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Serious Question: What is with the crybaby mentality?

Started by Gildre, October 20, 2018, 06:05:16 PM

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Ah, Chenier, I was on a break from BM between 2010 and 2012 so maybe I just missed the worst of it, and it seems more relavent to me now. Haha, I dunno. Different realms, different experiences maybe?

Either way, I agree with Jev. A lot of it comes down to the "winning the game" mentality. People get rooted into a position for a long time, and as soon as someone goes against that they are "ruining the game".

I dunno. Maybe I am just getting too offended myself. Honestly Chenier, I am offended that you aren't offended. (jokes)
Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.


Quote from: Chenier on October 22, 2018, 01:34:58 PM
That's the only active thread concerning "abuse" and "powergaming". And the issue in question is the only such public powergaming one to come up in... years, I think?

"Realms die" is part of the original post.

"Hugfest" refers to... well, how else do you want to call it? Pax astroica? Refers to the period of time on Dwilight when Sanguis Astroism had theocracies and a few very faithful non-theocracies from the northern tip to Barca/D'Hara/Luria. And when they'd regularly come to the forum to whine about distance penalties for the armies, because they basically wanted to be able to crusade against the 1/3 of the continent left that hadn't opted in. They had gridlocked themselves in a series of alliances and federations and were whining for OOC solutions to their purely IC problems. And I bring this up, because, apparently, "lately", BM is full of "crybaby antics". But not a single example is given. And I can't think of any. Other than the one where the original poster is involved, concerning the adventurers using a ton of scrolls against Bara'Khur. So, either there's a bunch of incidents that are nowhere to be seen on this forum, on the discord, and in-game, or the whole post was a thinly-veiled allusion to that single incident. I which case, I'll remind, the devs promptly sided with the "crybabies" (do you think they always just do whatever people whine about, without any further judgement???). The only other "hot" topic I can think of is for the monsters, on Dwilight specifically, but  that hasn't really come up much in over a year.

Maybe read the actual thread, and a bit of the others going around right now, before saying such things?

I have been back for a week, I see plenty of whining within realms that never gets onto the forums or the main discord.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: Gildre on October 23, 2018, 03:15:54 AM
Ah, Chenier, I was on a break from BM between 2010 and 2012 so maybe I just missed the worst of it, and it seems more relavent to me now. Haha, I dunno. Different realms, different experiences maybe?

Either way, I agree with Jev. A lot of it comes down to the "winning the game" mentality. People get rooted into a position for a long time, and as soon as someone goes against that they are "ruining the game".

I dunno. Maybe I am just getting too offended myself. Honestly Chenier, I am offended that you aren't offended. (jokes)

That describes my experience in this game since the start. XD

But yea, maybe different realms account for different experiences. In Highmarch, everyone that wants something, gets it. That's kind of our problem, nobody wants any of the regions we want to take. But hey, you are there too, you know that too well. In Bara'Khur, I think most of us gave up any expectation we could have had for Beluaterra, so... low expectations are hard to fail. Just cruising along with whatever few opportunities present themselves, trolling other realms from behind oceans of rogues. In Westgard, well, people seem content as well. We are doing very well, actually I'm starting to worry about doing *too* well. Expanding is hurting tax tolerance of Gelene, which is making it a zero sum game (I really don't think it ever should be...). But otherwise, no one's complaining, we've got the best retention of the continent, probably top retention game-wide. We don't get waves of newbies like some other realms, but those that come tend to stick far longer. Unprecedented calm lets us do unprecedented brainstorming. Smaller hordes also means we can afford to have smaller armies, so I made another, and looking to make another again.

So yea, if some realms are problematic, maybe you just need to leave them. ;) People have always expected freebies and dev solution to player-made problems.
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