Author Topic: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin  (Read 54711 times)


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Re: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin
« Reply #105: December 05, 2019, 10:28:39 AM »

Roleplay from Smiddich Fontaine

Yo ho ho!

                        "I'll go back to scouting duty if you don't mind........Your Grace."
                        ~Nemean JeVondair Renodin

"Belay that!", growled the Duke, "And sit down!"

The older man swaggered to a chair and stretched his leg over it, slopping another measure of brandy into the dirty tumblers. He knocked it back without breaking eye contact with the knight errant. Though he was dressed simply, his fabric was fine and the cut was flattering; everything that could shine or gleam, did.

"You're bad at apologies", the Duke said at last. His ravendark hair was pulled back into his typical ponytail, secured with steel toggles, his fingers bedecked with old rings. "If Alyssa can't do her job, we're dead in water, and who'd take her place?", demanded the pirate Lord, "You?"

The Duke held the bottle corkwise towards Nemean, pouring him another brimming measure,
"I'll tell it to you straight, Sir Nemean, the men don't like you. Half believe you to be a spy for the North, and the other that you mean to retrieve your fathers legacy. You're nay half as smart as you believe yourself to be; you may be a tactical genius but you've got no tact!"

Smiddich poured the remainder of the bottle into his glass, barely half filling it, and he slammed it back. He slapped the glass onto the table with a grimace, "You've got potential... you've got heart! But we none of us know what you're fighting for." The Duke stood, rolling his sleeves smartly, his thick arms bristling with dark hair.

"It's time to roll the dice, Nemean,", said Smiddich, looming, his breath heavy with drink, "And show me you've got some pluck. Or I'll let that girl out there have her way with you, and have no doubt... I'll be the easier. On your feet!"


Training Match

(Personal message) - 6 days, 15 hours, 42 minutes ago
Sir Nemean JeVondair Renodin, Knight of Bisciye meets his challenger Smiddich Fontaine, Duke of Perdan, Margrave of Perdan for the agreed training match.
Smiddich has decided to use the 'overrun' strategy while Nemean JeVondair has chosen the 'aggressive' strategy, giving Smiddich the advantage.
After a series of blows, Smiddich wins the training match. Unfortunately, the winning blow was deep and Nemean JeVondair has suffered a minor wound.
