Author Topic: Character limit changes  (Read 60031 times)

Medron Pryde

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Re: Character limit changes
« Reply #60: October 30, 2015, 07:17:01 PM »
You want a reason nothing has changed over the last few years?

One reason?  I wasn't around.

Now I'm not taking credit.  Lots of people have been pushing to do this for a while now.

But I've been...rather inactive for a while.  I had dropped into a very low level of activity in BattleMaster.

When the previous Tyrant left, I decided to go for the Tyrancy.  And ever since I've been Tyrant I've been...pushing Tara to go outside the League.  Straining relations...and now thanks to the actions of Strombran those relations have snapped.

I don't know if I would have done anything like this if I'd been Tyrant earlier...but from the moment I became Tyrant and looked around...I realized one very interesting fact.  The League was a...straightjacket for those IN the League...and an insurmountable wall for those OUTSIDE the League.  From the moment I got my legs under me until now, I've been straining that straightjacket and that wall as much as I could.  And i think the leaders of Strombran realized I was doing that (without contacting me OOC by the way) and started pushing right back in ways that would force me to strain things further.

We've basically been fighting each other for months, doing a steady drum beat of ratcheting up pressure to see who would blink first.  And neither one us were blinking.  And now we are in open war.

The Minas Leon/Rieleston Federation is gone.
The Cagil/Strombran/Tara Federation is minus Tara.
And most of the other alliances are in flux with major fighting gearing up.

It took us a while to roll things up.  Should it have been done earlier?  Yeah.  As a player, I agree that it should have been done long ago.  As the character of Regstav absolutely not.  Regstav wanted strength for Tara.  Most of you probably have no idea how hard it was for me as a player to get things into a position where Regstav would finally take the step he did.  He's a bloody stubborn character...  But yeah.  I think it should have been done earlier.

Now we have a crop of new rulers in almost every member nation of the League, and we are all willing to as players burn down what has taken years to build.  Because we want to make things more fun for everyone.  We've been working towards this for months.  We almost had it a year ago when I first became Tyrant.  But...I was still in Regstav player mode.  I could not imagine Tara without Cagil back then so I did everything it took to rebuild the alliance.  It wasn't until I was done that I looked at Atamara as a ruler who was supposed to make things exciting for my players that I realized the trap of the situation.  I just didn't see what was going on out there in the rest of the continent until then.  That was my error as a player.  I fully recognize that.

I had two choices.  From a ruler player perspective devoted to making things more exciting for the continent, I should have picked option number 2.  Of course, at that time Tara probably would have died if I'd picked Option 2.  But it certainly would have made things exciting for the continent.  I did the right thing by my character.  As Regstav I rebuilt the alliance that he could not imagine being without.  The only thing I can say in my defense is that I didn't know how badly things were locked in by the League at that time.  I didn't have enough experience.  This is not my first time being a ruler.  This IS the first time I've been a LONG time ruler though.  Looking at it now, I realize that a good ruler SHOULD look at things just a little bit OOC.  Your job as a ruler is to make sure your players have fun.  And part of that is making sure OTHER players have fun as well.  I didn't have that point of view when I first became Tyrant.

After months of working all this up though, I can say that all of us new rulers are looking at the continent with those just slightly OOC eyes.  It's time to make a change.  Past time really, but...well...there's nothing we can do about the past.  So we've been working for months to destabilize things in ways that work IC and's done gone unstable now and there's nowhere to go but down...or...up...or whatever...

I'm sure our characters will be broken hearted.

And as a player I'll be giggling all the way to the bloodbath.  ;)