Author Topic: Greater Xavax Imperium  (Read 218873 times)


  • Freeman
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Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
« Reply #75: August 17, 2016, 12:35:34 AM »
Ohh well, I was super sure you were coming for me anyway so that is why I was sending those message, since you didnt return Itor Boss and cleary stated that it was never going to happen so maybe in your mind we could have been allies but the way Selenia behaved totally lead me to believe the war was inevitable. What happened to Sayuki though? Why was the char deleted? And yes the alliance with Minas Nova was kind of a surprise, we stop talking during the rebellion in Xavax and then suddenly I dont remember if it was me or him, somebody reached out, we started talking and as said before in a matter of a couple of days the alliance was born, then Perleone followed.

I think somebody asked if Perleone was funding us, the answer is no, only once they gave us gold, 2k, to be honest Itorunt is filthy rich, having 10k of militia drains a little more than a third of the city´s income plus we didnt have enough nobles, gold was never an issue, we had five nobles for most of the conflict and one of them was a priest, now we have been lucky and we have 7 nobles I think and they are active so that has helped a lot, I always wondered though if you guys were receiving money from Fallangard?