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Started by Prometheus III, February 28, 2016, 06:47:54 PM

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There's a group of daimons in Fronepu that refuses to die and has been stuck on 5 daimons left for the last two rounds of combat so I cant do any repairs or fortification work.  :'(

Medron Pryde

Yeah...the people playing the Netherworld have been using that tactic for a while now.

It is how they brought the walls of Reeds and Keffa down from the 5 they were at the start of the Invasion.

Just kept sending little guys in between big waves so it was impossible to mount repairs on the walls...



Are the actual Demon NPC's no longer active?
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Quote from: JeVondair on June 10, 2016, 07:40:10 PM
Are the actual Demon NPC's no longer active?

They are.

Quote from: Medron Pryde on June 10, 2016, 06:49:46 PM
Yeah...the people playing the Netherworld have been using that tactic for a while now.

It is how they brought the walls of Reeds and Keffa down from the 5 they were at the start of the Invasion.

Just kept sending little guys in between big waves so it was impossible to mount repairs on the walls...


You know, instead of giving snide commentary, you could read what he said, which was that the SAME group has been stuck at 5 daimons. Meaning there's a bug, not some evil strategy.

Medron Pryde

Not a bug.

The monsters and daimons are simply very resilient to being killed.

The undead will be wiped out in a single attack, but the monsters and daimons will remain for many turns with each battle merely wounding them rather than killing them.  So they come back and attack again before the walls can be repaired.

This is not a bug.  It is simply a matter of taking the capabilities of certain units to soak up damage without actually dying and turning them into a strategic asset to keep the human realms from performing repairs to their walls.

This has been seen and remarked upon by players in Dwilight where the monsters and undead are simply swarming the cities one turn after another and wearing the walls down without any chance to repair them.

This is more a feature I think than it is a bug.  Some have called it an exploit.  It is certainly possible that there will be a decision to change it, but that would only happen if those in a position to do so recognize that it is a widespread tactic across multiple realms, and even continents.  And the reactions of every human realm (AKA players of the game) targeted by it are universally negative based on what I have seen.

Calling it a snide comment to note this problem is attempting to deflect the issue and suggest it is not real.  I assure you, based on what I have seen both in game and on the forums, this is an issue that the players are very much aware of and are universally unhappy with.


It might actually be a bug. There were two groups of daimons that attacked. The one group was wittled down and destroyed completely a while ago, this other group has remained at 5 for the last day and a half.


Quote from: Medron Pryde on June 11, 2016, 06:27:43 AM
Not a bug.

The monsters and daimons are simply very resilient to being killed.

The undead will be wiped out in a single attack, but the monsters and daimons will remain for many turns with each battle merely wounding them rather than killing them.  So they come back and attack again before the walls can be repaired.

This is not a bug.  It is simply a matter of taking the capabilities of certain units to soak up damage without actually dying and turning them into a strategic asset to keep the human realms from performing repairs to their walls.

This has been seen and remarked upon by players in Dwilight where the monsters and undead are simply swarming the cities one turn after another and wearing the walls down without any chance to repair them.

This is more a feature I think than it is a bug.  Some have called it an exploit.  It is certainly possible that there will be a decision to change it, but that would only happen if those in a position to do so recognize that it is a widespread tactic across multiple realms, and even continents.  And the reactions of every human realm (AKA players of the game) targeted by it are universally negative based on what I have seen.

Calling it a snide comment to note this problem is attempting to deflect the issue and suggest it is not real.  I assure you, based on what I have seen both in game and on the forums, this is an issue that the players are very much aware of and are universally unhappy with.

Actually, no, the issue on Dwilight was definitely a bug, and was completely different (the monsters were dying, but the ones that remained rallied immediately, not allowing people to hunt them after a battle, whereas this is them not dying). So yeah, you're assuming something that isn't the case.

Medron Pryde

The instant rallying bug is not what I was talking about.

The issue is that they don't die, wait a turn or two to rally, and attack again, making it impossible to repair the walls while more monsters and undead march towards the cities in an unending series of waves that seem designed to wear out the defensive walls.

It is certainly possible that this is not designed and is merely an unanticipated "feature" of the code.  I would not be surprised at all if that is the case.  I have programmed many things in my life and understand well how things can take on lives of their own.

Heck, isn't it Elite that just had to roll back several new features because the AI figured out how to take advantage of them, created new technologies that had never been intended, and then started ganking real players by pulling them out of hyperspace and instakilling them with fully automatic rail guns or something equally crazy?  I'm actually really impressed with that.  I give them coodos for making something that could do that.  I'm also pleased that they stopped that by pulling the updates until they can figure out how to AI-proof them.  *snerk*


please leave AA alone. I don't want heretics in my city we finally got rid of the daimons and everyone is happy in terms of morale and loyalty.


Oh no!

We just strengthen Netherworld with our scrolls :-\
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


The RP messages in Fronepu tell us to visit temples or priests, but we have no temples or priests to visit. And if you go to the visit the temples option on the action page you get an error. I'm still confused why there is a beam of light on the dynamic map though if no one used any spells recently.


Bug. Try it now.

The beam of light has been there several weeks unresolved from earlier portal stone usage.


Alright now it doesn't give us a chance to go to the ghost temple, but we still have no priests or temples nearby.


That seems an in-character issue.


Yea but the RP messages are telling us to visit temples, but no temples exist.