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Which interesting realms to join in Dwilight?

Started by Ketchum, December 04, 2015, 01:55:30 AM

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Wow, I not expecting so many replies. Plenty of choices... Hmmm, I have to consider :)
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)

Medron Pryde

dang....Tara or CE joining Luria would be insane.  they would be unbeatable i bet.

i am not suggesting that in my realm by the way...


Antiqualia:  Probably best not to join us at the moment unless you are okay with boredom while waiting for sufficient allies and resources to be built up.  I'd advocate Medina/Fissoa/D`Hara to help them become strong active realms in opposition to Luria again.  I'd caution against joining Arnor or Luria - despite knowing Luria has a good atmosphere - just to avoid stacking the deck for dual empires again.  If enough people were to join AQ with an influx of gold, maybe things would be different, but one or two won't make a difference.

Couple other things may not be common knowledge, which I'm sharing OOCly, obviously.  Ruler letters have passed back and forth that pretty much guarantee peace as between T(Antiqualia) and Helm(Arnor) is unattainable without a major shift in either of their viewpoints.  History/Gist is Antiqualia wants/wanted to have their whole realm solidified without being tied by treaty/contract to assist/help/defend/ally with/non-aggression pact with Arnor.  On a practical basis, Everybody knows those realms as neighbours need to war at some point, but it's just more important to Taran (as it was to Fulco) to keep Antiqualia out of agreements it might have to break in the future (in order to DO something in the North).   Helm/Arnor always wanted a peace accord of indeterminate, but LONG, duration to protect Arnor's flank while they attack elsewhere.  The only way that was going to mesh with Antiqualia from Fulco and Taran's perspective was if Helm/Arnor just GIFTED Cold Spring to Antiqualia as a gesture of friendship and AQ then offered support/etc. as a gesture of friendship in return - not by contractual/treaty obligation.  The rift is that AQ/Fulco/Taran never viewed it as reasonable or proper for Helm/Arnor to hold Cold Spring over them - the apparent view by Helm that AQ would just have Cold Spring and then immediately attack Arnor was insulting to us.  Since Helm wouldn't just give Cold Spring without a guarantee that we neighbours couldn't war without us breaking a treaty, Fulco ordered war and off we went on that path.

Militia issues made it so there was only one truly interesting battle in the whole war - in Cold Spring just after we attacked and Arnor's army came in to disrupt the takeover.  After that, there were too many militia to break in Cold Spring (believe me, we tried), and the sailing made it impossible to quickly respond to TO attempts with sufficient CS.

After Fulco went inactive and then eventually decided to abdicate fully, we had nobody with the time to lead.  Hell I don't really have the time to lead, but I did/do what I can.  I find it difficult to justify a change to the IC stance of Taran/AQ, as basically any long-term peace accord is totally counter to T's beliefs about war, and AQ-at-large's interest in fighting.  Might be justifiable to through a communion with the Bloodstars through Prophet Seoras when he arrives.  I have to talk OOCly with the others in the realm to make sure they're not just playing along and having a bad time of it.  As much as I like RP-consistency and the conflict it brought in creating the war, I don't want to have Helm/etc.'s refusal to actively try to conquer Springdale keep us bored.  Starving out, or dying of boredom is an unattractive prospect, and there's lots of players in Dwilight and on their way to Dwilight who could help with that.

I'm OOCly open to stuff, so if you have ideas, want to do something, etc. feel free to PM me. 

Gabanus family

Also don't forget the new realm in Gelene. The idea of building up a nation in the middle of monster territory means a lot of battles and a great adventure to allign the realm to the coast and possibly get support from the existing realms.

Also with the monsters spawning etc, Medina and Fissoa should also become more fun and the Lurian Kingdoms will have some work to do also with lordless regions.
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


The north of Dwilight is currently the hotspot of activity and warfare. Astrum, Morek and Swordfell are the old guard, while the others splintered from Morek (and Astrum?) to create more interesting conflict on the island. When the Western half of Dwilight was invaded by monsters, those that immigrated east and didn't ragequit mostly went to Luria (though recently HD as well). Luria and HD are currently involved in making a home for Western refugees out of Astrumite lands. In the recent past Luria won a war fighting against nearly every other realm on the island, in no small part due to the Westerners that took refuge there. The colony is sort of a pay back for services.

Many of the Westerners were part of a realm called Asylon, which before the reduction of the island, was the largest realm on the island and had constant warfare against its neighbors (especially Astrum). Without a doubt HD and the new colony, whenever it gets set up, seem to have the same commitment to conflict. It could be many of the newer northern realms do as well.

When I was in Luria it was very active, but the roleplays there have been entrenched for generations. It seemed to me that people were chosen as Dukes several IRL years before any opening became available. They have an incredible infrastructure for war, but due to their recent successes, need to travel long distances to partake in it.

Religion is a big deal on Dwilight, and used to be bigger back in the day. Most all conflicts happened around religion, with one religion (SA, though it is now splintered) particularly dominating the entire island. I hope with an influx of nobles there is a bigger push to bring this back (I think the two SA factions need to be consolidated).

D'Harans are slimy fish people.
Geg Family: Elshon (Bel)


Magic! People complained when Urtagoth went nuts but look what North is like now. More realms and more activities. This is why you need a madman every now and then :D

Dante Silverfire

I feel like I need to write an argument for why Luria is worth joining. There has only been a lot of people from other realms making comments on why you shouldn't join so far. So here is an argument FOR joining Luria:

Luria has a very in-depth culture with a focus on making SMA built into the system. Luria has only one law: Feudalism Reigns. You can do anything you want in Luria as long as your liege approves of it and will protect you. If someone has a problem with an action a knight takes, they must first take it up with that knight's lord and NOT the judge. The judge won't hand out punishments unless they are authorized by a noble's liege. (An example: A knight tries to assassinate a Duke of another duchy. That Duke would seek punishment with that knight's lord. If that Lord supports the action, the Duke would have to seek punishment through the Lord's Duke, and if that Duke supports it, then the Duke would have to seek redress only from the Ruler of the realm.) It's all designed to allow maximum interaction between nobles, while fitting perfectly within SMA.

Luria's internal dynamic is one of the most interesting I have ever been apart of. The realm operates as an empire. The ruler of the realm is an "Emperor" and each of the Dukes are "Kings." The Emperor is elected from amongst the Kings, and each King has final power and the ability to make laws within their own kingdom. The realm generally operates through distributed power. While the Emperor has final say on many things, most decisions take place on a more local level. The Kingdoms are allowed to operate as they wish, and the single "Luria" realm is more of a method to allow improved interaction, shared diplomacy, and a unified culture and nationalism.

Some perks of Luria:
Strongest Military
Best infrastructure (You have some of the best recruitment centers on the island and the game, including some very advanced special forces)
Many available lordships. The realm is large, and has a bunch of opportunity for those interested in advancing.
A lot of RP if that interests you. I tend to read multiple RP's on a daily basis within the realm.
Largest realm - This provides the benefit of a very active group of nobles who you can discuss things with and interact with. You don't have to worry about long periods of silence or non-communication.
Engaged in war constantly - Luria by being Dwilight's strongest realm also has many enemies. Luria has been in constant war for a long time and will continue to have engaging battles for anyone who enjoys the warfare aspect of the game.
Guild spread - Luria's guilds have the widest reach out of any on Dwilight. This is in part due to the fact that Luria requires the spread of it's guildhouses as a necessary condition for peace. This allows all nobles of Luria to be able to engage with others around the continent for more communication.

TL&DR: Luria is a vibrant realm with a lot of activity. It boasts the strongest military, with the best infrastructure, and is nearly always at war. You can find RP if that's what you're looking for and there are plenty of opportunities for advancement.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


I thought things moved slowly on Dwilight until I experienced life in Atamara


I think it is time I also put in my two cents here, and of course I would love for people to join D'Hara as I am the ruler of it. A very structured realm that is the second largest, sits in an interesting position as the roguelands become available once more, or at least in theory. Furthermore RP is rather liked and appreciated here, so you should feel at home if you like that. Consider us a realm of opportunities as it gives the play of underdog trying to win freedom against the Lurians, D'Haran reconquest of the West, D'Haran policy between the other realms, and a rather un religious realm for those who wish to create a faith.

Generally as I have said before I do welcome all who want to play on Dwilight, I would love more activity even if not in D'Hara, though I would like it if you came ;) haha.

What I can say is that Madina needs nobles, a dead realm, Fissoa practically the same, and the new realm will also be interesting. What I will say, and while it may seem biased, it is this, I would discourage anyone from joining Luria, simply on the sole fact that it would be seemingly overpowered to give Luria more nobles. They already have almost twice the men of the second largest, and have been steamrolling realms for ages. Switch things up and join other realms. I know it seems incredibly biased, yet I honestly believe it would be the best to avoid stagnation.


Quote from: Dallben on December 04, 2015, 04:43:39 PM
stuff about AQ
Yeah we kind of knew something obviously had happened activity wise, really unfortunate that things fell apart for AQ there.

Quote from: Dallben on December 04, 2015, 04:43:39 PM
  Might be justifiable to through a communion with the Bloodstars through Prophet Seoras when he arrives.
Lmao is him being a prophet a joke? Only thing I'd ever appoint him to is court jester.

Quote from: Gabanus family on December 04, 2015, 05:13:22 PM
Also don't forget the new realm in Gelene. The idea of building up a nation in the middle of monster territory means a lot of battles and a great adventure to allign the realm to the coast and possibly get support from the existing realms.

Also with the monsters spawning etc, Medina and Fissoa should also become more fun and the Lurian Kingdoms will have some work to do also with lordless regions.

Gelene makes me sad about the one noble limit for Dwilight, it sounds like it could be seriously fun!
Taselak is Best-elak.

Xavax, to be taken all day erry' day.


Quote from: Ossan on December 04, 2015, 11:31:59 PM
Gelene makes me sad about the one noble limit for Dwilight, it sounds like it could be seriously fun!

I could not agree more, it sounds like a wonderful place for my Barion, he would love such a place, but oh well.


I joined Astrum a few months ago based almost solely on the realm ratings in the realm selection page for new characters. It supposed had high glory and a nice (or so I thought) region/noble ratio. Having been there for this time, I have no idea how they could possibly have held so many regions before. A ruler that seems more inactive than not, a general that lost a series of battle and subsequently autopaused, and poor movement rates in the army. It seems rather difficult to accomplish anything considering Luria and Helyg are beating down the doors.


Quote from: Temeraire on December 05, 2015, 12:05:54 AM
I joined Astrum a few months ago based almost solely on the realm ratings in the realm selection page for new characters. It supposed had high glory and a nice (or so I thought) region/noble ratio. Having been there for this time, I have no idea how they could possibly have held so many regions before. A ruler that seems more inactive than not, a general that lost a series of battle and subsequently autopaused, and poor movement rates in the army. It seems rather difficult to accomplish anything considering Luria and Helyg are beating down the doors.

It's because they were surrounded by friendly states for a long time. I believe they used to be even bigger before western dwi shut down, but their player base was probably bigger and more active at that time.
Quote from: GundamMerc on October 01, 2015, 08:28:47 PMBy the way, would love to see you coordinate three realms without having an OOC teamspeak with everyone on it.


Quote from: Temeraire on December 05, 2015, 12:05:54 AM
I joined Astrum a few months ago based almost solely on the realm ratings in the realm selection page for new characters. It supposed had high glory and a nice (or so I thought) region/noble ratio. Having been there for this time, I have no idea how they could possibly have held so many regions before. A ruler that seems more inactive than not, a general that lost a series of battle and subsequently autopaused, and poor movement rates in the army. It seems rather difficult to accomplish anything considering Luria and Helyg are beating down the doors.

Well it would be only Luria if Astrum's ruler had come to his senses during the peace talks with Helyg Derwyddon. This is a war born of Astrum's own stubbornness. Especially now that they will soon have a chance to reclaim some of the West.


Moreso than you realize. Astrum could've made peace (there were numerous attempts by both sides at various points) with Luria well before they became the last (not counting D'Hara) realm standing against us and Westfold still wasn't formed. Astrum never really acquired the disgust (except what may have existed amongst Westerners due to the Asylonite-Astrumite wars) from Lurian haughtiness that other realms garnered in the war.

The only reason Astrum entered the war was to support Morek Empire supporting D'Hara. Then ME's ruler that asked for the support seceded to form HD, followed by the rest of ME seceding, leaving Astrum holding the bag after Fissoa had been brought to peace and D'Hara was being ignored on their island fortress.