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Nationless Mercenary group?

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The games is designed so nobles always have allegiance to a realm. If you go rogue, you are always at great risk of being executed or deported, since any judge can execute any rogue in their prison. You will always fight any troops in the region, and risk being arrested every turn if you have no troops yourself. Also, fighting and choosing sides in battle is controlled by realm diplomacy.

Gabanus family:

--- Quote from: Indirik on December 24, 2015, 08:12:55 PM ---The games is designed so nobles always have allegiance to a realm. If you go rogue, you are always at great risk of being executed or deported, since any judge can execute any rogue in their prison. You will always fight any troops in the region, and risk being arrested every turn if you have no troops yourself. Also, fighting and choosing sides in battle is controlled by realm diplomacy.

--- End quote ---

Don't forget the lack of options to replenish your troops after battle with no capital to recruit from.

But you can indeed create a mercenary realm, or even a group which moves from nation to nation. I've thought of the last option for quite a bit actually tbh, but never got around to trying it.

I feel like a map with a nice central area, such as where D'Hara is located in Dwilight, would be a great position for a small realm that offers mercenary services. It would probably need a more or less continent wide agreement like the Assassins realm in the colonies has. It would be cool to see.

You know, the center of western Dwilight would be great for that as well.

Just reclaim it from monsters and do it. :) Hell, players from different realms can leave their lands and head west as one, doesn't just have to be migrants alone.

"Rumor has spread of a colossal endeavor: the birthing pangs of a mercenary realm, yearning for something new with which to change the scope of continental politics, dreaming of a western realm. Peasants, adventurers, and even nobles - of various realms across the world - have begun preparations for a grand exodus of incredible proportions. All of them thirsting for the exciting life of a blade-for-hire!"

except that they would be too far from any realm that has actual wars to be a mercenary realm, and surrounded by monsters.


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