BattleMaster > BM General Discussion

Abusive Players?

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--- Quote from: Medron Pryde on October 15, 2018, 03:03:42 AM ---And as a noble, you would have the right to make that decision and enact it on your own.

--- End quote ---

No really? Who would have guessed.

I have always been a staunch supporter of the Devs and Admins. They work hard and give up a lot of their personal free time.

This BT business though... it doesn't sit very well with me. For two reasons.

1) In my experience, there has always been a hard line in the sand for reversing events. Even for bugs. You lost your gold due to a bug? Ok, bug is fixed, but you don't get your gold back. Everything has always carried on forward.

2) To my knowledge of the event, it seems to lack any "abusive" element. Abuse of the game, to me, is when you click on your Family page link, and 1000 gold appears in your family wealth, so you click it 47 times until you are maxed out, invest in all the regions of all your characters, and then click it 47 more times.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but a group of nobles got together, gave a bunch of scrolls to a bunch of Adventurers, told them to unleash hell on Bara'Khur, and then watched the fireworks? I fail to see where the "abuse" was.

Did we discover something that is terribly over powered? Of course, and we should take steps to ratify that. However, the players involved did nothing wrong.

What is the answer here? There isn't one. It is a catch-22. Something has already been reversed. Can't very well reverse it again. That would be silly.

I am just curious as to why there was such heavy handed intervention, when that isn't how things are normally done.


--- Quote from: Anaris on October 11, 2018, 01:45:47 PM ---There is a qualitative difference between adventurers occasionally using scrolls for things, and loading up a bunch of adventurers with dozens of scrolls and sending them to literally destroy a struggling realm with no possibility of response or counterplay.

There are many things within the game, as in real life, that, done in a moderate manner, are fine, but when taken to an extreme, would be considered abusive. This is not a contradiction or hypocrisy.

--- End quote ---
Angband has just fallen to the constant massive rogue attacks.  The above quote could be read:

"There is a quantitative difference between rogues occasionally spawning to add spice to the game, and cranking up the spawning rates to drown out and literally destroy struggling realms with basically no possibility of response or counterplay..."

From a few days ago:

--- Quote ---October 2018 Recent Changes
Major Changes
Make adventurers able to cast spells from scrolls, but at greatly increased difficulty
--- End quote ---

So, it was temporary, to make the game more balanced.

Medron Pryde:
Yes, I did see that, and thank the devs for making the change.

I haven't tried using scrolls with my adventurer since this change back so don't know how much different it will feel, but thank you for returning the option, with limitations and modifications.

My primary issue is in the tone of the original announcement in suggesting that some players were being abusive.  I find that to be unnecessarily prejudicial and antagonistic to the players on the part of the admins, and believe it should be moderated to reflect a more balanced and neutral tone to reflect the position I believe the admins should take.


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