Author Topic: A Knight in Port Raviel  (Read 3511 times)


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A Knight in Port Raviel
« Topic Start: November 16, 2016, 01:46:45 AM »
Roleplay from Kateera McDowell   (9 hours, 6 minutes ago)  message to all nobles of D'Hara

The battle against the undead and monsters had Kateera filled with an incredible amount of adrenaline. The attack had been expected, since there seemed to always be an endless supply of them coming into the streets of Port Raviel. At one point she saw Sir Donte rush headlong with his infantry to clash directly with the horde. Her heart was in her throat, she could see this would not end well. She tried to scream out a warning to the other noble, but there was nothing to do, he was set on fighting. It wasn't long before the horde began cutting down his infantry unit with brute force. Many of his men fell where they stood, several others were injured. Kateera looked over her shoulder and she could see Baron Drizztle among the fray, it seemed he had not lied about his skill, he was strength and grace in his movements. She admired him for a moment but her attention was redirected towards the battlefield. She shouted orders to her men and they shot out a volley of arrows, hitting their marks.

The battle went on in this manner for some time, until the threat was completely eradicated. Without waiting, Kateera ordered her men to care for the commoners, and to offer assistance where it was needed. She didn't mind getting her hands dirty, she was a warrior and the commoners viewed them as their salvation. She mingled with the populace and offered words of consolation. She noticed a small child huddled behind a building and rushed to his side. She knelt to his height and spoke softly. “Everything is over now,” she soothed as she brushed some of her red hair over her right ear. She looked around her, to see if his parents were anywhere in sight. She picked him up in her arms and walked back towards the city square.

Roleplay from Drizztle Sharpspeare   (8 hours, 40 minutes ago)  message to all nobles of D'Hara

Drizztle surveyed the carnage of the battle. Port Raviel had survived another round of monsters. But she did not do so unscathed. After the battle had ended, he had his men assist with the clean up efforts. Moving the monster corpses out of the streets. As his men went about their grim work, he spied Dame Kateera. She seemed to be about assisting the people. 'Good,' he thought, 'see to the people of Port Raviel. They are a hardy people but they still need a strong, confident hand to keep their spirits up.' He assisted two of his men with this boar headed monstrosity when he looked back. Dame Kateera was carrying a small child towards the city square.

"Captain Werner, take over here. I'm going to assist Kateera in her efforts," Drizztle ordered. The Captain looked his lord in the eye before looking in the direction his lord he had been looking. He then saluted Baron Drizztle and said, "Yes, mi'lord. But I am sending two men with you. Best keep you safe." Drizztle briefly smiled before rushing off. He was getting close before she turned down an alley. Curious, he went to the alley. Almost immediately he was hit with something. 'Was that a piece of rock or a building?' He thought. Dame Kateera called out, "Who are you and why are you following us?" Drizztle laughed and called out, "I saw red hair carrying a child. I thought I would help you Dame Kateera. And might I say, nice aim. Hit me just above the left eye."
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious" ~ Vince Lombardi

"Allons-y" 10th Doctor


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Re: A Knight in Port Raviel
« Reply #1: November 16, 2016, 01:48:54 AM »
Roleplay from Kateera McDowell   (8 hours, 15 minutes ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

When she realized who it was, Kateera's hands flew to her mouth. Her grey eyes widened and she gasped. “Baron Drizztle,” she said his name almost painfully. “I did not see you… please accept my deepest apologies.”

The child stood behind her long legs and she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “I was merely looking for this poor child's parents when I felt someone follow… again my deepest apologies.” Her pale skin turned red with embarrassment. “What brings you here?”

Roleplay from Drizztle Sharpspeare   (8 hours ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

As his men finally caught up to him, Drizztle wiped the little bit of blood from his forehead. After a good hearty belly laugh he said, "I saw you leave with just that child. I figured I would help you. Besides, carrying that child would hinder your ability to defend yourself. I did not want a monster to get you both." At that, he motioned for his men to surround Dame Kateera and the child. "Sorry to startle you. We will find this child's family together. You were headed to the city center? Shall we continue then?" He said as he half turned to leave.
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious" ~ Vince Lombardi

"Allons-y" 10th Doctor


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Re: A Knight in Port Raviel
« Reply #2: November 16, 2016, 01:51:51 AM »
Roleplay from Kateera McDowell   (7 hours, 17 minutes ago)  message to all nobles of D'Hara

Kateera nodded her head and took the small child's hand, she was grateful for the assistance. She walked side by side with Drizztle, surrounded by his men. “Thank you,” she gave him her best smile and looked into his eyes trying to figure out their color. She took the moment to examine the rest of him. They had exchanged letters recently and she found herself looking forward to the exchange.

Roleplay from Drizztle Sharpspeare   (6 hours, 58 minutes ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

Drizztle examined as many faces as he could searching for the child's parents. He was happy to help out this young woman with this. He had learned long ago, treat your people right, and they will return the favor. And this young noble, she was something else. He had encountered many different types of people on his journeys, but no one quite like her. And that red hair of hers was a sight to his deep ocean blue eyes.

After twenty minutes of searching, they found the parents. They thanked the two nobles profusely. "You are welcome good people. But you should direct most of the gratitude to the lovely noble next to me. She found your child and took good care while we searched for you." Drizztle told them. Then after looking Kateera over, he turn back to the grateful couple. Reaching up to his recent wound and told the couple, "She defended your child quite well. I can assure you." Drizztle chuckled as the couple made their exit with the child.
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious" ~ Vince Lombardi

"Allons-y" 10th Doctor


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Re: A Knight in Port Raviel
« Reply #3: November 16, 2016, 01:53:34 AM »
Roleplay from Kateera McDowell   (6 hours, 48 minutes ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

His eyes were deep blue she noticed with satisfaction, gorgeous. She tried not to stare into his eyes for fear that he would see her looking back. When he looked in her direction she averted her gaze. At his words she blushed again. She felt horrible for having hit him. Facing him she examined the small wound with a gentle finger. “I can't believe I hit you...” she started softly. “How can I make it up to you?”

Roleplay from Drizztle Sharpspeare   (6 hours, 42 minutes ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

Drizztle smiled as she gently touched the small wound above his eye. "Do not be sorry. You defended that child from an unknown danger. I should have called out to you. But if you want to make it up to me, you could join me for a friendly duel. Allow me to show you I can defend myself from monsters and..." pausing for a moment, his smile grew big, "flying rocks." He laughed heartily.
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious" ~ Vince Lombardi

"Allons-y" 10th Doctor


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Re: A Knight in Port Raviel
« Reply #4: November 16, 2016, 01:55:30 AM »
Roleplay from Kateera McDowell   (6 hours, 34 minutes ago)  message to all nobles of D'Hara

At his words, she let out a hearty laugh. “I've already seen what you can do against monsters, and you have impressed me…” She blushed at the admittance.

They left the alley back into the town square where the rest of her men were still helping the commoners. They were cleaning up the streets and she moved out to stand before the fountain in the square. “I accept your challenge,” she grinned mischievously. “Don't take it easy on me because I'm a woman now,” she winked in his direction.

Roleplay from Drizztle Sharpspeare   (6 hours, 21 minutes ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

That brought another smile to his face. "As you wish, good lady." Drizztle then took a stance opposite to Kateera. After taking a bow, they brought their swords up. He took a moment to examine her. This should prove interesting.

He struck first, attacking her left side. She blocked and countered with a strike of her own. He deftly avoided the blow and struck at her again. Round and round the blows from both struck; and time and again the other blocked. He was throughly impressed with this young noble. But finally she over extended a strike. He used the opportunity to get around her and smack her on her backside with the flat side of his sword. "Not bad. You have room for improvement, but it is obvious you know how to handle your weapon." He moved closer to her. "Did I hurt you with that strike?"
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious" ~ Vince Lombardi

"Allons-y" 10th Doctor


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Re: A Knight in Port Raviel
« Reply #5: November 16, 2016, 01:58:23 AM »
Roleplay from Kateera McDowell   (6 hours ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

Kateera let out a small yelp as he smacked her backside and looked at him through the corner of her eye. He moved around to face her and she grinned. “Only my pride...” she smiled; the playfulness still playing over her full lips.

Some of the men had gathered around to see the display and she did he best to ignore them. She was focused on the Baron. As Drizztle closed the distance once more, she raised her sword inviting him to a new duel. “Give me some time…”

Backing up quickly, she struck his blade with a small tap. “Unless you feel tired already,” she taunted, her grey eyes twinkling. She slid the edge of her blade along his, with a ringing of metal and locked grey eyes to his blue. “Impress me some more...” And the duel was back on, and this time she was on the attack, catching him off guard. He blocked quickly and she focused on her foot work as she danced out of the way of his next strike. Together they stood in a battle stance, grinning at one another.

Roleplay from Drizztle Sharpspeare   (5 hours, 24 minutes ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

'Fantastic!' Drizztle screamed in his mind, 'She is a fine swordswoman.' After doing a feint to the left, he struck right. She blocked the attacked expertly. The crowd that had gathered cheered her. After fighting monsters, these people needed something to distract themselves. And two expert sword fighters putting a show was doing the trick. This inspired him to try a few moves he normally wouldn't; they were more for show than anything else.

After another 10 minutes, he finally made a mistake; he had fallen for a feint. As he struck empty air, she struck near his head. After they parted he checked his ear. No blood. He then noticed a strand of hair on the ground. "Villain!" He exclaimed in good humor. "You have wounded me." She laughed, "Your hair could do with a trim," she replied, smiling. "Those are fighting words, my good lady." Drizztle replied back; he accentuated his point with a strike. They fought on and on. The crowd showed their  excitement with "oohs!" at appropriate moments. Finally they both made a move and ended with their swords at each others' throats. They had both had the same idea.

"Well done, Dame Kateera. What do you say we put our swords away and go find somewhere to eat?" He offered.
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious" ~ Vince Lombardi

"Allons-y" 10th Doctor


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Re: A Knight in Port Raviel
« Reply #6: November 16, 2016, 02:01:38 AM »
Roleplay from Kateera McDowell   (5 hours, 12 minutes ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

Kateera laughed with delight at her accomplishment. “Please call me Kat...” she smiled. “You aren't bad either Baron Drizztle, I'll have to make sure you're nearby in any upcoming battles.”

They put their swords away and looked around to the gathered crowd. Kateera gave a small bow, and giggled, her nose crinkling at the excitement.

After their friendly duel, his invitation was very tempting. “That sounds like a marvelous idea, I'm famished.” She gave her men orders to keep careful watch in the streets and joined the Baron on their hunt for a place to eat.

“In my youth I have heard so much of this place, and now that I'm truly here, everything is completely different than I imagined it. It almost saddens me to dream of a fairytale for so long and to have it shattered by time.”

“How long have you been here?” she inquired as they continued to walk. “What is your favorite place in D'hara? My mother once told me of a sea of swords, where swords hung from trees in honor of the dead… I would very much like to see it. Do you know where is it?”

Roleplay from Drizztle Sharpspeare   (4 hours, 38 minutes ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

"How long have I been here?" He asked out loud. It was a good question. Since he arrived, he had considered D'Hara his home. They had welcomed him and his fellow Atamarans with open arms. "I'm not sure of the exact amount of time, but since the great island sank beneath the waves." He finally replied. He led the way towards a few good inns that would serve them good food. "Kat, I have been all over D'Hara. I do not think I have a favorite spot, but I do seem to enjoy my spending time in Port Raviel. After all, I visit here a lot," he replied. He chuckled briefly to himself.

As they neared two inns, on opposite sides of the street, he paused a moment and looked her in the eyes. "I believe your mother was describing the Grove of Honor in Port Nebel. It is a glorious place with a sacred tradition. Knights, every time they lose their unit, go there and hang a sword. It is sign of respect for the brave souls who gave their lives for our beloved realm. Over time, this tradition has made the Grove a beautiful and haunting place. But it is certainly a must see." He paused a moment and said a prayer for all the lost souls. They died so D'Hara could live. " are two good inns. They have to be, or the other would put them out of business." He looked her in the eyes and waited for her reply.
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious" ~ Vince Lombardi

"Allons-y" 10th Doctor


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Re: A Knight in Port Raviel
« Reply #7: November 16, 2016, 02:03:45 AM »
Roleplay from Kateera McDowell   (4 hours, 21 minutes ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

As he described the grove of honor, she closed her eyes and listened to the sound of his voice, seeing everything in her mind. When he was done she turned to him. “I would very much like to see it some day… would you take me there?” She inquired, not realizing how her words must sound. “I mean, if we're ever in the same area...” she let the words trail off and looked to the inns he indicated. She chose the one nearest them and entered, with Baron Drizztle following behind her. The innkeeper smiled upon seeing them, and Kateera smiled in return. “It looks cozy.” She allowed the Baron to choose a table and sat across from him.

It had been a long day so far and she was truly famished. As if to prove it, her stomach growled and she quickly put a hand over it in surprise. “I must teach my stomach patience...” she laughed. “Since you've been here before, then you must know the best dish. I leave the choice to you.”

Kateera then cocked her head sideways and watched the Baron as he seemed to be watching her. “Is everything alright?”

Roleplay from Drizztle Sharpspeare   (3 hours, 55 minutes ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

“Is everything alright?” she asks. He laughs. "Nothing," he replies. "This is one of the first inn's I visited when I first arrived in Port Raviel. I had gotten myself lost and finally decided to take a break and get some food. I was just seeing you in here for the first time and was reminded of my own first time here." He then motioned for a serving girl to come over. He whispered in her ear and she rushed off. He then examine the young woman seated across from him. Her red hair, the hair that captivated him, cascaded down her front.

After a brief silence, he said, "The Grove of Honor. I'm sorry I did not answer you outside. I would love to show you that marvelous place. The next time we are in the city together. If you are still inclined." She blushed and he smiled. To change the subject, she asked, "What did you tell that serving girl?" He could tell she wanted to talk about something else. "Oh I was just ordering. It's a surprise. I have a feeling you'll like it though."
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious" ~ Vince Lombardi

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Re: A Knight in Port Raviel
« Reply #8: November 16, 2016, 02:07:23 AM »
Roleplay from Kateera McDowell   (3 hours, 41 minutes ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

“Ohh..” she answered softly, she could feel his eyes on her, lingering over her facial features and down to her hair again. She couldn't blame him, she was just as intrigued by him. She sat there and recalled some of the words of his letters. He seemed to be fascinated with her hair for one, she hoped the rest of her pleased him as well. One didn't simply come out and ask.

She curiously looked over to the serving girl, wondering what he could have possibly ordered. He seemed pleased with himself.

“Is there a special place here in Port Raviel that speaks to you like no other does?” She wasn't sure how to carry on the conversation. She was torn between examining his features in silence, and smiling at what she saw or filling the silence with conversation, of any kind.

Roleplay from Drizztle Sharpspeare   (2 hours, 57 minutes ago)message to all nobles of D'Hara

"I enjoy exploring the Temple District. It speaks to a long history, both good and bad. It shows character, and I like that in a city," Drizztle replied. He needed to stop staring at her, fearing he was making her uncomfortable. "I apologize for staring. You are an incredible woman, Kateera...Kat." He fumbled for words, which was rare for him. But he was saved by the serving girl returning. She arrived with two dishes of fish cooked in a red sauce. But Kateera's dish was a bit different. The cook had added lettuce and other food items to make it appear to be mini monster. "In honor of your courage and monster slaying, I thought you would enjoy eating one. The sauce is a specialty of the inn's. They refuse to give up the secret to the sauce, despite my best efforts."
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious" ~ Vince Lombardi

"Allons-y" 10th Doctor


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Re: A Knight in Port Raviel
« Reply #9: November 16, 2016, 02:08:38 AM »
Roleplay from Kateera McDowell   (2 hours, 24 minutes ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

At his compliment, she bit her lower lip letting it slide slowly through her teeth and shyly looked down. Her grey eyes then looked back up at him through long eyelashes and she smiled. She didn't really know what to say in return. “Thank you My Lord,” she whispered. “I also...” She started to speak but the serving girl came between them. Maybe another opportunity to tell him how she felt in regards to him would present itself.

She placed a platter in front of her and upon seeing it Kateera grinned. “How amusing” her voice pitched to one of excitement. “This is wonderful,” she picked up a fork and played with the lettuce a moment to see the exquisite display. “You have quite the imagination.” She then took a bite and her eyes closed in delight. “This is amazing...” she finally said.

Together they ate in small conversation, Kateera occasionally looking up into Drizztle's blue eyes, seeming to lose herself every once in a while. He was talking about something at length, she was truly interested but out of nowhere she spoke. “You have gorgeous eyes,” she told him in a daze, not realizing she had said it out loud and her mouth closed with a pop. “I ugh...” She busied herself with her napkin and closed her eyes, knowing there really was no way to talk herself out of this one. “Just thought you should know...” she added lamely.

Roleplay from Drizztle Sharpspeare   (1 hour, 5 minutes ago) message to all nobles of D'Hara

Drizztle wasn't paying as close to conversation as he should have. He was too mesmerized by her grey eyes and her red hair. But he was brought back to full attention by her comment. As she fiddled with napkin, he was stunned and amazed. "Thank you," was all he could say. He blushed. His usual confidence wavered.

Just then, the band came out and started playing a tune. Drizztle turned to face the musicians, to give himself time to recover himself. "Kat, would you care to dance?" He was confident again. He could dance. It was something his mother had insisted on. He had balked at the time, but now he was glad. "I think I may just surprise you."
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious" ~ Vince Lombardi

"Allons-y" 10th Doctor


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Re: A Knight in Port Raviel
« Reply #10: November 16, 2016, 02:09:55 AM »
Roleplay from Kateera McDowell   (42 minutes ago)
message to all nobles of D'Hara

Kateera accepted his hand gladly as he took her near the back of the room where they were able to dance away from the tables. She wasn't much of a dancer herself, but that didn't seem to matter. He took her hand to his and glided with ease, he was incredibly agile on his feet. She was caught up with the merriment of the moment and smiled brightly, her eyes shone with delight.

“You're a wonderful dancer,” she whispered near his ear and looked back into his eyes. Loving the blue of them so much she felt she could keep staring in them and lose herself in their depth. He twirled her, and her long red hair fanned behind her. She faced him once more and smiled shyly. “No one has ever really asked me to dance before,” she admitted softly. “I could get used to this.”

Roleplay from Drizztle Sharpspeare   (just sent) message to all nobles of D'Hara

Drizztle enjoyed the dancing. He enjoyed being so close to Kateera. When she whispered that she could get use to this, he gently whispered, "It would be my pleasure to make that happen." After that they danced for a while. They did not care what music was playing. Eventually they parted.

"A battle, a meal, and dancing. This has been one spectacular day." Drizztle beamed at the younger Kateera. "If only every day could be this good," He wished, softly.
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious" ~ Vince Lombardi

"Allons-y" 10th Doctor