Author Topic: When will BT sink?  (Read 8876 times)


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Re: When will BT sink?
« Reply #15: July 29, 2016, 05:26:58 AM »
Quote from: Vita
I emphasize using the existing religions, guilds, and message channels to share information

I think this is part of the joke.  The problem I've seen has nothing to do with sharing information.  There has been plenty of it.  I've seen battle reports in various areas.  Seen how the Daimons win and lose.  Yet it doesn't change anything.  In a matter of fact, if you post something to other people, the GM's take that information and use it to their advantage.  I've seen it tested several times.  It's what thwarts a number of player's attempts.  I even decided to test to see if that's what's being done.  I made an IC message to the army about how the Daimon hadn't started a takeover yet.  In what appears to be the next login, the GM started it.  You say we should share information and yet players are punished anytime they try to work together towards it with GM's reading messages and knowing what they need to do to stop it.  I've heard players deciding they had to act outside of the server to have a shot which is against the whole point of our game.

Quote from: JeVondair
Without unity, there can be no Victory against the darkness.

Even with unity, there is no Victory against the Darkness.  Otherwise, the Netherworld would have been shrinking not increasing in size.

Quote from: Constantine
There are other continents with more traditional gameplay. Don't lile BT? Emigrate.

I've played on the other continents and even enjoy some of them.  My favorite continent was sunk though which was disappointing.  But part of the reasons people complained about that continent is the same thing that's happening on BT from my perspective.  So, it was a logical question given that the admins sunk that continent.  On that continent, at least working together got you somewhere.

I also want to point out that the "Emigrate if you don't like it" attitude hurts Battlemaster.  Players bring up their concerns and problems that they see and rather than attempt to address issues just tell them to go away.  That's what they do.  Go away from BattleMaster entirely.  It's why this game has been slowly losing people.

Quote from: Anaris
It tests different skills than other continents. That doesn't mean that skill isn't involved.

The only "skill" that I can see is required in BT is patience.  As long as you are willing to take whatever and not care about the state of a realm, then you can survive to the end.  I'll just give an example from what I can see.  After 17 days worth of being besieged, we were patient enough to "survive" because the Daimon finally left.  No skill resulted in any benefit to us other than simply waiting for the Daimon to leave.  The longer they stayed the worse our situation got and the stronger the daimons got in comparison to us.

I should take that back... buttkissing with the Daimons also seem to work too, but that's no fun either.  Am I missing something?  Is there a noble skill there that we have that helps in BT?

My frustration is this.  It's getting harder and harder to keep people interested in staying in one place because we can't leave without getting our forces wiped out.  People don't want to bother being in the council positions even after begging because what's the point?  It doesn't help anything.  You can't expand.  You can't fight other realms who aren't yes men to the Netherworld.  It's getting to the point where it's a chore to log in and see what miracle I have to try to do just to keep the realm alive.  That's not even talking about making a realm prosper.  If BT is about this, then you are right that it's not for me.  But that's the question I have.  Is that how the admins feel BM is supposed to be?  If not, then let's try to come to a solution to help resolve this.