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Character limit changes

Started by feyeleanor, October 28, 2015, 10:29:22 AM

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Also having only one character limits the amount of information you get as a player because you will only have one character. Unless you work on establishing some form of network to gather information, you won't find out much unlike now.

You can tell what is going on on the other side of the continent by having a character there...


There are spies all over the place.  The greatest are not even in families. 

AT has had several wars and will again.  There is a plan to disrupt the federations and alliances.  In a matter of fact, there remains only one left.  It's my hope that ce will be changed.

Medron Pryde

There has been a drive of late to revitalize Atamara.  I have been driving towards it for a while, and now am very happy to be pushing it.  :)

As for me, I have two characters in Tara.  One is the ruler.  The other is...not.  He recently joined an allied realm to help them out, but is coming back home now due to...well...the coming excitement...:)  In general the second character has been a second character.  He actually blossomed a lot when he joined the other realm.  But when he's part of Tara I don't do a lot of role playing with him.  I've played the game the way the game is played and used him mostly as a way of helping make Tara stronger.  If it is the choice of the devs to disallow this, I understand.  I don't think it is the right decision, especially when we are already running low on nobles.  Further reducing the noble count will just break the game down quicker.  But if that is what they want then that is what they want.  *shrugs*

I also have two characters on Beluaterra.  My situation there is completely and totally different though.  My one character is the High Priestess of the dominant religion of the continent.  AKA EVERY region has believers, and MOST regions have a majority of believers in that religion.  This is after the Daimons missed ONE temple during the Third (I think) invasion.  From that, the religion has grown to...well...everywhere.  Nobles from most of the nations are in the religion.  And she is...well...she has a very defined character.  She is a peacenik.  She is a tree hugger.  She is a priest.  She is an ambassador.  And until an assassin at war with her realm stabbed her, she was a banker, getting food to the people.  She is a member of a realm because you really can't do much as a rogue.  But her loyalties are...not to her realm.  Her stated and acted on goal is to unite humanity in preparation for another Daimon assault.  Which means in her mind being loyal to all humans not just to the realm she happens to live in.

My other character on that continent is a warrior.  Pure and simple.  The best use of trees is making bows and arrows.  Or shields if you do the infantry thing.  Siege engines are good too.  Poles for banners.  Kindling for use against enemy towns.  You know.  Fighting for his nation and happily slinging insults and such at the enemy.

The point is that I have two entirely different games going on in Beluaterra.  One is Priestly.  And for those who have never played priests, they play much more like adventurers.  No troops to fight with.  No scouts.  No nothing that would let them see what is going on.  You spend most of your time blind to what is going on around you as you spend most of your time preaching and talking to commoners.  For a long time I only had the priest in Beluaterra and as a player I didn't know much about what was going on with the wars and such.  Most priests in the game that I know of are played by people who also have a normal noble on the same continent.  Once I brought my second character in to play as a warrior, I know my enjoyment of the game went up a lot.

If people are forced to choose between having a priest and a normal noble, I think I know what most people are going to choose.  And after this game has spent so many years pushing the religion angle of the game, that is going to be very sad.  Because most people are not going to pick the priest.  And the religions are going to drop like flies when they run out of priests.

As I said above, I am against lowering the 2 character limit to a 1 character limit.  I think it will only hurt the game.  I could see a one character per realm limit.  Or a one character of each type per realm limit.  But a hard 1 character limit is just going to cause a general collapse of the game in my opinion.

And I can say without reservation that it will greatly affect my ability to play the game at all due to the choices I'm going to have make if I wish to continue playing at all.


It might not be a bad idea to separate priest class completely and treat it like advy.

So 0 secular influence. The moment your religion dies, your priest dies too. Unless you convert of course but at a heavy cost. But this sounds like a lot of work.


Quote from: Lapallanch on October 29, 2015, 07:54:32 AM
It might not be a bad idea to separate priest class completely and treat it like advy.

So 0 secular influence. The moment your religion dies, your priest dies too. Unless you convert of course but at a heavy cost. But this sounds like a lot of work.
It is almost possible to kill a religion. Generally, the only way to do it is when all priests quit.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Now I understand that my personal opinions are not relevant in the grand scheme of things, but this change is going to cause my plans to try and wake up the Far East to falter before they are even put into effect as I need both my ladies to make it happen. Which is a shame tbh, the Far East needs a wake up call badly and reducing the amount of nobles on it is likely going to only amplify the effects of the state of torpor it's already in.

Thus, I feel the noble reduction may be a deathstroke for the Far East and quite possibly the game entirely. Which would be a shame because at the very least I'm still having fun with both my ladies in the Far East; due to the nature of the story I'm telling with them I have little interest in having one of them move to another island and that would likely just be an icebox sentence for the younger character as the other one is a ruler in the Far East. :/


One option might be to convert one of them to an NPC again - but I can appreciate why that would be massively disappointing.

Tbh though, I don't think FEI is going to make it through the reforms to the game anyway - closing continents is pretty inevitable and since Tom refuses to allow EC to close it's unlikely that FEI will survive. On the other hand, that does at least mean that a mass exodus of nobles from FEI to EC could allow some interesting conflict as FEI realms/religions try to re-establish themselves in a new continent.

For now though it's best to try to keep playing as normal so as to make sure that a) things stay as fun as possible in the meantime and b) you're character(s) actually have to react if the island is closed rather than already being prepared and waiting for it.


NPCs can't make a religion sadly. (or revive one) the second character was the first character's page from the age of 6 in RP though. So getting rid of her would be horrible. x.x; And maybe the exodus from the Far East is a thing but if they get dumped in the Far East... I dunno how that'd work out; I kinda hope we can keep the Far East alive tbh. It's pretty fun over here, you should all join us! We got tea and cookies! ;)

On a more serious note; I like the atmosphere and background lore of the Far East alot so it'd be fairly undesireable for that to be lost. :/


This sucks. It's nothing but the recurrent "bad apple spoils the basket" argument.



Quote from: Lorgan on October 29, 2015, 10:35:23 PM
This sucks. It's nothing but the recurrent "bad apple spoils the basket" argument.


You mind explaining that with some context?


this is a mistake.

while yes there are certain issues caused by multiple nobles per continent the far worse issue is the inability to siege militia garrisoned cities, which having multiple nobles per continent ameliorates to an extent.

while no one likes zombie characters it is a small price to pay when player density is so low.
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.


This is a poorly conceived idea. The mass exodus of nobles will cause some realms to collapse entirely, and I'm fairly sure there will be no mass influx of nobles to compensate. I know I will not be among any such influx, as I have no desire to play on the other continents for various reasons. However, I do like playing the number of characters I do at the moment. Unfortunately for me, I will be finding the game far less enjoyable due to this exercise of ignoring player feedback. If you want to stop players from having two characters in a realm to artificially support themselves, create a one character per realm rule rather than this overbearing and unnecessary restriction.

For adventurers, if you have a noble on the continent as well, what's the point of playing an adventurer and getting them to noble status? Just so they can emigrate from the continent they just supported for their entire career? And for a roleplaying game, where is the concern for the arbitrary violation of many player's long RP lines for the sake of this no-improvement change?

We come down to the fact that there is no background set of guidelines governing the direction of the game. What is the priority? Are the devs here to make the game fun... support the roleplaying element rather than using it merely as a tagline... keep the game running long-term... create a player first atmosphere... inspire a social community of tolerance and equality... treat their players with dignity and respect... I don't know honestly, because this decision stands out as being in stark contrast to everything I just listed. 13 years of playing this game mostly uninterrupted, and this is the first decision I've seen that's made we want to make it my last.


The dev team will piss off people either way. Might as well put a stricter rule then get blamed than put another half assed measure only to have 0 impact and get blamed.

Dante Silverfire

I think there is a misconception about this change. Some people are indicating that realms might collapse if two nobles are not Llowed in the same realm or continent. They then say this is a bad thing. In my opinion, it would be a great thing if realms collapsed after losing the ability to have two nobles from the same player. All that means is it reveals a severe weakness and problem with that realm. If a realm can't exist with enough interesting interaction with only one noble per player it deserves to fail.

Simple Darwinism I'm the game. This failing of bad realms will allow for the rise of more good realms.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."