Author Topic: Under Debate: Hunting Reports shared with (Vice)Marshal (maybe even with Army)  (Read 3157 times)


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Hunting Reports shared with Marshal

When Nobles who are members of the army Hunt, results of the hunting should be shared with Marshal and Vice-Marshal of the army (similar to when courtier does courtier work in a region, the region lord automatically receives the report of the action).

Considering that under "Command/Army Information" Marchal and Vice Marshal have insight in which members of the army are Hunting, this is different then looting (which Nobles might want to remain secret) so there is absolutely no reason for Hunting Report to not be automatically shared with Marshal and Vice Marshal (maybe even with entire Army).

Marshal and Vice Marshal should not need to constantly beg for reports. There are not really game changing benefits, but those reports are interesting to see.
Copy-pasting reports can be hell... especially when using mobile phone. This option would make this report (which actually has nothing that Noble might want to hide) automatically shared with Marshal and Vice Marshal (maybe even with entire Army).

Possible Downsides/Exploits:
« Last Edit: February 28, 2018, 01:43:04 PM by Wimpie »