Author Topic: The game really needs "confirmation option" for actions  (Read 9066 times)

Victor C

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  • I didn't know what to write here, so I wrote this.
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I just read some really hard to achieve misclicks... Dropping your unique item requires SKILL. I mean. You gotta go to that page by misclicking like crazy and then you gotta somehow get the mouse over the drop button... (That's a bit of a distance of mouse movement just on that page).

I am just curious how your mouse looks like btw... Normal mouses make it PRETTY hard to mistake your left click and scroll wheel.

I apologize, but... You REALLY need to be careful, this argument applies GREATLY. I mean, especially on PC... Your cursor doesn't magically click elsewhere like on a mobile... PC, your pointer tells you exactly where you're clicking.  (If you can't see it... Go to your desktop, click personalize and look for "Mouse settings" or "Cursor settings" something along those lines and make it Bigger, different colour, Whatever you need to do to understand where your mouse is at all times).

To prevent anymore sorrow, I advise you click the scroll wheel (actually push it down), it will allow you to simply move your page with the positioning of your mouse. (No scroll wheeling or clicking required!) When you want to stop the automatic scrolling, click your left mouse button and it will do so.

(The farther away your mouse is from that original point, the faster your page is going to scroll. You'll see the mark of origin marked on the page by a circle when you move your mouse away. If you put your cursor back at the point of origin, the page will become stationary but your automatic scroll is still activated.)

With your mobile, the best and most IMPORTANT tip I can give you is, DON'T RUSH... Take your time and slowly put your finger on the screen. If you're misclicking like crazy, stop and aim your finger and slowly put it where it needs to go.

If the buttons are really close together, zoom in. Give it a second to recognize the screen change (your phone is not as fast as a computer, it needs time to adjust) then carefully put your finger down on the screen.)
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