Author Topic: Limiting unjustified diplomatic actions  (Read 11662 times)


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Re: Limiting unjustified diplomatic actions
« Reply #15: June 08, 2011, 04:26:14 PM »
that is matter of personal opinion that would fit much better to i-c grievances. my opinion is, for instance, that cathay betrayed alliance as they had obligation to help against annoying third parties, and they completely rejected to provide it.
Was there a treaty in effect in which Cathay promised to help GA attack realms which took actions to defend their borders against Aenilian trespassers? Xarnelf requested permission to travel through OW territory to "help negotiate" in Arcachon. His request was denied. I believe it was only on his third trip through OW to make clandestine investments in Arcachon regions, thus aiding Arachon in their war against Arcaea in direct violation of the Peace of Ahael, and his having already been warned not to pass through OW twice already, that something happened. If Xarnelf hadn't been violating OW's territory against OW's specific injunctions and warnings, and also violating a peace treaty he signed, then he would not have been in Nbasah, where he was stabbed. Not only that, but GA has no proof at all that OW was involved in the incident.

having different opinion about i-c issues should be natural way of developing conflicts, and devs would not have to make efforts how to adjust too-much-peace code. unfortunately, there is tendency to align opinions both ic and ooc, which eventually leads to ... g-b wars.
That's just pure bull!@#$. The Arcaea/GA war is nowhere near a gang-bang, and had nothing at all to do with *anything* OOC. Everything that happened is directly attributable to specific IC actions and situations. And how the hell can you possibly accuse Arcaea/OW/Cathay v GA/Arcachon/PoZ/Kindara of being a gang-bang against GA? OW and Cathay are about as useless in a war as you could possibly get. GA knew full well what it was getting into, and deliberate provoked the war anyway. You would be more credible calling this war a gang-bang against Arcaea. Except that it's not a gang-bang at all. In any sense of the word.

Which, by the way, is perfectly fine with me. The game is boring without a few good wars to spice things up. I'm *glad* the war started. My character will be happy to see some of these realms get the crap knocked out of them. On both sides of the war.
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