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What even was this?

Started by Andrew, October 10, 2016, 02:13:20 AM

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Anyone who remembers, care to explain what SpellMaster actually was?

I was around for it's semi-revival but didn't get into it, and I'd like to put a page on the community site about it.
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I was a fun game. Too bad it never got off the alpha. :(


Quote from: Zakky on October 10, 2016, 02:47:03 AM
I was a fun game. Too bad it never got off the alpha. :(

The descriptiveness amazes.

Seriously though, what was it? How did it work? etc.?
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You played as a wizard. Each wizard had spells they were good at. We all invented spells then they were shuffled and redistributed among everyone so everyone got some low level spells and high level spells. We also had common spells which everyone could learn like basic spells. You play by using your spells on your target and everytime you used a spell, you were becoming more exhausted and eventually you ran out of stamina to cast more spells. So you had to choose your spells carefully - but when I played against Tom, I lost quickly since I didn't learn and defensive spells.


Are you after details about all three incarnations of it? As each was different in its own way.
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