Author Topic: Dwilight monsters destroy realms  (Read 10051 times)


  • Peasant
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Re: Dwilight monsters destroy realms
« Reply #15: November 08, 2017, 08:43:56 PM »
I get that with the decline of the player base a method was sought to nudge realms closer together; west part was closed off, large increase of monster spawns, sea travel, etc.

Well, ever since those days I have seen the realm player base drop from 30+ to 15+, definitely not increasing continent wide.
 It's all fine and dandy to shout generics as 'attract more players' and 'just relocate' but that is not the issue at hand. The 'solution' is not generating the desired effect and is actually driving more players off than keeping them.

As I stated earlier, most players that up and leave that I spoke to simply state they get no enjoyment from the PvE environment that is now prominent on the continent.

As for the statement 'stop expanding', begs the question 'when is it too much?'. Not too long ago we were at 2 nobles per region ratio and still had rogue units combined over 40.000 combat strength ravaging the regions. If limitation of regions is the aim ( per realm based upon amount of nobles, for example )  then surely another solution can be found.

 As for this thread, my aim is mainly to signal the devs and get some discussion started. I understand that per realm and per person the experience might differ, but I felt it necessary to report the signals I have received these last few months (year or so?).

And yes, you might disagree, but no, that is no excuse to be an ass about it. =)