Author Topic: Turin's return  (Read 7207 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Turin's return
« Topic Start: November 11, 2018, 07:08:25 AM »
Turin arrived in Nimh late the at night, he needed to investigate the battle for himself. Much to is disappointment there was little to learn except that Artorias had been wounded. He called upon the estate of Light Katrina Dragul one of his oldest friends. The staff admitted him and his entourage giving them the ancient right of hospitality.

He slept but briefly before being awakened by the cry of Ravens. Letters poured in from the church, and inevitably he would need to send letters back.

Now many sleepless hours later his wrist ached and his head throbbed. Penning one last letter he put down his quil, shut his eyes, and rubbed his temples.

Then without warning a joyous sound interrupted his moment's respite.

Her voice was clear as a bell, cheerful as a sparrow song, and warm as a spring breeze, "Uncle TURIN!" she cried.

Turin opened his eyes and at once forgot his wrist and his temple. The girl leaped into his arms and he could not help but laugh as he caught her. After a firm hug he held her back a moment to look at her better. It was hard to believe that four years had passed already. She really did look like her mother with her ebon black hair, and crystal grey eyes, but she had something her mother did not, an aura of pure white light, perceptible only to Turin.

"Stars be praised Severina how you've grown. You're springing up like a dandelion. I remember when I could hold you in one arm. How tall are you now?"

"Two and a half cubits," She replied with pride.

 Turin's joy and surprise faded a bit and concern set in.

"Where is your mother? He asked? How did you get here?"

"She is in the courtyard. We rode here. Don't be afraid for us. The temple guards came too," she assured him.

Turin hugged her again.

"You are unhappy," she said.

"Yes, there is much trouble in the church," Turin said, "I don't know if you're able to understand it yet."

"I understand it," she said, "I don't have the words for it yet, but I feel it."

She placed her hand on Turin's forehead, right over the divot where there was a hole in his skull, his third eye as it were. Turin felt the curiously cool touch of Severina's palm. His headache subsided, his eyes closed and he felt at peace.

"It is alright Uncle Turin, soon you will be starlight," She said.

"Starlight?" Turin asked, confused.

"Yes, you will be starlight and shine on me and everyone else for ever. Very soon it will happen and there will be no more pain."

Turin stared mesmerized at Severina's smiling face as he realized the meaning of her words. His eyes welled up with tears and overflowed.

"The world does not deserve you," Turin said.

"No one deserves the Blood Stars, yet there they are," she replied.