Author Topic: Under Debate: Marriages  (Read 15681 times)


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Re: Marriages
« Reply #15: June 18, 2017, 09:50:11 PM »
I like the idea, but in completely different form...

I am against marriages just between characters... there is no IC use of them but they can drag many complications... like if Lord of one region marry Lady of the other region it would be mess if it is allowed that they both can govern both regions and if it is not allowed then what would marriage mean? Also if there are marriages, then why would there no be children - and if some third player would play child or adopted child of two Lords who would with all right have claims over regions of his/her parents - how it would affect "no placeholder rule"?... There are many more similar complications... Also, same sex marriages would never happen in medieval feudal society... But it is the fact that marriages were important part of those societies... especially arranged diplomatic marriages.

In the light of Diplomatic marriages, it would be nice to have option that if there are two realms where elections for position of Ruler are restricted and if one of them is ruled by male ruler and the other by female ruler, that there is option for them to engage in marriage what the game could treat as 2nd Federation (considering that the game allows only one Federation to be formed).
« Last Edit: June 18, 2017, 10:02:29 PM by T0mislav »