Author Topic: Looking for a Map Editor  (Read 24718 times)


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Re: Looking for a Map Editor
« Reply #30: June 27, 2011, 03:37:01 PM »
Where is that artwork for Civ 4? Can I see examples? And what's the editor like? And how do we get images from it out to images?

I usually get my mods from the CivFanatics web site.  Here's the "Graphics mod" section for Civ 4:

In particular for terrain packs:

The editor comes with Civ 4.  Unfortunately, I don't know if it's possible to just download the editor for free.

Here's a sample image from one of the mods with custom terrain art:

The "Blue Marble" terrain mod has received really good reviews:
(lots of screenshots at this link)

My personal favorite mod, "Fall From Heaven II", which is a lot more than just a terrain mod since it takes Civ 4 and turns it into a fantasy Civ game... truly amazing:
This has terrain art for stuff like Blights, dark castles, etc...  ;D


The editor is really easy to use, and does the rendering in-game.  As soon as you make a change you see the difference, and you can easily move the camera around.  I just took screenshots to get images.  I'll try to send you some samples later today (after work).

Now the bad news: If you're zoomed in then stitching multiple screenshots together can be hard because of the camera's viewpoint.  It's truly rendered as if you're looking at it, including with perspective.  The more you zoom out, the less this is an issue.  However, if you zoom out too much then you get clouds.  That can be solved by disabling them (for example by downloading one of the "cloudless" terrain mod packs).
Ni'Tessine Family: Corwyn (Sirion), Terril (Arcachon), Torin (adventurer)