Author Topic: Discussion on Monsters  (Read 35237 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Discussion on Monsters
« Reply #30: July 11, 2018, 08:41:14 PM »
Let's not forget that the various maps on BM are HIGHLY unequal, with various pockets of pretty crappy regions. Poor cities are usually surrounded by poor regions. Often, for a number of reasons, those poor cities end up being capitals.

The more successful realms that start out in poor capitals try to eventually expand to take better lands nearby, sometimes they eventually migrate their capital to their better conquests.

To put a hard limit on realm expansion would force all the people in crappy regions to forever be stuck in crappy regions, because they'd never even be allowed to expand up to better lands.

Also, what motivations will be left for war, if conquest is out of the picture? Remember all those wars that realms wage to plunder their neighbors? Yea, I don't either. Regardless of what we would want realms to fight over, the one thing that ever truly motivates war is territorial conquest.

There are poor regions that are actually strategically important. Not all regions' worth are determined by stats alone.