this path to fight infidels that used to reside in the northern lands."

"Yes, Sir. One of your family members traveled through this very mountain to join the crusade."

"I wonder what it was like. Marching with faithfuls to burn fools. It must have been glorious. Unlike now, the true faith once covered the northern half of the continent. Now it is nothing more than a shadow of its former self. Just look. We've marched for a full day yet we haven't encountered a single noble. I doubt I will get a chance to ever join crusades of old but maybe I may find myself being on my own crusade in time. Enough chitchat. Order the men to march. The sky is clear and the stars are watching us. Can't let Sir Og and Sir Hadron beat me to Nifelhold!"

With a heavy sigh, Urtagoth's oldest soldier ordered his fellow soldiers to march through the narrow path of the mountain

Roleplay from Og Hagakure   (3 days, 2 hours ago)
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"Og no understand map of moutain! Why Og lost!?" moaned the brute that was Og.
The captain had asked twice already to see the map of Dwilight and been refused on the grounds of possibly being bludgeoned to death, but as it was already starting to get dark and the howling of wolves could be heard in the distance he felt it was in his interest to once again try for the map.

"Sir Og! If you might lend me the map I can see if there are any mistakes," he pleaded changing his tone substantially from the last time he had asked.

"Og is not pleased but Og agrees to lend you his map"

The captain thankfully ushered over one of the other thugs who look exhausted, "Here bring me that torch so I can see!" he snapped. The Torch was brought flickering in the dark and he held the map up to the light.

"Oligarch..." he muttered, "what on earth..."

The men looked to their leaders impatiently becoming all too frustrated that no stabbing or acquisition of coins or whores had been achieved today. At length the captain turned to Gog a little worried.

"Gog, this map... where did you get this? It's over a century old and I don't think this is even the correct land"

"Og head to moutain. This is mountain why you complain? Og said capitol city is past mountain so we go to mountain!!"

The captain stepped away worriedly, "Calm down! It's okay we will figure something out!"

A scout interjected coming back from what they had thought was the road ahead of them, "Sir I heard some voices down in the crags below. I think it's one of those nobles on horseback that we were supposed to meet back in Muspel.

"Og is very happy to hear this. Maybe Og can eat hossies and we walk to City together!"

Roleplay from Urtagoth Lapallanch   (2 days, 13 hours ago)
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With the rising sun, Urtagoth and his men finally arrived in Nifelhold, the capital of old and new Morek. Despite being besieged few times, the stronghold still stood tall. Although it was the heart of the empire's administration, it functioned more like a military structure rather than an administrative one. People residing in the capital were mostly family members of soldiers, bureaucrats, and minor nobles.

As Urtagoth entered the capital through its massive gate, a child blocked Urtagoth's path. Before his mighty steed trempled the child, Urtagoth stopped his horse and looked down on the child. Before Urtagoth opened his mouth to speak, the child began to scream for his mother. Before long, the child's mother appeared before Urtagoth with a shocked and pale face.

"Sorry, Sir. I was too busy with my work, I forgot to keep my eyes on him"

"I almost ran that child over."

"Yes mom. Sir fat stopped just before crushing me."

A certain word raised Urtagoth's right eye brow.

"Thank you, Sir. I will never let this happen again."

"You better not. I doubt I am good enough to pull the same thing twice. Now clear the path."

"Thank you again, Sir."

"Thank you, Sir fat."

Before Urtagoth could react, his oldest soldier stopped him.

"Sir, he is only a child. He is just being hones- I mean..."

"Did you just say he was being-"

"Sir, look! The white spire of Nifelhold! We must be close to the palace!"

"Wait a minute. Why are you mentioning the spire now? We were looking at the thing all the way from-"

"Time to move out! To the spire!"

With the march order, the soldier slapped Urtagoth's steed, Crag's side, making the horse run toward the spire.

Roleplay from Hadron Indirik   (2 days, 10 hours ago)
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Somewhere on the trails in Mt. Black Nastrond:

"Are we there yet?"

*sigh* "No."

"Why not?"

"Because this is a mountain, and the trail is long and steep."

"Did you tell the men to drop all of their useless junk? They could march faster without all that junk they're carrying."

"Yes, Sir Hadron, I did. And they did."


"You know, if this were a proper cavalry unit, we'd be there already."

"Doubtless we would, Sir."

"Have you seen any of those undead monsters that Sir Cragtooth  is obsessed with? If there are any around here, I want to get to them before he does!"

"No, Sir Hadron, we haven't seen any yet. If we do, we will surely let you know."

"You do that. I don't want to miss it."


"So ... are we there yet?"


Roleplay from Hadron Indirik   (2 days, 6 hours ago)
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"Are we there yet?"


Roleplay from Hadron Indirik   (2 days, 4 hours ago)
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"Are we there yet?"

"YES! WE'RE HERE! WE'RE HERE! We are finally here!"

*surprised stare* "What's gotten into you all of a sudden?"


"Well, anyway, i don't see Sir Cragtooth here. Looks like we made it before them. Now, send out the scouts. I want to find these undead monsters."