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Heroes of Westhaven

Started by Tom, June 04, 2015, 02:13:34 PM

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Quote from: Tom on June 08, 2015, 06:39:07 PM
Could not sell Ring of Protection to Ortel Brim Turok. Reason: too_expensive

(he was willing to pay 211)

Damn... Was hoping they were up for the double cost as they saw armour increase as being 2.8 factor of importance... Is it a slightly random value each time (which would make sense so that people don't just have simple calcs to do to work out exactly what the max is they could sell for each time)

Can I try again? :)

Shop 4 sells 27 to 13 for 200...

WARNING: Outer Tilog is different...


Sold sword to Sonalthuan for 25 gold
Could not sell scale armour to Arlon Thi Lefhlan. Reason: wrong_class

Could not sell staff to Amial. Reason: too_expensive (he was willing to pay 12)
Could not sell leather armour to Andres Colin Rosario. Reason: too_expensive (same)
Could not sell leather armour to Teodoro Head. Reason: too_expensive
Could not sell axe to Andres Colin Rosario. Reason: too_expensive
Could not sell club to Teodoro Head. Reason: too_expensive (willing to pay 6)

Bought section jewelry cases for 300 gold
Bought section armour dolls for 200 gold
1 Ring of Ogre Strength for 100 gold ordered. Delivery in 3 days.
2 scale armour for 50 gold ordered. Delivery in 3 days.
Could not buy 2 sword. Reason: no_section.weapon racks

description updated


Quote from: James on June 08, 2015, 06:41:48 PM
Damn... Was hoping they were up for the double cost as they saw armour increase as being 2.8 factor of importance... Is it a slightly random value each time (which would make sense so that people don't just have simple calcs to do to work out exactly what the max is they could sell for each time)

Can I try again? :)

Shop 4 sells 27 to 13 for 200...

It's not random, but in the final game you will not see exact values for things like loyalty and needs.

Sold Ring of Protection to Ortel Brim Turok for 200 gold


The ivory elephants is on the quest Finding a Thief

The owner of a trade post near the market place has been quietly looking for a group of foreigners who can help him with a delicate problem. As he explains, he used to own a few crates of interesting and not strictly speaking illegal goods. Grey market material. Not outright illegal, but not exactly what you would openly display in your store. Anyway, a few nights ago it was stolen. He saw the thief when he made his escape with the final crate, and can give a few details, but he needs someone to do the legwork, find the guy and get him to talk. He is mostly afraid of losing his wares, so he wants him alive, and the goods found.
The player of Theodore Kermit Hyde could not make it this evening and the quest will be without him.
The characters begin to question the locals, leaving a coin in this beggars cup and that, talking to the whores and barkeepers in the area.  At first, only a few hints appear.
Finally, they get a solid lead and follow it.
They gain 0 gold, and each living character gains 50 xp.

As they follow their leads, their way takes them into a series of dangerous back alleys.
With insight and smarts, they pick the right way, avoiding the worst dangers of this low neighbourhood, except for a few unavoidable thugs.
The party takes a total of 9 points of damage, in marching order.
Harndorger Ebonrule takes 4 points of damage, minus 3 points of armour, losing 1 hitpoints.
Matthew Hyde takes 3 points of damage, minus 1 points of armour, losing 2 hitpoints.
Odalbuah Blooddragon takes 2 points of damage, minus 1 points of armour, losing 1 hitpoints.
They gain 20 gold, and each living character gains 100 xp.
After the battle, a total of 1 hitpoints were healed using prayers.

The characters begin to question the locals, leaving a coin in this beggars cup and that, talking to the whores and barkeepers in the area.  At first, only a few hints appear.
Finally, they get a solid lead and follow it.
They gain 0 gold, and each living character gains 50 xp.
After the battle, a total of 1 hitpoints were healed using prayers.

As they enter the hideout of the thief, they are suddenly surrounded by what are probably his friends, with clubs and knives in their hands. Clearly, these brutes have a dislike of the party and after a short and unfriendly argument, weapons are drawn and combat begins.
Clearly superior, the group beats the thugs bloody and forces them into retreat.
The party takes a total of 14 points of damage, in marching order.
Harndorger Ebonrule takes 4 points of damage, minus 3 points of armour, losing 1 hitpoints.
Odalbuah Blooddragon takes 6 points of damage, minus 1 points of armour, losing 5 hitpoints.
Matthew Hyde takes 4 points of damage, minus 1 points of armour, losing 3 hitpoints.
They gain 30 gold, and each living character gains 100 xp.
After the battle, a total of 1 hitpoints were healed using prayers.

After a long search, the party finally nears the room where the thief is hiding, and breaks the weak bolt on the door. The guy jumps up from his bed, but too late. The heroes enter the room and surround him, and begin to threaten him, so that he reveals where the stolen goods are hidden.
Afraid for his life, he tells them everything they need to know. They check the hideout and find several chests, as the merchant described them. Then they drag the thief to the merchant and collect their just reward.
They gain 100 gold, and each living character gains 200 xp.
And so they returned the stolen goods and collected their reward.

Quest Completed, party now has 190 gold available for shopping.
   Attributes that we would like to improve:
    * charm (2)
    * wisdom (2)
    * armour (2.6)
    * damage (1)
    * strength (2)


Reformed Bandits is on the quest Goblin Hunt

The party arrives at Smallriver, a community of maybe 60 souls that is being plagued by a group of goblins from the nearby swamp. They offer the heroes a small payment for taking care of the greenskin.

Firstly, the characters need to find the creatures, and so they walk into the swamp and look for clues, paths or anything else that will help them.
The signs are, in fact, so obvious that only an idiot could miss them. The group proceeds through the swamp.
They gain 10 gold, and each living character gains 50 xp.

Halfway through the swamp, they are suddenly ambushed by three green goblins. Very small. They must be crazy attacking people twice times their size.
The fight is short and brutal and not very heroic. At the end, three goblins lie dead in the swamp.
The party takes a total of 9 points of damage, in marching order.
Aaron takes 4 points of damage, minus 3 points of armour, losing 1 hitpoints.
John takes 2 points of damage but his armour of 4 points prevents serious damage.
Loren takes 3 points of damage, minus 2 points of armour, losing 1 hitpoints.
They gain 20 gold, and each living character gains 100 xp.
After the battle, a total of 2 hitpoints were healed using prayers.

Finally, they reach the lair of the goblins. There are half a dozen huts and a chieftain.
With a display of strength, they convince the goblins to move elsewhere and leave the people here in peace.
They gain 50 gold, and each living character gains 100 xp.
With the goblins gone, the heroes collect their reward in Smallriver and return to the town.

Quest Completed, party now has 96 gold available for shopping.
   Attributes that we would like to improve:
    * wisdom (1)
    * damage (0.1)
    * armour (0.4)
    * strength (1)


Elven Rangers is on the quest The Labyrinth

They arrive at the ruin and everything seems peaceful. It doesn't take long for them to find the entrance that leads down and there is a hole in one wall in the basement, leading into another room with a spiral stairway. Much further down, in the light of lamps and torches, they see a beautiful marble hall with four doors to pick from.
The player of Sonalthuan could not make it this evening and the quest will be without him.

The decide to go north, and as they pass the door, it slams shut behind them. Then they enter the hall of strength, and find a giant stone blocking the exit on the other side.
Try as they might, they cannot move the rock. After a long time, a magic voice says "you have failed!", and the door behind  them opens again. All the other doors are closed, leaving them no other choice than to leave the labyrinth.
They return to the town beaten and frustrated.

Quest Completed, party now has 55 gold available for shopping.
   Attributes that we would like to improve:
    * strength (5)

Yeah, they failed because someone didn't come. Don't want to be him next day in class. :-)


Mighty Heroes is on the quest Wolves in the Forest -- continuing their saga of misery:

The characters have been hired by peasants from a nearby village, who say that the wolves in their area have become so aggressive, they are afraid of going into the forest, even during the day. At night, everyone stays at home and locks all doors and windows, because the wolves are even entering the village. They cannot offer much in pay, but it would be a good deed and wolf fur can be sold good as well.

The forest itself is the first challenge, drenching the characters with a sudden rain and then chilling wind, while the long march if heavy on their endurance.
But they are used to a hard life and pull through.
They gain 0 gold, and each living character gains 50 xp.
After the battle, a total of 5 hitpoints were healed using prayers.

After searching through the forest for a while, they indeed do find a group of wolves. The beasts are not as aggressive as described, but they do not run away, either, and so the heroes attack.
Blades are no match for teeth, and the characters win this encounter.
The party takes a total of 7 points of damage, in marching order.
Franziskus takes 4 points of damage, minus 3 points of armour, losing 1 hitpoints.
Chuck takes 3 points of damage, minus 2 points of armour, losing 1 hitpoints.
They gain 10 gold, and each living character gains 150 xp.

The forest itself is the first challenge, drenching the characters with a sudden rain and then chilling wind, while the long march if heavy on their endurance.
They cough as they finally arrive, not being used to such hardships.
Everyones toughness attribute is reduced by 1.

After searching through the forest for a while, they indeed do find a group of wolves. The beasts are not as aggressive as described, but they do not run away, either, and so the heroes attack.
Blades are no match for teeth, and the characters win this encounter.
The party takes a total of 7 points of damage, in marching order.
Franziskus takes 4 points of damage, minus 3 points of armour, losing 1 hitpoints.
Chuck takes 3 points of damage, minus 2 points of armour, losing 1 hitpoints.
They gain 10 gold, and each living character gains 150 xp.

The party continues to search the forest, and suddenly finds itself surrounded! The forest is home to some bandits who must have their hideout nearby, because they immediately attack and announce loudly that they intend to enslave and torture their victims.
The fight is hard and long, but the characters are defeated and broken.
The party takes a total of 13 points of damage, in marching order.
Franziskus takes 10 points of damage, minus 3 points of armour, losing 7 hitpoints.
Chuck takes 3 points of damage, minus 2 points of armour, losing 1 hitpoints.
They flee the forest and hang their heads in shame, returning to the town.

Quest Completed, party now has 30 gold available for shopping.
   Attributes that we would like to improve:
    * toughness (7)
    * damage (7)
    * armour (2.4)

In case you missed it:
Everyones toughness attribute is reduced by 1.

This is going to be tough. Attributes recover slowly. After each quest, every character has a 50% chance of recovering 1 point in a reduced attribute.

Now who is going to support these poor lads so they can get back on their feet? Check out the parties page to see who they are shopping at (same for all the others).


**Can we have item details on our own shop page as well? I have to constantly check the item page to see who I can sell my items to and it is really becoming tedious...

Shop 3 will sell

Chainmail(20) to Harndorger Ebonrule (26) for 137 gold
Scale Armor(17) to Theodore Kermit Hyde27) for 43 gold


Quote from: Lapallanch on June 08, 2015, 07:18:42 PM
**Can we have item details on our own shop page as well? I have to constantly check the item page to see who I can sell my items to and it is really becoming tedious...

A lot of things are imperfect because there isn't actually a client. Sorry for that. This is very early alpha testing.

Sold chain mail to Harndorger Ebonrule for 137 gold
Could not sell scale armour to Theodore Kermit Hyde. Reason: no_inventory


Wait what? No inventory? I thought you were going to allow us to sell what we have? :o


The Northmen should have moved on from my shop now and gone to someone else (or gone questing...)
WARNING: Outer Tilog is different...


Shop 4 will buy:

27 x 2
35 x 2
36 x 1
37 x 1
WARNING: Outer Tilog is different...


Shop 3 will build armour dolls

Shop 3 will buy

24 x 1

17 x 1


Quote from: Lapallanch on June 08, 2015, 08:22:07 PM
Wait what? No inventory? I thought you were going to allow us to sell what we have? :o

What? What you mean with no inventory? You mean that error message? Maybe you had one less than you thought?


Quote from: James on June 08, 2015, 09:31:13 PM
The Northmen should have moved on from my shop now and gone to someone else (or gone questing...)

Right. They moved to:
Party has choosen to visit "The De-Legro Family Emporium" (id 2)