Author Topic: The Wedding  (Read 22486 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: The Wedding
« Reply #15: August 09, 2015, 03:50:26 AM »
Roleplay from Ecthelion Tezokian  

The Darkest Night

Dancing with Catherine, he quickly answers her, "Of course, you know you have but to ask me for anything and it will be so. I am a little surprised not to see Simeon here myself, but I'm sure there are reasons preventing it. I would be most honored to do so in his stead."

After the dancing winds down and most people have made it back to their tables, Ecthelion gestures to a member of his party, and immediately, a minstrel takes a position near the center of the room and begins bellowing out his introduction:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, my Lords, visitors from lands far and near, honored guests and others; I have the distinct honor of introducing one of the few who need no introduction, one that all of you know or have heard of, someone who has graced this continent with his presence and whom honors us with it now, I present His Majesty Prime Minister Ecthelion, Lord of Sirion, Duke of Sirion, Margrave of Sirion, Hero of Avamar, Defender of Nivemus, Savior of Eponllyn, Commander of the Four and One Cities, Arch Guardian of the Church of the Holy Sacred Grove, Member of the Northern Triumvirate, Protector of the Continent, Bearer of the Sacred Gem of the Maiden, Wielder of Dawnbreaker, Destroyer of the Black Hand, Leader of the White Knights, 'Orc-Cleaver', First Knight of the Republic, or more briefly known as... The Great White Dragon Who Buries His Enemies In Moonlight..."

Ecthelion raises his hand clearly after the minstrel had ended his list, "Please, that's quite enough. The people here did not come to hear of my titles and exploits, they came here to see a wedding. And so shall we have one." He briefly glances past Garas and towards Catherine. "Kronagos Catherine, I am both humbled and excited to have been asked to come here and support you. We've known each other a long time... you've been a wise woman, a trusted ally, and a faithful friend in all that time. We've fought side by side together on more occasions than I can even recall, we fought together and probably nearly died together a few times. When we united with Eponllyn to defeat the realms that would see us destroyed, it was your own Stratarchos was the one that we relied on to lead us through when our own military was disorganized and in shambles. Without you and the decisions you've made for Nivemus, Sirion would not be where it's at today. Much more though, you've been there for me as an advisor, a confidant, and a friend who I could trust absolutely. You've lead your realm through the worst obstacles and came out of it better each time. Such leadership ability is rare and you exemplify it, far more than anyone I know. My only surprise regarding these proceedings was the fact that it did not happen sooner, as any man or woman would be lucky if you gave them but a minute of your time and presence."

He reaches for his glass and raises it, "I ask that you all join me in congratulating Kronagos Catherine of Nivemus for her pending nuptials. More than anyone else, she has earned the joy and happiness that comes along with marriage, and I wish her the best from the bottom of my heart. Long live the Kronagos, long live Catherine!" Right before he takes a sip, barely audible to anyone but the individual seated next to him, he whispers "And Garas." He throws back his glass and places it back on the table, empty. He had arranged for a trumpet choir to play a short tune at the conclusion of his speech, and he is happy to hear that they did so right on time. He retakes his seat and looks around the room, save one person.

And then... it began.