Author Topic: Greater Xavax Imperium  (Read 218192 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
« Reply #390: January 21, 2017, 06:34:29 PM »
That may well be true, but the reason this side-discussion started was to explain why there is currently such a large alliance fighting against GX and why realms such as Alara and Perleone chose to fight Xavax. Within that context you cannot simply disregard anything Magnus ever said, especially not IC.

It is Selenia's job to fix what is broken in this regard, or at least try. Then you get the question whether or not people trust her word etc. We also get to everything that happened after this war started and we come to the conclusion that it won't be easy. Still, I believe GX can come out of this alive.

You realize that Magnus got the wool pulled over his eyes by Alara's King Robb, yes? The reason there's a huge alliance fighting GX is that Perdan and Vix were bored, but also too afraid of losing their power by fighting each other, so picked what looked like the easy target. They have claimed loudly that Greater Xavax is a huge threat to them, but are just deluding themselves. Have you looked at the statistics any at all?

In gold per noble, CS per noble, total econ, Greater Xavax is horribly out-matched. They make a measly 70 gold per noble, the lowest on the continent. The average CS per noble is just under 500 throughout this war. Vix by itself is on parity with total military to GX. God forbid I include everyone else fighting them. Total Econ is a joke, GX has only broken the 6k mark once in the past 3 months.

So to be frank, the coalition against GX is just horribly inept. I'm sorry. They're making a boogieman out of a realm that in everything but noble count and military strategy is relatively average.