Author Topic: The solution to all our problems: Schyzophrenia!  (Read 6221 times)


  • Noble Lord
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You can already do that, RP's are not necessarily IC knowledge. If I RP talking to myself in my estate far from any prying ears, and use that RP to insult all and sundry, or even perhaps hint at plans like rebellion, that is NOT IC information for anyone else. The fact that there are players that ignore that doesn't change the fact that there are right now methods to do what you "fear" that should be pretty much free of IC consequences.
Is there an official ruling on this? I was under an impression that if someone sends you an RP letter, you are free to assume you somehow learn this information in character (spies, rumours, etc.)
Otherwise, what's the use of publishing RP that does not interact with anyone in any way? Taking cheap shots while denying others ability to react? What kind of roleplay is this?
As they say in pbp communities, characters can not reads thoughts, so don't use italics to bait other players out of character. If you want to insult someone, use direct speech and face the consequences.