Author Topic: Is it normal for a new ruler to lose all titles/gov positions and duchies?  (Read 25459 times)


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And so, I'm now Imperator of Sol. IE, ruler.
But I was banker (Overseer) and general (Archmarshal), now I'm not.
These are some of the remaining minor distinctions between government systems. Judges only keep their judgeship when elected ruler in tyrannies. If a general is elected ruler in a democracy, republic, or theocracy, they lose their generalship. If a banker is elected ruler in a democracy or republic, they lose their banker position.

I'm also not Lord of my previous region, a mountain region called North Divide.
If a dukeless lord is elected a ruler, they are removed from the lordship since they can't swear fealty to someone (to the duke as lord) under them (to duke as ruler) in the hierarchy. You should have received an explanation about this when it occurred.

The Realm of Sol also has no duchies instituted any more.
I'm not sure why you think this is the case, because its not. Or rather, what are you seeing that makes you think there are no duchies?

can only appoint one person to one position
Rulers cannot appoint themselves to government positions in republics and democracies. Rulers in monarchies cannot appoint themselves to be judges. In non-tyrannies, you cannot appoint someone to two council positions. It is possible to be elected to those positions.

, realm "resurfaced" to new, just because I ran for Ruler?
Not sure what you mean by this.