BattleMaster > Newbie Board

Nationless Mercenary group?

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Is it possible to create a guild or something that has no allegiance to any one nation and do mercenary work for random nations? I'd love to create a band of mercenaries who do work for the highest bidder.

It is pretty much impossible, cause of diplomacy and relations.
There was complete realm devoted for mercenary life.



--- Quote from: Barrettblatter on December 24, 2015, 07:31:24 AM ---Is it possible to create a guild or something that has no allegiance to any one nation and do mercenary work for random nations? I'd love to create a band of mercenaries who do work for the highest bidder.

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You can by making your guild members join the highest bidder.

So you always have to have allegiance to a nation, but you could effectively just swap around to whoever you currently work for?


--- Quote from: Barrettblatter on December 24, 2015, 09:19:32 AM ---So you always have to have allegiance to a nation, but you could effectively just swap around to whoever you currently work for?

--- End quote ---



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