Author Topic: Monster Problems  (Read 126849 times)


  • Freeman
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Re: Monster Problems
« Reply #315: June 20, 2017, 12:46:41 AM »
The problem with your assessment is many of the players in Madina have been here a long time and the realm is not light on nobility.  As far as the list goes, we are slightly above the middle point and there are several with less nobles you seem to not pick on.  Currently we have 18 Nobles occupying 9 regions with 8 adv characters.  That is nearly 3/region character count, which places us in the top 5 on the continent as far as density count (rough estimate).

Tell us how we are doing this wrong, our density count is above average and we are fighting a distorted version of forum based Dark Souls instead of the DIPLOMATIC game Tom made.  You claim we are not holding our weight but what has kept our attention faced west for years IRL instead of being able to concentrate other places without losing everything to a series of bad game decisions and coding?

I get it, you are and always have been biased against Madina and Fissoa.  We can all see it in your comments.  Even in your failed attempts to make a new map for Dwilight, you constantly edited us or parts of us out of existence until a Mod told you to stop with the maps because they were not going to remap Dwilight. 

If you don't like us then simply don't say anything about us.  Pretend we don't exist and it will make you happy.  Don't reply to any posts with our names in and it will make us happy.    You will not have to put up with us for long, the current coding is destroying the south.  Once Madina and Fissoa are gone, you will have to worry about further density problems because several of the old players are disgusted with the way the game coding is done but do not want to give up on years of history we created and contributed to.  Many of us will simply retire our characters and go to other islands or quit the game altogether. 

There goes your planed density reassignment, less characters does not equal better game.
Beldragos Family:  Baal Zephon (Madina), Morganna - Adv (Madina), Atrox - Adv (Assassins), Galvenor (Retired), Mephista (Lukon), Luci (Sirion)