Author Topic: Scout from map  (Read 10714 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Scout from map
« Reply #30: March 17, 2019, 02:18:36 AM »

I think some peoples here underestimate how much time is wasted running around finding new pages. This is not attempt for more graphic game. This is attempt to make small improvement to - I am sorry for the insult, but is very true -  a very bad, very inconvenient UX. With such bad UX, people play the game less for the time it takes to do even the simple tasks. With good UX people can use the time for talking.

Please - if you are not a developer, do not use "dev time" as excuse. The logic already exists. This is 20 minutes of work. If I must, I will volunteer and make myself, if this is the only point against

I understand that I might be about to break the forum rules and I stand ready for any punishment that I am due for what I am about to write.
It needs to be said.

Who do you think you are???
I am no DEV, but if I were, I believe I would be very offended by what you have written here (and in some other places).
Several people have set aside as much of their spare time as they are willing to set aside to keep the game up and running for almost 20 years.
Have you offered your great and vast abilities to help our current DEVS to help make the game better for EVERYONE?

I see that you are willing to put aside 20 minutes of your time to make the game better for YOU (if you must), but are you willing to set aside hundreds of hours of YOUR spare time to make the game better for others?  Then face some newcomer to the game that says all of your previous work is essentially crap?

I do not use "dev time" as an excuse, THE DEVS do. 
Since I respect the fact that they are VOLUNTEERS providing a "service" that I can not do myself nor likely get elsewhere for FREE, I happily accept "dev time" as an excuse.

If the development of a game were so easy and quick, I suspect a person of your great expertise would be off running their own game, that they have designed, without flaws and not be here looking to shoot down our Devs and poking holes in their game.

From the posts that I have seen here on the forums, I truly get the impression that there is little, if anything, that you like about the current version of BattleMaster.  You have expressed, in many places, things that YOU don't like about our game.  You have repeatedly expressed how WE can make the game more fun for YOU. 

We all play BattleMaster different ways for different reasons. 
When insisting things will make the game "better" we must also consider if these things will make the game "better" for the bulk of the players or a select few.
When you belittle the devs by complaining about their work and suggesting that things are trivial to change/implement you are just being conceited and probably not even a very good programmer.  It may be easy to slap together a few lines of code to accomplish a small thing like turning a green light on, but trying to implant/mesh that code into existing programming that already runs thousands of panels of lights and switches and dials takes much more work.

What DO you like about BattleMaster, why do you keep checking in?