Author Topic: Assorted tales of Godric Warbornsson  (Read 6189 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Assorted tales of Godric Warbornsson
« Topic Start: December 20, 2016, 07:16:55 AM »
After a private scolding from a young knight, Godric takes the quarrel public issuing a challenge to duel to the death. After receiving public words, the young knight Solomon Steele sees the error of his words and asks forgiveness. This forgiveness comes in the way of a duel to surrender instead. The young knight agrees to fight the seasoned warrior. This is as the skalds sing it.

Wrath of Godric son of Warborn: sing, heralds, and let it be known Tor's will done.

Solomon Steele, Knight of Tota meets his challenger Godric Tórrarin ka Habb, Knight of Xavax for the agreed duel till surrender. Godric Tórrarin has decided to use the 'trick moves' strategy while Solomon has chosen the 'defensive' strategy, giving Godric Tórrarin the advantage. The duel goes back and forth for a while. Finally, Solomon surrenders after suffering a light wound.

Godric Dukeslayer, light-eyed but stone-hearted, met his quarry. Upon a slight the product of youth the Son of Warborn cannot let it pass. A pendant to Tor around his neck, today he wields a spear. He dreamt the night past of a wolf in the tundra. Maddened by hunger it brought a spear in its jaws. The omen was to be heeded.

His armor is chainmail from shoulder to knee. With spear is the shield, blade ever ready at his hip. His vita preceeds him as his presence dominates. The herald cries the names of the duellists and the clash begins.

Tor does not stir. This battle does not interest him. Sir Steele fights cautiously, wary of the superior warrior. His blade is caught on Warbornsson's shield, again and again, the spear thrusts forth but narrowly missing. His strength is undeniable but his strikes are slow. Like the wolf he is toying and circling ready to strike.

It is done in a flash. Steele's blade drags on the shield opening a small window to strike. The Dukeslayer does not miss, like a wild bull he charges, throwing the spear it slashes the flank of his foe. The wound is not deep. Sir Solomon is ready to fight but Godric has already drawn his blade for a killing blow. Steele's eyes show fear but his voice does not tremble. A warrior speaks. "I yield."

So the duel is won by the Dukeslayer, his respect is restored. The duel is won by Sir Solomon Steele, for he has earned the respect of Godric Warbornsson. No man may call him a coward.