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Plans you have for if the war ends...

Started by Dragonsbane, January 04, 2015, 06:23:38 PM

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I actually realize all that and that is why I am not among those who quit.
I was in fact making a different point there.


Quote from: Fleugs on January 23, 2015, 03:35:37 AM
Our little attempt to create a colony in Morek wouldn't have been part of Luria and would have gone their own way. Would have, will. We're not done yet.

Yea, right, like we never heard that before... And as if Luria hasn't tried to vassalize all of their neighbors since the start...
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All of the empire setups and hegemonies, even when created with the best of intentions, are disastrous. Look at the FEI, the colonies, AT.

If you want Dwilight to remain fun, then stop trying to become an unbeatable force. Luria is already too strong for Dwilight's sake. Maybe Swordfell could have helped change the tides of the war... but they don't look strong enough for that. When you get the whole continent gang up on a realm, and unable to take it down, then that continent has a problem.

Yes, the League are all buddies right now, but they weren't always, and they've got other plans than to sit around and play with their thumbs. Peace would not mean stagnation.
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Quote from: Chénier on January 23, 2015, 02:17:00 PM
Yes, the League are all buddies right now, but they weren't always, and they've got other plans than to sit around and play with their thumbs. Peace would not mean stagnation.

If anything, war is stagnation right now.


Quote from: Chénier on January 23, 2015, 02:17:00 PM

If you want Dwilight to remain fun, then stop trying to become an unbeatable force.

How is this not what the League is currently doing? Luria has so many nobles because it was the only place most of those coming from Asylon and Niselur culturally fit in. Most refugees are trying to leave. As soon as this war ends Luria's population will drop and the island will have some more variable realms that perhaps aren't aligned with D'Hara or Morek (the main sticking point to why there are so many refugees in Luria) and provide some more diverse politics.
Geg Family: Elshon (Bel)


QuoteMost refugees are trying to leave.
So... leave. It's not like anyone is forcing them to stay.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on January 23, 2015, 05:26:00 PM
So... leave. It's not like anyone is forcing them to stay.

Leave as in get their own realm again. I have said it before but I still think that whoever gives these people a home first will have a close supporter for a little while at least. If I were the league, I would seriously consider giving these people a country of their own in exchange for them at least staying out of the war against Luria (I would try for armed support first though).


Quote from: Indirik on January 23, 2015, 05:26:00 PM
So... leave. It's not like anyone is forcing them to stay.

This war against every other realm is forcing them to stay. There has to be somewhere for them to go to. It is much more complicated than just "leaving", as we learned with the destruction of all realms but Astrum from the west during the western blight. It's not like old Dwilight where people could just pack up and form a new colony in rogue lands if they wanted.
Geg Family: Elshon (Bel)


See, "they want to carve a realm out of their enemies" is a completely different story than "they want to leave".
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on January 23, 2015, 06:12:17 PM
See, "they want to carve a realm out of their enemies" is a completely different story than "they want to leave".

That point of view depends on who you ask. :3


Quote from: Graeth on January 23, 2015, 04:54:43 PM
How is this not what the League is currently doing? Luria has so many nobles because it was the only place most of those coming from Asylon and Niselur culturally fit in. Most refugees are trying to leave. As soon as this war ends Luria's population will drop and the island will have some more variable realms that perhaps aren't aligned with D'Hara or Morek (the main sticking point to why there are so many refugees in Luria) and provide some more diverse politics.

It's been mentionned a few times that the exiles could be settled back on the Western continent.

With active support of the other realms, there's a chance they could make it. They don't need to carve out anyone to get a new home.
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Quote from: Indirik on January 23, 2015, 06:12:17 PM
See, "they want to carve a realm out of their enemies" is a completely different story than "they want to leave".

Not really. Where are they supposed to go? Because of this war, everyone is currently our enemies.
Geg Family: Elshon (Bel)


Quote from: Chénier on January 23, 2015, 06:22:32 PM
It's been mentionned a few times that the exiles could be settled back on the Western continent.

With active support of the other realms, there's a chance they could make it. They don't need to carve out anyone to get a new home.

So Asylon, Niselur, Barca and Astrum (who were all also some of the largest militaries on the continent) couldn't even slow the monster hordes, but a small colony of exiles is somehow going to survive? Unless the hordes have been turned down, there is no chance for any realm to survive.
Geg Family: Elshon (Bel)


Quote from: Graeth on January 23, 2015, 06:25:26 PM
So Asylon, Niselur, Barca and Astrum (who were all also some of the largest militaries on the continent) couldn't even slow the monster hordes, but a small colony of exiles is somehow going to survive? Unless the hordes have been turned down, there is no chance for any realm to survive.

All were in their own corners, without any outside support, and with no safe haven to fall back to.

If you set up a denser realm in Golden Farrow, for example, then you are just a few sea routes away from moster-free lands, with realms that don't have any (significant) rogue presence to threaten their economies. From there, you then expand outwards. Doesn't matter if you don't have any rurals or they are improductive, food can be imported from the East. Gold can come from the East, too. Along with massive armies.

If the code spawns too many rogues for even an all-continent coalition to set up a colony in a coastal city, then the code should be tweaked back to make rogues more manageable, more similar to what they were like when Dwi was first opened. Even the huge hordes of the old days, before being tuned down, would be fine nowadays, with all of the Eastern realms built up and able to help.

Because if the only path available to everyone is for Luria to carve out Morek, then Dwilight is going to suck really bad, and really quickly. We have enough continents dominated by single entities, let's not let it happen on Dwilight too.
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Quote from: Chénier on January 23, 2015, 06:35:38 PM
We have enough continents dominated by single entities, let's not let it happen on Dwilight too.
