Author Topic: Goriad II's emigration to BT  (Read 9392 times)

Gabanus family

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Re: Goriad II's emigration to BT
« Reply #15: April 03, 2018, 12:48:51 PM »
Roleplay from Gythrul

Gythrul made his way to the Gildre estate. He wore his battle plate, burial mask and a black cloak. He took care to disguise a few of the Daimonic symbols he hadn’t removed from his armour with his cloak.

The Gildre estate was finally reached, and Gythrul quietly cursed that he had received the invitation late. He entered and took in the dining hall. He quietly cursed again when he recognised Goriad. And again when he remembered that Goriad was Regent.

The porter opened his mouth to ask Gythrul his name. The Wraith shook his head and walked straight past.

He saw Goriad pointing a bloodied blade at woman, with a open wound on his torso.

It was interesting for the Wraith. The whole affair was. He stood just behind Goriad, silently observing.

Roleplay from Jessica Gildre

Jessica leaned against... some odd decoration that Bryant had placed in her parlor while several nobles of lesser station chatted away. She nodded with pathetically-veiled interest, not even bothering to look at them. Two of them, recognizing that they were being ignored, abruptly picked up their drinks and stalked off. A third remained, standing awkwardly next to Jessica. She looked at him and made a drinking motion with her hand, then waved him away.

As the man left, Jessica felt cool glass press into her free hand. Bryant, having appeared from nowhere, let her take the glass of wine. "Maintain your composure, m'Lady," he chastised into her ear quietly, and then continued on to supervise the servants. She made a grotesque face at him as he disappeared into the crowd again, but none the less she stopped leaning and stood up straight.

She took a welcome sip of wine and looked around. Boring people doing boring things and... She narrowed her eyes, glimpsing around a woman to see a man in a black cloak, wearing some sort of wrappings on his face. That was certainly a bizarre outfit.

Curiosity lit her eyes.

Roleplay from Alacrix Galar

Alacrix sees Dame Jessica walking away from the Regent. He was unsure who to approach. Since the Regent was right there he decided to approach him. With great respect and a little amount of fear he approached the Regent. "Regent Goriad II, I am templer Alacrix. I want to thank you for that pamphlet that you gave me a couple years ago. I was hoping you may be able to answer a few questions. If you are not to busy."

Roleplay from Goriad II Gabanus

Jessica seemed to look Somber to Goriad II's surprise. "It seems she has not yet accepted faith, Gilly would have put her lips on the blade and drank the blood" he thought to himself as a smile appeared: "Then again she is the most wicked one I know. Where would she have gone?," he continued to wonder.

Then suddenly a young nobleman who looked familiar approached him and introduced himself as Alacrix. "A Templar seeking my guidance? Interesting," he thought before he answered him. "Ofcourse, my knowledge of Obeah is yours. What questions do you have?"

In the meantime Goriad II took his cloak again and once more covered his scars.

Roleplay from Gythrul Attano

Gythrul watched the red-headed woman walk away. He now knew where he recognised her from, she was Jessica Gildre. He recalled seeing her at the Astros incident.

He went after her, trying to track her through the group of nobles. He had almost given up when he saw the sparkle of her dress.

He navigated his way through the group, seething with resentment at the pompous crowd. He would have put them to the sword had he the influence. He would have punished them for their blindness to Truth. Would have.

He was stopped by a woman. She looked forty winters old and wore finery that marked her a wealthy merchant. He murmured a curse that would have caused the Inquisition to drag him to a cell had they heard it.

The Wraith clenched an armoured fist in anger.

“My Lord, I don’t believe we’ve met. I am Alyianna, a member of the shipping guild. And you are?” The woman asked, Gythrul opened his fist and clenched it again.

“The Last Tongue of the Gods.” He rasped, quiet enough to be unintelligible, but loud enough that the woman could hear him say something.

He began to turn, annoyed.

Roleplay from Gythrul Attano

Gythrul contemplated speaking to Goriad, but decided against it. If he wanted to continue where he had left of, the Regent would have to come to Gythrul.

He made his way to the parlour, glaring at the lesser nobles and merchants trying to get his attention. They were pompous creatures, though some had the look of warriors. These nobles received a polite dismissal.

A large tapestry caught the Wraith’s eye and he moved to it, studying it intently.

Roleplay from Maura Arnickles Renodin

Sitting in the kitchen Maura downed one cup after another, getting more drunk with every passing quarter-hour. From time to time the sounds of the party and chatter of the kitchen staff found their way to her ears: laughter, music, gasps of shock, "... half naked...", "... bloody dagger...", "... magnificent dress...".

Then - on a verge of drunken stupor she heard an all too familliar voice - sitting on a kitchen stool, really Maura?

"You... I... I am perfectly fine right here." - Maura replied.

Getting drunk on wine in the kitchen?

"It's a perfectly good wine."

I could hazard a guess that it would taste much better when shared with a fellow noble.

"Fellow nob- you see? I don't belong here, I can't mingle. I would make a fool of myself."

You silly goose! Of course you won't belong anywhere just hiding in the kitchen! Now stop moping and get out there! You at least ought to introduce yourself to the hostess. Besides, I think I saw batter-dipped lychee in the dining hall, you had a face of a ten-year-old the first time you tasted it, remember?

"Our experiences of being a ten-year-old are vastly different." - Maura said with a hint of a mocking smile on her face and continued - "I'm still not convinced, I... I don't think I deserve it."

Well, now you have no choice dearie - you've been talking to yourself for the past five minutes. It will be much more embarassing for you to stay here than to go out there.

"Akkan's arse!" - she cursed in half-whisper and seeing the servants even more confused than when she arrived, she swiftly stormed out the door, bouncing off both sides of the door casing in her drunken gait.

"Pay compliments to the host..." - she thought to herself when scanning the room. It took her a little while to identify the noble most oftenly consulted by the master of ceremonies - a red haired woman in a magnificent black gown. Maura's eyebrows involuntarily rose half an inch when she compared it to the rusting, fur-padded chainmail she was wearing. The pinch of embarassment sobered her up a little bit. She took a couple of seconds to pull herself together and begun a slow but intent walk across the parlour, towards the lady in the black gown.

Roleplay from Divus Lancaster

Divus had never really been one for parties. Large crowds not all pointed in the same direction overwhelmed him some, and the thought of having to converse with his peers in the realm was a daunting thought. While he certainly had something to say about military fortifications, or the best position to set up an ambush, the thought of discussing art or music or whatever the other nobles of Obia'Syela was a bit frightening. In truth, he most likely would have skipped the party if his path didn't lead him to Rines anyway on the way to Avengmil.

While his captain Luitpold secured provisions and a few extra men, Divus decided to venture over to the Temple District in the city, invitation clutched in his hand. While he did not know the host, he surmised that most of the nobles of note in Obia'Syela were given similar invitations. Once more, a new Regent had been chosen, and he felt it would be rude to ignore the event altogether. Perhaps stay for a drink or two, he thought, as his horse trot up the cobblestone road.

Already night had fallen in the city, but there was a lively and joyous atmosphere. While on the road to Rines, Divus had wondered how those nobles who were more religious than those in his home country would party. To his surprise, the din of the party grew as he approached. The sound of minstrels and laughter floated down the lit streets, commoners idling outside their homes and shops trying to soak up the atmosphere. They parted for him quickly enough and before too long a servant was taking his horse as he stepped into the party itself.

The initial room was so bright that Divus stood there frozen, blinking quickly in an attempt to adjust. All around him were other nobles in various states as they spoke and danced. Although no one was paying him with any significant interest, Divus still felt as nervous as he did on the eve of a battle. Adrenaline coursed through him as he entered the party in earnest, nodding at those who met his eyes. He had no idea the proper social courtesies in a situation like this in Obia'Syela. On the road, and in the small towns, things were much simpler. Mercifically, a servant walked up to him holding a tray of cups.

"Wine, my lord?" The servant asked, not meeting Divus' eyes.

"Thank Obeah," he replied, before taking a cup and downing its contents in a single gulp.

Divus grabbed another cup before the servant departed, but this time elected to savor its contents, at least for a little while.

Around him were some of of the minor members of the nobility, dressed in colors he did not recognize. Every once and a while, though, he spotted someone or a group from a great houses. Their clothes a shade finer, or their entourage a few people larger. In an effort to get a closer look at what he thought were some of the high ranking Templars, a woman dancing bumped into him. The wine threatened to tumble out of his hand, but he quickly recovered before more damage could be done. The woman had fortunately not fallen, but had stopped to catch her breath. She wore a green dress, with red hair tied in a tight bun behind her head. Her cheeks were rosy, and Divus could tell she barely saw him through the fog of the drink.

"I am so sorr-" he began, before the girl was off again, rejoining the dance. Divus sighed and finished his drink before looking around for another servant.

"Obeah, help me," he thought, as the minstrels played on.

Roleplay from Maura Arnickles Renodin

Pushing forward through the hall in unnaturally straight line only a drunken man can be determined to maintain, Maura narrowly avoided bumping into an imposing knight clad in full-plate armour. 'So I'm not the only one to wear armour to a social event' - she thought to herself, regaining some of her composure. Her optimistic train of thought was cut short by disturbing gaze of the knight slowly creeping up from behind his mask, prompting her to continue on her way sparing no haste.

Finally she reached who she assumed to be the lady of the manor. "LADY JESSICA!" - she said a fair bit louder than she intended and bowed in exaggeratedly ceremonial way, nearly losing her balance. "Maura Arnickles Renodin, at your service."
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela