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Oldest Characters Still Living

Started by Medron Pryde, January 04, 2018, 12:24:16 PM

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Medron Pryde

Hey guys.  I know a lot of characters get killed over time.  Die in battle.  Or just leave for whatever reason.

Who do you think has the oldest character still in active circulation?

My Yao Ling started on 2006-08-17 for example, and the game says she's 115 years old.  Considering all the Daimon invasions she's lived through, I think she's starting to give Methuselah a run for his money.  ;)

Yao Ling Pryde
Prestige: 37
Honor: 78
Born: 2006-08-17
Age: 115

Royal, Ambassador, Duchess, Margravine, Priestess

Medron Pryde

I just found an older one here.

Bob  Baceolus of Ar Agyr

Prestige: 66
Honor: 2227
Born: 2004-03-26
Age: 124

That's bloody impressive...


There's characters who aren't included in family histories because they were created before the histories recorded character creation (or possibly, before any histories code existed). The only two remaining I know of off-hand are Ecthelion and Ryndhal. Considering Ecthelion player's the oldest remaining player in the game, that's probably the oldest character, from mid August 2002. Though either character could've been created at any point between then and late March 2003. Nabarl family is second oldest, and Cosula family third oldest.There's a total of 5 families from 2002, four from 2003, eleven from 2004, twelve from 2005, eleven from 2006, sixteen from 2007, eight from 2008, eleven from 2009, eleven from 2010, nine from 2011, thirteen from 2012, nineteen from 2013, thirteen from 2014, eighteen from 2015, fifty-six from 2016, two-hundred thirty-three from 2017, and six from 2018. Of course, there are plenty whose old accounts were deleted and they've rejoined, like myself (originally from 2005, but also from ~2008, and 2013).

Bob has held the record for the most honourable character in the game for well over a decade now.

Eduardo Almighty

My first acc was from 2006...  :-[
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!

Medron Pryde

Those are some impressively-aged characters right there.  :)


Wow, only 11 of us from 2006 huh.... I was part of a big burst too. Karibash was created July 6th, 2006, in Toren, South-East Island, currently 642/44 h/p, 117 years old.

Glaumring the Fox

Glaumring is currently 103 years old and a hero to boot,  2008-05-23. I had an account a year or so before this one so I may be a 2006 or 2007 altogether,
We live lives in beautiful lies...