Author Topic: Goriad II's emigration to BT  (Read 9390 times)

Gabanus family

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Re: Goriad II's emigration to BT
« Reply #15: April 03, 2018, 12:47:00 PM »
For this next set of RP's I want to especially thank the Gildre Family for not only putting together an amazing RP event, but also compiling all the RP's in one ( I'll be adding them here as well as it's part of G2's story.

A messenger approaches you and hands you a black and red envelope.

Nobles, Lords, and Ladies of the Sacred Obia'Syela,

It is my esteemed pleasure to finally introduce to you, the Lady Jessica Gildre of Rines.

You are cordially invited to a courtly evening at her Lady's estate in the Grand Temple District of Rines.

A dress code shall be in effect. Personal weapons are permitted, however, nobles are restricted to a one-man entourage. Security of the event is guaranteed by the Gildre Estate!

Lady Jessica will be most honored to reveive your attendance!

Please have your scribes direct any questions to myself.

Bryant, Master Scribe and Chief Attendant to Lady Jessica Care of, Lady Jessica Gildre

Roleplay from Alacrix Galar

Tonight was the night of the party. Alacrix was excited. The past two years have become a blur of swords, blood, death, and some fell monstrosity trying to eat him. It's been to long since he last went to party. Lately, during the quiet moments he found that he often reminisce about his former lifestyle of being a wastrel. He missed laying around and not worrying about defending people, or seeing good men being masticated by one horror or another.

With that Alacrix vigorously shook himself. Tonight was a night of celebration and being in a joyous mood. He dress in his finest. A cream colored jacket with a wine red vest and a matching large wine red hat with a even larger cream feather. Looking at himself in the mirror he had to admit that he looked stunning. With that he left for the party.

Roleplay from Jessica Gildre

Bryant stepped onto the balcony, dressed in a fine burgundy coat with a frilly white shirt poking out from underneath. His hair was slicked back and his goatee trimmed cleanly. He placed both hands on the railing and looked down at the nobles and lesser nobility which had gathered in the courtyard of Gildre Estate. The Temple of the Veiled Goddess loomed adjacent to the estate, dwarfing it in it's magnificence.

The buzz of conversation slowly died as nobles began to notice Bryant on the balcony overlooking the courtyard. As silence fell, he stood up straight, and took a deep breath.

"Nobles of the Sacred Obia'Syela," he enunciated loudly to the gathering below, "It is my personal pleasure, after several weeks, to finally introduce to the court of nobility, the renowned Lady Jessica Gildre!"

Theatrically, Bryant took a step to the side and backward, bowing with a regal flourish of his arms. From the darkness of the balcony, Jessica stepped forward and delicately rested a hand on the railing. She wore a midnight black gown which gave off the odd sparkle as light glinted it in the right way. The dress followed the shape of her body to the floor and trailed. Her neckline plunged to her waist, and sleeves reached her wrists. Her fire red hair was pinned back from her face, and shone brightly with her green eyes in the light of the wall sconces.

Silently, she raised one hand and nodded to the assembled crowd, and then withdrew back into the manor.

Buzzing talk resumed immediately from the nobles as two servants pulled the large double doors open, allowing access to Gildre Estate.

Roleplay from Jessica Gildre

You have been informed that Gildre Estate consists of the following areas:

The Dining Hall - A magnificent great hall with a massive oak table running along the length of it, down the center. Chairs have been removed for the purpose of the party, but the walls are lined with benches. The table is laden with delicacies, and servants port carafes of wine to and fro. There is much room for mingling, and a minstrel plucks at a lute in the far corner.

The Parler - A great room with a roaring fire. Plush chairs, couches, and chaises fill the room. One wall is dedicated to bookshelves, and a large tapestry depicting an ancient battle adorns the other.

The Gardens - A well manicured garden lies out the rear of the estate. Lanterns are hung throughout, and servants patrol the pathways to quickly serve thirsty guests.

The Training Room - Jessica has had the cellar converted into a training room. There are racks of blunted weapons, a padded section of floor for grappling, and various bags for hitting.

The Kitchen - Where the food is prepared. It is dirty and full of commoners. A noble would have no interest in such a room.

Roleplay from Goriad II Gabanus

Goriad II decided it would be interesting to'speak' with Jessica again. Afterall she never did answer his last question and he had become curious.

As such he called Sigmund to make his way to the manner. Even though he was regent and once more the Grand Herald of Obeah, he did not wear any fancy clothing. In stead he put on a black cloack, a thin one considering the time of year, but still concealing two of his curved sandblades and some daggers.

Some hours later he finally arrived at Jessica's manner and when the guards first saw him they almost wanted to stop the brigant untill Sigmund walked ahead of him "The Regent of Obia'Syela," and when Goriad II lowered his hood they decided to announce him with full title. Goriad II didn't bother to wait for them however and simply walked in "They know me, no need for the shouting," he said halfway through the titles, interrupting the announcers. "Now where is Jessica?"

Roleplay from Jessica Gildre

Jessica sipped from a glass of scarlet wine, listening absentmindedly as several highborn merchants prattled on about some sort of invested interest that they thought Jessica could profit greatly from. She didn't pay them any heed. She had little doubt she was already the richest woman in Obia anyways. The pompous merchants could probably learn a thing or two from her, although she assumed from their large waistlines that they could not accomplish the feats she could.

"The Regent of Obia'Syela, Lord Goriad II Gabanus!"

Jessica heard the porter call out the introduction, and looked towards the entrance. She saw Goriad II entering, wearing a simple dark cloak. Whatever her other feelings, she at least appreciated his style. It seems she shared more... traits... with Goriad II than simply a style sense.

Rudely, she turned her back on the conversation the merchants were having, and plucked another glass of wine from the tray of a passing servant. Her dress shimmered subtly in the torchlight as she strode towards the Regent. She offered the glass of wine to him as she idly pondered whether a Priest of Obeah consumed alcohol or not...

Roleplay from Goriad II Gabanus

When Jessica arrived with the whine Goriad II smiled for a moment: "I don't drink my dear, I leave that to the fat pompous nobles and the fools. I do quite like wine though, I find it often loosens the tongue and also makes for far easier targets."

He then accepted the glass and took a step closer to Jessica and softly whispered: "I've been in for but a moment and already learned that that fat merchant you were talking to over there has a rather 'playfull' wife and he doesn't know. It also seems she controls most of his spending. If need be I'm sure you could 'convince' her to pay for some of your expenses here if you provide her with some discrete entertainment."

He grinned as he made a step backwards. "Now you still owe me an answer I believe from the palace. How did you lose your tongue?"

Roleplay from Jessica

"I've been in for but a moment and already learned that that fat merchant you were talking to over there has a rather 'playfull' wife and he doesn't know. It also seems she controls most of his spending. If need be I'm sure you could 'convince' her to pay for some of your expenses here if you provide her with some discrete entertainment."

Jessica looked at the merchant Goriad II spoke of and frowned. She looked back to Goriad II and smirked and shrugged. She held up a hand and rubbed her fingers together, and then patted where her pockets would be.

"Now you still owe me an answer I believe from the palace. How did you lose your tongue?" he prodded.

Jessica's smirk faltered, and she took a long drink of wine. She placed the empty glass on a table and looked at Goriad II. She held her hands in the shape of a triangle on top of her head for a moment, then made a quick stabbing motion. She then closed her eyes and frowned, and opened her hand to let the imaginary dagger fall. She then held her wrists together in front of her. She made quick cutting motions across her body, then made a pinching motion in front of her mouth and drew her hand away from her mouth slowly, and with her other hand made a slow sawing motion in front of her mouth. She then threw her hands in the air, and swept them broadly before her.

Finishing her tale, she looked around. She had acquired a small audience. She looked back to Goriad II and raised an eyebrow.

Roleplay from Goriad II

Goriad II had also noticed a small audience gathering about them. He had put his host in a delicate situation but he didn't care much about it. Maby may belief however that he did as Goriad II responded by placing himself in a most delicate position. He gave the still full cup of wine to Sigmund and proceeded by removing his cloak. Underneath it he was wearing little on his upper body other than two shoulderplates and a strange looking breastplate shaped like a triangle with two circles on his breast with some sort of rounded sticks pointing to each other.

It was only when Goriad II took hold of both handles and pulled them that it became clear what the purpose of his armor was. He pulled out two curved blades, one with a red diamond and the other with a blue one worked at the top of the hilt which had been hidden. The could took a few steps wondering why he would draw blades at this party, but he gave one of them to Sigmund and used the other to draw attention to what was a large scar running from his bellybutton to his right chest. As the blade hit the old wound Goriad II bled slightly and smiled. "My first on this island. The Templars could not hold the line, so we had to hehe, didn't we Sigmund." His companion laughed as well "It was a good hunt milord."

Goriad II then moved the blade to his left arm which was filled with scars and other signs of old wounds. "My uncle, he raised my sister and me and was rather strict with our training. The Great Warlord King against two kids, it showed me the cowardice in 'great' man. His smile went to a grimace shortly only to return to a vile grin as he moved his sword to the back and turned around. It showed a back filled with uncountable scars. So many it became difficult to determine what caused them. "I still aim to repay him for it," he said with that same grin.

"None of these scared lambs understand true power, they think it resides simply in the sound of a title and the tip of their swords. They don't understand true strength, but you do don't you my dear?"

He now pointed his sword, still covered in his own blood at her mounth: "Strength is in what they took from us and put in its place."

Roleplay from Jessica Gildre

Jessica locked eyes with Goriad II for a staying moment. Her shoulders slumped ever so slightly, and she breathed a quiet, sad, sigh. She brushed the blade away with the back of her hand, and as she did so she painted a smile on her face and turned to face the gathered crowd. Quickly she curtsied, then bowed theatrically.

She spared one somber look back at the Regent, then allowed herself to be absorbed into the chattering throng of nobles.

Roleplay from Maura Arnickles Renodin

Unmoving shape stood before the Book of Names in the Temple of Rines. A dark statue with eyes transfixed on a particular page. However magnificently the temple has grown since her last visit, however the city has changed - it was all meaningless. The creature in the temple had a habit of focusing on one thing at a time and the thing that had her undivided attention at the moment was the line in the book: "Maura, Desert of Sillhouettes, Dwillight" with a blank place for the family name. She was pondering if she should complete the signature or strike it through entirely. Her shadow moved quarter of a circle as she remained motionless in deep thought, all the time not daring to bring her eyes one verse higher.

A couple of cautious coughs behind her back seeked her attention.

"What is it?" - she asked. "My lady, there is an invitation for a celebratory event in the manor of Lady Jessica."

As if waiting for a proper excuse Maura dropped the quill on the book, not making any decision.

Later in the evening

Managing to slip past the gates without much of an introduction and attracting any more attention than the necessary minimum, Maura went straight to one of the servants with the wine cups. She immediately downed one cup and grabbed two more. Then meeting a displeased gaze of some fat highborn merchant she took a measure of the surroundings for a brief moment and blinked with satisfaction when she decided upon her destination.

A while later she entered the kitchen and sat on a stool, sipping from one of the winecups. Startled household servants looked at eachother, when Maura said to noone in particular:

"I will sit here."

One of the kitchen wenches said with a trembling voice:

"My lady, I-I, d-don't think..."

"I will sit here." - Maura cut her off, ending the 'conversation'. The kitchen staff resumed their work, altough in this situation unwillingly they paid more attention to a noble in the room than to the job at hand, in effect working more slowly and causing many minor mishaps, like mixing up some drinks and miscooking some dishes.

Roleplay from Alacrix Galar

Alacrix was chatting with a rather sweaty merchant. The man was telling him how much he enjoyed the party. Apparently he had arrived early and proceeded to enjoy the fine wine that Was provided. The man was telling about one very fine wine that sadly was finished when he saw Regent Goriad II and Dame Jessica in a conversation. He politely excused himself and made his way over to the increasingly growing crowd.

Regent Goriad was bare chested and displaying countless scars. Alacrix was rather fascinated by them. He did not know much about the new Regent but he was shocked at the impressive sight. Then the Regent withdrew one of his daggers and proceeded to slice open an old wound. Alacrix heard several gasps and seen many looking very interested in their drinks. Alacrix though called not look away. There was a lesson here. Some sort of insight to a man he knew almost nothing.

Alacrix saw and listened to everything the man had to offer. He talked about true power and wondered if he meant Obeah or magic. As the Regent pointed his blood covered sword at Dame Jessica, he knew that he had to talk to the Regent. Alacrix had been meaning to talk to him for some months now on the nature of magic and possibly get another pamphlet from him. Alacrix still had the first that was given to him by the man when he first became a lord.

Alacrix stared at the scene and also resolved himself to talk to Dame Jessica. She is a very interesting woman and she was kind enough to invest in him for the war. He would have to thank her for that. With the downing of his cup of wine he fortified himself to meet the most unsual people he would probably ever meet.
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela