Author Topic: Diplomatic actions should not be undetectable  (Read 3206 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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shouldn't be undetectable outside of ooc inference.

ie... praising/badmouthing realm should have a chance of being detected. much like priest's preaching.,248.msg9934.html#msg9934

Perhaps badmouthing the realm of the region owner should even be illegal when caught (if the equivalent of priest's action is illegal)


  • Mighty Duke
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  • House Bedwyr
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That's going to change as part of the diplomat tweaking, though it will not be nearly as noticeable as preaching.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


  • Mighty Duke
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including the bit about illegality?


  • Mighty Duke
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  • House Bedwyr
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Under debate, but one of the proposals was to throw you in prison if you get caught (read, fail badly on your diplo check) when badmouthing the realm the region belongs to, yes.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"

  • Guest
I'd say no to the imprisonment if you do poorly as a diplomat with one exception. First, let me say why I would not want imprisonment. That is because you have diplomatic immunity, something that should be quite serious. Yes, that means you can spend about 5 gold and even call your host realm all the bad names in your vocabulary. Yeah? So? You're a diplomat. Now why would this make it better?

That's because the ONE exception is if an Expelled Diplomats treaty is in effect. Not only can you get imprisoned for traveling through the realm, but if you so much as try to talk to a group of minor nobility and your tongue gets tied or is anything less than polished silver, your hosts would be all to happy too turn you into the authorities. That would give such a treaty more weight than it does already, because in its current form, all Expelled Diplomats does is allow you to capture a diplomat like any other normal noble. Even if diplomats gained immunity from capture eventually (They don't right now), it's not that big a deal since the capture chances are variable already and a clever player knows how to dodge patrols.


  • Mighty Duke
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just because you are a diplomat should not give you carte blanche against badmouthing your own realm surely?


  • Exalted Emperor
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just because you are a diplomat should not give you carte blanche against badmouthing your own realm surely?

The judge can ban or fine you as he wishes...
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

  • Guest
The point wasn't about your own realm so much as other realms.

Stue (DC)

  • Noble Lord
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Sticking to the original subject, it wouldn't be bad that lords and rulers receive note of heroes telling tales and the outcome of it.

Telling tales can give nice boost to the region, but if it is not your own region, you will not have thing you desire the most - recognition that you are doing hard work.

Of course, you can send your boosting messages of good work over the whole realm, but that would be the reason why information about region work was implemented, isn't it - to avoid such boring messages while retaining the main point, that is at least someone sees your work.