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East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan

Started by Gabanus family, May 14, 2016, 11:39:09 PM

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Gabanus family

Quote from: BarticaBoat on May 18, 2016, 01:28:05 AM
We want to quell the rebels of Itorunt and destroy the bandits of Semall, yes. Itorunt lies in Greater Xavax, Semall does not. The Imperium is only concerned with the lands of Greater Xavax. Read into that as you will.

Besides, we technically have one law (don't anger the Xerarch) and I've never seen a realm more actively use doublethink and propaganda as freely as we do. We are purpose built to be isolationist. When the war ends there will be more RP room.

This + the reactions before kinda confirm what I wrote before doesn't it?

Also, saying that you haven't seen so much propaganda before yet doesn't mean it doesn't exists (tbh I haven't seen any realm propaganda by Xavax in game yet). Although the Isolationist is a interesting and very strange concept, but we'll see what comes of it I suppose.

But so far I've seen little to contradict my summary of what could easily happen and what dangers there could be hidden in those scenarios.
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Also, we definitely want to wipe out Alara. That given is no secret. It's Minas Nova and Perleone that we don't really care about, other than the fact that they are in our way. Oh, and the hatred thing...but that was something of an accident. One example of propoganda is that it is now illegal  in Xavax to refer to either realm by their names (punishable by fines and ridicule). Instead, they are the Black City Bandits or the Raiders of Semall or other outlaw titles. Because they are criminals XD

Of course, with Vix lower relations and Caligus making hints, it does not seem that Xavax will be able to enjoy the quality "Xavax only" time to which we are so entitled...
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Quote from: JeVondair on May 18, 2016, 02:47:38 PM
Also, we definitely want to wipe out Alara. That given is no secret. It's Minas Nova and Perleone that we don't really care about, other than the fact that they are in our way. Oh, and the hatred thing...but that was something of an accident. One example of propoganda is that it is now illegal  in Xavax to refer to either realm by their names (punishable by fines and ridicule). Instead, they are the Black City Bandits or the Raiders of Semall or other outlaw titles. Because they are criminals XD

Of course, with Vix lower relations and Caligus making hints, it does not seem that Xavax will be able to enjoy the quality "Xavax only" time to which we are so entitled...

Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)


"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"

We're also pretty good at fighting each other. :p

Quote from: Gabanus family on May 18, 2016, 01:30:10 PM
This + the reactions before kinda confirm what I wrote before doesn't it?

Also, saying that you haven't seen so much propaganda before yet doesn't mean it doesn't exists (tbh I haven't seen any realm propaganda by Xavax in game yet). Although the Isolationist is a interesting and very strange concept, but we'll see what comes of it I suppose.

But so far I've seen little to contradict my summary of what could easily happen and what dangers there could be hidden in those scenarios.

We have no interest in Minas Nova's regions other than they're controlled by Minas Nova, nor Perleone beyond the fact that they butted into our affairs and launched a few unsuccessful raids on Oc Lu Pesh and been helping keep the other two alive. For all we care, once Minas is gone, thier regions and their "dirty little town with delusions of grandeur" can sit rogue and breed monsters, and Perleone can see itself right out of our business at any time (if that requires bloodying their nose to get the point across, so be it). If anything, Vix's recent threat has drawn a big target on them, we'll want to secure our northern border in case Vix wants to get involved now... You see, we have no interest in blobbing up into some sort of Southern Superpower, we're too busy plotting against each other in our own court to care about the trivialities of outside politics. ;)


You best not be plottin'! If you think Selenia's new law against squirrels holding nuts is harsh, imagine what she'll do to you!
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Quote from: Gabanus family on May 18, 2016, 01:30:10 PM
This + the reactions before kinda confirm what I wrote before doesn't it?

Also, saying that you haven't seen so much propaganda before yet doesn't mean it doesn't exists (tbh I haven't seen any realm propaganda by Xavax in game yet). Although the Isolationist is a interesting and very strange concept, but we'll see what comes of it I suppose.

But so far I've seen little to contradict my summary of what could easily happen and what dangers there could be hidden in those scenarios.
I wish I can tell you more to contradict your summary. But let keep it a surprise :D

Quote from: JeVondair on May 19, 2016, 03:28:26 AM
You best not be plottin'! If you think Selenia's new law against squirrels holding nuts is harsh, imagine what she'll do to you!
But I need to plot... Can outsider plot against Selenia? It is not against law right.
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


Quote from: Ketchum on May 19, 2016, 04:36:44 AM
But I need to plot... Can outsider plot against Selenia? It is not against law right.

If a foreigner plots against the Xerach, but is outside the lands of the Imperium, then, legally, Selenia can't do anything. Well, she can laugh, reign down HIGHLY EMOTIONAL and ILLOGICAL NONSENSICAL ARROGANT messages on you, but she can't sue you. It only becomes Illegal if you happen to be caught plottin while within the lands claimed by the Imperium.

Selenia actually did make Druzil's snippit about illegal squirrels into an actual Imperial Edict and Law of Xavax. I shudder to imagine what she'd do to Brock if she caught him!
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Quote from: JeVondair on May 19, 2016, 06:43:17 AM
Selenia actually did make Druzil's snippit about illegal squirrels into an actual Imperial Edict and Law of Xavax. I shudder to imagine what she'd do to Brock if she caught him!

Judge Bulletin

last updated by Torxanib Godric Tórrarin on 2016-05-19 06:56:12
The nobles in the lands of western Greater Xavax shall be referred to as rebels of Itorunt. Further west is the criminal horde around Semall. They are not realms.

All sworn to Vix Tramora are forbidden passage in the Imperium and are to be reported.

All squirrels caught holding any variety of nut, acorn, or drupe are to be killed, seared, and left as food for the owner of the property.

The Codex of Laws of Xavax

The Arbiter
The Arbiter will administer justice according to proper noble decorum and laws of fealty. (C.1.5.1) Matters of importance to the Imperium will be tried directly by the Arbiter in a binding arbitration without privilege of appeal. In those cases only the Xerarch may break the arbitration.

Internal conflict within a fief, including insubordination and failure in military duties,  will be judged by the liege-lord. When there is no common liege besides the Xerarch, these cases will be defaulted to arbitration. Similarly, cases may be appealed or escalated according to rules found within the codex. Any case may be dealt with via duel in lieu of arbitration. Arbitrations may demand a duel take place. Refusal of a duel shall be punishable according to a breach of decorum. A duellist may petition the Arbiter for a champion to take their place. Death of the champion will see them fined a wergild to a designated person as well as loss of their case. (C.1.5.5-8)

Duelling is a respected art and a valid judgement of legal cases. It shall not be restricted in any sense.  (C.2.3)

Quote from: JeVondair on May 19, 2016, 03:28:26 AM
You best not be plottin'! If you think Selenia's new law against squirrels holding nuts is harsh, imagine what she'll do to you!

Of course I'm not plotting against Her Grace, I was part of the Loyalist faction after all! ;)


Quote from: JeVondair on May 19, 2016, 01:46:28 AM
Smirk all you like we're on to you sneakster you ain't slick!  ;)

About time!
Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)


Replying here from a Dwilight thread that tangented into EC discussion, so as to keep continent discussions separate.

EC Tangent Reply from this post
I don't know what happened inside Perdan as a realm. But the ancient (you *just* gave your city away to eponllyn, how is it ancient?) ambition I have doubts on existing at the beginning of the war, but coming later. The war started over passage rights. We were told over and over, both ICly as character, and OOCly as players, that Perdan had absolutely no interest in Perdan City at all, ever again. Which was what Perdan had offered us in the treaty they wrote. As the war progressed and Perdan/Vix violated more of their agreements, Vix and Perdan players shared that older Perdanite players had returned. And *they* wanted to restore the city. Which is all fine and good IC, things change. But it still changed the nature of the war from a limited one of passage rights with no looting or takeovers looking forward to a limited war to get something going to crushing and driving players out of the game from frustration. After Perdan and Vix fought in a limited war where their players went on and on about what super awesome players they were not engaging in life or death wars.

It was absolutely not fun to be in Eponllyn after the war changed saying 'we surrender' *loot* *takeover* 'we surrender' *loot* *takever*. Especially after Perdan had said it changed from the *last* three times it did that to Eponllyn. Especially after it had gone on and on about small realms and limited wars and a new era. You try to go out and do something to keep your realm engaging thinking the players on the other side of the war understand where you're coming from, them having *just* been in the same position not long ago, and instead one feels in hindsight that you should've just let them march through your realm and not attempted any war if that was how it was going to go down. And people wonder why you get situations with very risk-averse, cautious leaders. Because even when you take risks with those who praise themselves for fighting limited wars and championing small realms, its just more same old gangbang.

Eponllyn saved Perdan's life after Perdan started its second war to destroy Eponllyn. When Perdan was in the same poor stagnant position Eponllyn is in now, Eponllyn stood by and refused to destroy Perdan like the rest of the continent did. It was prepared to defend Perdan against invaders from Vix before Perdan's new ruler decided to shun Eponllyn. Eponllyn bent over backwards to accommodate Perdan. Perdan wanted nothing of it. Perdan may never have declared hatred mechanically, but Perdan has acted in hatred of Eponllyn for OOC years now, attempting to destroy Eponllyn on at least three separate occasions now. And after Perdan lied the umpteenth time about what it was going to do or what it wanted from this war, can you fault a realm for perhaps...not believing they are telling the truth this time? Everything Perdan said it would not do, it in fact did.


Quote from: Wimpie on May 19, 2016, 10:23:34 AM
About time!

Back in the game, you! You've go questions to answer....

well just ONE question, actually...  ::)
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Quote from: JeVondair on May 17, 2016, 09:37:44 PM
I just don't see the southern wars ending any time soon, and Xavax has been famously unconcerned about matters beyond their borders. That does not, however, mean that things are immune to change. For example, what if Caligus attacks Fallangard while Xavax is distracted? What if either Caligus, Alara, or Xavax suffer a leadership change? And If they do that, what's to stop a land grab against Caligus from their neighbors? What will Perdan and Vix do if Xavax takes Ibaldesh? What if Xavax magically takes Semall and its Duchess takes the rest of her lands to join Perleone?

There are so MANY possibilities! So much room for activities!

I need to start being more careful what I wish for...

So, from the Xavax perspective, we know that Vix is assembling their army to 'sneak' attack us. Our focus will shift north, giving Alara some breathing room and perhaps even allowing them to take back a region or two. Fallangard will jump in because no federated ally would let 4v1 bang happen and they have been ACHING for a war and their combined strength will more than put them on par with Vix. Fallangard taking action will force Caligus to reevaluate their position because in exchange for not interceding on Alara's behalf, they forbade Fallangard from joining the war. But, Caligus is at war with a surprisingly stubborn First Oligarch and the risk of opening a 2 front war with the aggressive and not-weak Imperial Federation might fall under the category of a Bad Idea.

Meanwhile, the neighbors of a distracted might just do some reevaluating of their own...

Room for activities indeed.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"