Author Topic: The New Xavax  (Read 39306 times)


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Re: The New Xavax
« Reply #45: December 12, 2017, 11:22:59 AM »
Novus Xavax was not our idea. That was a placeholder term in our earliest negotiations, suggested by NON-Xavax. I initially counter-suggested Xavax Novux, a play off of both our X-citing linguistic games while retaining the "idea" of "New Xavax".

...Do like Xaligus, however. Or Xaliga. Xatamara. Cinis Bennuides / Cinis Phoenixis (Ashes of the Phoenix). Or just Heliopolis, from whence hailed the Bennu myth that spawned the legend of the Phoenix. Thanks Herodotus.

...As the player who came up with most of the Xavax lore years before Xavax existed, inserting it into the early realm (both as a psychological experiment, and as tribute to the death Atamara. Hence why I created the Phoenix cult and called our king "Xerarch", among other bits. We'll miss you, Atamara.) I'd like to think my lovecraftian lovechild is still alive and well. Granted, its been mutated time-and-again into something altogether unique, but its both satisfying and horribly eerie how it still holds true to the ideological foundations and repeats the lore of feverish late-night type-a-thons.

You can try to wipe Magnus from Xavax history but he lives on every single time Xavax echo his crazy phoenix cult of pride and meritocratic imperialism. :P

Can someone ooc explain the Paragon bit? While it draws deep parallels with the framework of the phoenix cult, I have a feeling that is mostly accidental and that the Path faith was in fact designed to deviate from the old Phoenix pagan cult. Retain just enough to warrant conversion, the usual assimilation tactic.

Little known fact: Xavax faith, identity, and culture was designed in reference to Hebrew, Sumerian, and Egyptian mythology. The more modern bits were designed to echo Israel.

Edit by Gabanus: I know, but best to avoid sensative topics like this just in case so we can focus on the New Xavax and her name. Just in case
« Last Edit: December 12, 2017, 11:45:30 AM by Gabanus family »
Apsu@Legends. BM: Yxevarii Auru'in, Grandmistress [Ruler;Priestess-Inquisitor] (Obia'Syela-BT); Sigrid Gudrun Auru'in, Avenging Exile of Xavax, Countess of Slimbar (Redhaven-EC);  Masalu Auru'in, Linguistically-Challenged Sumerian Death-Cultist (D'hara-DW)