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Brainstorming: Priests who lead units

Started by Bronnen, October 04, 2018, 03:58:24 PM

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Medron Pryde

All of those options would be awesome.

Though I do also think it would be cool if they could preach or...something else.  Maybe something related to how the Heroes sometimes get a chance to tell tales and increase morale in a region.  Maybe a Crusader could have the same option in a region that follows his religion.



In the past we've floated the idea that during auto de fe's, RTOs, and persecution of heretics there "Martyr" subclass participates more directly in the violence than a normal priest. This boosts the chances of the effort succeeding but also carries a risk of the priest being wounded or even killed. I personally like the idea a lot. I might also add that a martyr could be more resistant to being attacked by the followers of another faith, but if wounded may risk dying. Also perhaps there can be some function where if a temple is attacked and a Martyr is in the area they personally lead worshipers and temple guards in defense of the temple, with the same rule of making it harder to destroy or loot the temple but with the risk of the Martyr being wounded or dying.

I've also floated the idea of Martyrs being able to give bonuses to faithful nobles during battles.

Medron Pryde

I might think that would work great for a Priest/Hero actually.

Give the hero priests something else interesting in their gameplay.

While also not requiring that the devs add an entirely new subclass to the game.

I can think of one priest who would probably jump all over that if it became a reality.  ;)

Yeah, yeah...I know.  A case of trying a new subclass to see how it works.  But I have to say, as long as she's been around, it would fit certain roleplaying aspects of her character as well.



Oh one other thought! Maybe some modifications to the martyr's "tell tales" ability are in order. Maybe in addition to having moral and loyalty benefits for a given region it can also potentially convert some followers, and/or, and this might be hard to code, maybe there's some way you can give the nearest temple a free guard in a manner similar to the way a hero can get free recruits for his unit.. Perhaps it can be modified to function off of the temple menu instead of the actions menu.