Author Topic: Goriad II's emigration to BT  (Read 9373 times)

Gabanus family

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Re: Goriad II's emigration to BT
« Reply #15: March 04, 2018, 10:37:22 PM »
Roleplay from Jorvik Arial   (5 days, 3 hours ago)
message to all nobles of Obia'Syela
jorvik approached the crowd of angry noble.
"I know this is non of my business but I am most curious about this murder. Was the victim a commoner or a noble? Under what circumstances did it take place?"

Fit of rage
Goriad II grew angry at the old man, but he managed to sort of control his temper as he replied: "In my absence perhaps not, but I am no longer absent am I? And it can only be you who attempts to smear an Inquisitor's name old man. I was not 'hunting heretics' in the south, I was performing my duties as Grand Inquisitor by the grace of Lady Rania. A great many rumours had surfaced that Jarra may in fact be alive and I was tasked with finding her, in that I'm afraid I have failed. Sure, many heretics burned in the process, but that was not my primary task. Unlike you, scheming and whispering in people's ears Vahanian, I let my Inquisitors a more free hand to see who was ready and who was not. Now that I have returned, it seems you need me more than ever!" He still had raised his voice, although it was no longer a screaming sound.

Then a smile appeared upon his face as he more softly continued "Lady Rania will soon restore my place in the church and I will resume the mantle of Herald. To wash away your sins and ensure the word of Obeah remains heard. In All your attempts and failures to secure lands and borders, it seems you have forgotten that which matters."

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint   (5 days, 3 hours ago)
message to all nobles of Obia'Syela
As Goriad II responded, claiming to be able to wash away the sins of Vahanian, Vahanian chuckled to himself.

"My sins are mine own, I have made my confessions to the Oracle herself and she has given me my penance. Are you claiming to be more holy than her? That her knowledge of Obeah and her teachings is lesser than your own? I answer to no priest by the Oracle herself. Be careful in your dealings inquisitor. The world is not what it once was."

Roleplay from Jessica Gildre   (5 days ago)
message to all nobles of Obia'Syela
Jessica started clapping enthusiastically in the wake of Goriad II's impressive speech.

She slowly stopped clapping and looked around at the silence of the street.

Back and forth continues
Goriad II shook his head: "Yes I'm sure you have fought to change the world. You failed at every corner. You beg priests to take up arms because of your failure. Your sins continue still."

Goriad II now took a step backwards so he could address them all again as he raised his voice once more: "Do you not wonder why you are plagued with chaos and loss since I moved south? You have forgotten the faith! You let this Templar lead your thoughts and prioritize lands over faith?!" He now pointed towards Vahanian.

"It is time we prioritize our faith once more! Let the Templars guard Avengmil, and let the Inquisition and Heralds restore order to our lands again."

He paused for a moment "He says that times have changed and that is exactly the cause of your problems! It is time to honor Obeah again!"

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint   (4 days, 23 hours ago)
message to all nobles of Obia'Syela
Vahanian stared at Goriad II, for a long time, letting the silence hang. He stared at this man, his rival, his opponent. A man worthy of being a foe.
"Yes I'm sure you have fought to change the world. You failed at every corner. You beg priests to take up arms because of your failure. Your sins continue still."

"My failures are known to me, and I freely admit them, and my sins are between me and Obeah, you have no place to judge them. However your, facts untrue and your mind is clouded by personal feelings, you have been away from this land for too long. Lady Rania issued the ask for Heralds to take up arms and join their countrymen in the fight for Obeah's lands. I would remind you once more, Goriad II, that the command of the military and the safeguarding of all Sacred lands, current and future, resides with me and me alone, as Grand Templar. Do not presume to dictate the actions of the Enlightened, you are the former commander of the Inquisition, nothing more, nothing less."

Vahanian didn't move a muscle, didn't flinch, didn't shift his weight, he let his words lay in the air for a moment before continuing.

"These lands have been plagued with chaos and loss long before you entered them, and that didn't change with your arrival or departure. You are not the force of balance in this world, much as you would have us believe. It is clear your sense of self worth has not diminished as much as your commitment to this realm. Would you have these people believe that you are the savior of the sacred realm? That you and you alone can stand against the daimon hordes, conquer cities and defeat armies? That you alone can withstand the constant onslaught of the heretics without yielding a single inch of ground? Come now Lord Goriad II, surely you can't expect us to believe you are a god walking amongst men?"

A smile admids madness?
Goriad II now smiled as he had Vahanian just where he wanted. He let him speak, but with a nasty grin on his face.

"Sure sure Vahanian, I'll trust that Rania sanctioned it when the Templar's failing jeopardized the safety of the realm. But what excuse do you have to continue this, while the lands are now safe once more? Or are you thusly incompetent that you can't protect my Mott and Baily in Avengmil without all the Heralds taking up arms?"

He smiled loudly and let his words ring with his audience: "The Grand Templar can't defend a chokepoint Townsland with walls without begging for help of the priests?"

"No old man, I do not claim to be godlike, but I will place my faith in Obeah before the expansion of lands we can't hold. It is through our devotion that the veil between our world and Obeah's weakens, ensuring her full return! Our devotion, magic and the devotion of the people."

He paused one last time: "By halting the spread of our faith due to trivial combat and land grab beyond Avengmil we forego our primary duty! Every Inquisitor he should understand this, or you are no Inquisitor to begin with!" He now yelled again as he looked around.

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint   (4 days, 5 hours ago)
message to all nobles of Obia'Syela
Vahanian looked back at Goriad, he understood the moves the man was making, trying to undermine his leadership. He didn't care, Goriad had no idea what he was talking about. He was no man of faith, he was using the pretense of the religion for personal gain.

"Claim all the falsities you want Goriad, the fact of the matter is this. All your claims are conjecture. You know nothing. Nothing. Of what transpired while you were off pretending to do the work of Obeah, or working out your daddy issues, or whatever it was you were doing. You abandoned your faith, and your precious inquisition, and then you stroll in here as if you never left. Coward."

Vahanian let that hung, he didn't care about this man, he didn't care about his posturing, or his political aspirations. He was insignificant. He knew what had to be done, and he knew how the rivalry between the two men would end up. One of them dead in a ditch. 

And more anger
A surge of intense anger arose in Goriad II. "Do you see my father here anywhere old man? I AM Goriad II lest your old age make you forget! I claim no falsities and once more since you appear to be deaf, I don't care what happened in my absence. I am talking about the here and now. There is no reason for the Heralds to continue to take up arms NOW!"

His anger became clearly visible to all who were watching.

"You are a disgrace to continue to push for lands and push to neglect our faith! And I went south to search for Jara by the grace of Lady Rania, but the rumours of her captivity proved false."

Then suddenly he took one of his curved blades and pointed it at Vahanian and his man "The Inquisition and the faith will not be silenced by those Templars who care only about more regions and wealth!"

Roleplay from Gythrul Attano   (2 days, 12 hours ago)
message to all nobles of Obia'Syela
Gythrul had seen and heard enough. Goriad II’s anger towards the Grand Templar had caused him to draw his blade. Gythrul knew what he was about to do was probably stupid. And dangerous, but he was committed.

He drew his own longsword. Darkened steel with a gold plated hilt, a relic from his days as Harbinger of Spearhold.

And pointed it at Goriad.

“Drop it.” The masked Wraith rasped.

Roleplay from Vahanian Blint   (2 days, 7 hours ago)
message to all nobles of Obia'Syela
Vahanian looked at Goriad II with an impassive face, he almost smiled as the man drew his blades and was even more shocked when the masked man stepped forward and drew his own sword.

Vahanain placed his hand on the hilt of his own sword and said "Goriad the first, or the sequel, matters little. Remember what happened the last time you crossed swords with me. This time you may not walk out alive. Sheath your blade."

New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela